Report: Trump Eyeing Tucker Carlson As Potential VP Pick

    Tucker Carlson via Gage Skidmore Flickr

    A new Axios report gives an inside look at a plausible Trump administration cabinet if he’s elected President.

    On Thursday, Axios reported that Trump is looking to fill his cabinet with those “who share his zeal to punish critics, purge non-believers, and take controversial legal and military action.”

    “Trump hasn’t settled on specific roles for specific figures, and hates it when his staff and friends speculate otherwise. It’s not in his DNA to do detailed personnel planning, and a lot depends on the last few people he’s talked to,” the report says. “But in rolling conversations with friends and advisers, he’s been clear about the type of men — and they’re almost all older, white men — he’d want to serve at his pleasure if he were to win a second term.”

    The reported list of Trump’s potential vice president picks consists entirely of conservative stars like Senator J.D. Vance (Ohio), Kari Lake, and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA). According to the Axios report, an interesting possible vice president is former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who has become Melania Trump’s top choice.

    From the report:

    She thinks Carlson would make a powerful onstage extension of her husband, a source close to Trump told us. The former first lady has made few campaign appearances this time around — but a Trump-Carlson ticket might encourage her to hit the trail.

    Trump, asked last month about Carlson as a potential V.P., said: “I like Tucker a lot. … He’s got great common sense.”

    Despite Axios’ report indicating Carlson is a potential choice for Trump’s running mate other political pundits have cast doubts on Carlson’s ability to attract votes from any Democrats or Independents.

    Other possible top members of a new Trump administration could be Stephen Miller as attorney general.


    1. Trump could NOT do better that Dr. Ben Carson. We supported him for President when he was running for 2016. He emailed all of us before announcing that he was leaving the race. He told us he was endorsing Trump. They are close friends.

      I see two terms for Carson as President beginning in 2028. He is younger than Donald by a few years. I think he recently turned 72. He is beyond brilliant and a wonderful man. I’ve met him when he spoke at an annual meeting of the Illinois Family Group. He signed a book I gave our daughter who is a young doctor herself. He would pull the vast majority of the Black vote.

      I don’t think we could do better than Carson as VP.


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