Wyoming Official Intervenes On Court Labeling Trump ‘Insurrectionist’

    Missvain, CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

    Wyoming Secretary of State Chuck Gray is working to change a Colorado judge’s ruling which labeled former President Donald Trump an “insurrectionist”.”

    “As chief election officials of our states, [Secretaries of State] have to stand up for the electoral process in our republic, and this is pivotal to ensuring the integrity of our elections,” Gray told Fox News Digital in a phone interview. 

    “I ran on election integrity, and that’s why the people of Wyoming voted me into office. And I’m following through on that, and defending the truth here, and making sure that these outrageous, frivolous lawsuits that the radical left is bringing and trying to remove President Trump from the ballot, that they don’t succeed.” 

    Gray filed an amicus curiae brief, otherwise known as a friend of the court brief, with the Colorado Supreme Court last week that argues a Colorado District Court made a mistake when labeling Trump an “insurrectionist” in a legal case that worked to remove Trump’s name from the state’s primary ballot. 

    The amicus brief calls on the Colorado Supreme Court to vacate the district court’s order and “direct the District Court to dismiss the petition for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted.” 

    “It really should have been dismissed immediately, the case is frivolous. And instead we got this 95-page finding from this local judge there in Colorado and with the principle of issue preclusion, this could be really used against President Trump,” Gray said. “So it’s very important that this is just dismissed in its entirety. And that’s what we really try to delve into with this amicus brief … and we’re really proud that Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft and Ohio Secretary of State LaRose signed on.” 

    Gray’s move comes after a liberal group attempted to have Trump removed from the state’s 2024 primary ballot under the 14th Amendment..

    Gray told Fox News the case should have been dismissed from the start.

    “The frivolous lawsuits, they’re happening around the country, and it’s imperative that voters in one state not be affected by judgments in other states. And if you think about it, preventing an eligible candidate in one state for being able to attain electoral votes affects every other state. And preventing a candidate from being on the ballot, primary or caucus, artificially will alter momentum,” Gray said. 


    1. If Trump is an insurrectionist, then Biden is a traitor to his country And should be in jail for life!!! oh, by the way, Trump is not an insurrectionist, but Biden is a traitor!!!

    2. Trump an insurrectionist???
      That would mean more than 51 percent of voters are insurrectionists!!!
      Time to start the insurrectionist party!

    3. Democrats have become so immature and insecure. But SOME are objecting to the massive illegal immigration so there is finally some hope. And why would they support the Muslims who try to deny women their rights as has been clear in Afghanistan? I thought they were all for women’s rights. It’s a strange crowd.

    4. What liberal group – how many in it? Ten? Why don’t they publicize themselves so we can talk?
      Another Antifa group that won’t come out in public because they don’t want any repercussions or accountability?


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