Watch: Hollywood Actor Compares Trump To Hitler

    Austin Green, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

    Famed actor Robert De Niro says he’s baffled as to why voters aren’t taking Donald Trump “seriously,” comparing the former president to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. 

    “I don’t understand why people are not taking him seriously,” the “Ezra” actor said of Trump during a Tuesday appearance on “The View.”

    “Because you read about it historically in other countries that they didn’t take the people seriously — Hitler and Mussolini, they’re fools and clowns,” De Niro, one of Hollywood’s most vocal Trump critics, said.

    “It’s gonna happen. If he gets elected, it’s going to change this country for everybody,” De Niro said.

    “Those people who support him with anger and hate — because that’s what he’s about — they’re going to see,” he said.

    Next, co-host Whoopi Goldberg added that if Trump is re-elected in November he will move to amend the Constitution to allow for Presidents to serve a third term.

    “If he becomes president again, he is not going to not stop being president,” Whoopi Goldberg, one of ABC daytime talk show’s co-hosts, added of Trump. 

    “You understand this? His idea is to stay in until he drops dead,” Goldberg said. 

    “That’s it,” De Niro agreed.

    “He’s not conceding it now. So imagine if he actually did win the election — it’s over. We’re going to have such civil strife,” De Niro said.

    De Niro has been a frequent critic of Trump, once famously saying he wanted to “punch” him in the face and describing him as a “flat-out blatant racist.” 


    1. So exactly why does anyone care what De Niro thinks … his opinion is no better than mine. We all have to make our own choice when we are voting.

    2. So where are you moving to DeNiro?

      He’s such an idiot! And to think, I used to like his movies, now when I see him in one i skip right past it!!!

    3. DeNiro lives in the Democratic Controlled Fake Hollywood World, where there is only one party, the Democratic Party that has crazy ideas and ideals! Only electric cars on planet earth, windmills in all waterways, tent cities throughout America with free drugs, only two classes of Americans, Rich and Poor, OPEN Borders so more drugs come in and more murderers come in and more Democratic voters come in! You can hear it in his voice! He wants the Democrats to have total control so he can live the Good Life and Forget about the middle-class people that Trump caters to! He’s afraid Trump is too good for this country and will give the country back to the American People! MAGATrumper! For the American People! One Nation Under God!

    4. “Those people who support him with anger and hate — because that’s what he’s about”
      Wow! Pot? Kettle? Freudian poster child. Stage 4 TDS


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