Home 2024 California Governor Finally Breaks Silence on 2024 Run

California Governor Finally Breaks Silence on 2024 Run

Casa Rosada (Argentina Presidency of the Nation), CC BY 2.5 AR via Wikimedia Commons

California Governor Gavin Newsom is putting rumors to rest that he’s plotting a primary challenge against Joe Biden in the next election cycle.

Newsom, who has faced increased scrutiny recently due to speculation he’s planning to mount a presidential campaign, told reporters that he’s “all in” on Biden 2024 and has made that same commitment to other White House officials, according to Mediaite.

“I’ve told everyone in the White House, from the chief of staff to the first lady,” he recounted to me as we sat on the top floor of California’s now-ceremonial governor’s mansion on election night.

His message to Ron Klain and Jill Biden over the summer — when he visited Washington amid growing speculation, and considerable West Wing irritation, that he was plotting a primary challenge — was to count him as a firm supporter of Biden’s reelection: “I’m all in, count me in,” he said he told them.

Newsom relayed the same to Biden himself on election night.

Newsom says when he spoke to Biden on Election Night, he told the president “I’m all in; put me in coach. We have your back.”

Newsom’s declaration of support for Biden comes as he already faces a 2020 rematch against Donald Trump, who recently announced his own 2024 campaign. However, Trump’s announcement has been met with mixed feelings from Republicans as some say his bombastic character and history make him unlikely to win another national election.

Over the weekend, Twitter CEO Elon Musk announced he plans to support Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for president in 2024 if he mounts a bid, despite just reinstating Trump’s Twitter account access.

“I’m fine with Trump not tweeting,” Musk wrote in reply to a tweet about Trump’s restored account. “The important thing is that Twitter correct a grave mistake in banning his account, despite no violation of the law or terms of service.”

“Deplatforming a sitting President undermined public trust in Twitter for half of America,” he said.

In his reply thread, Musk said that in 2024 he wants someone “sensible centrist” in office, and that Biden has not been that. When someone replied to ask him directly whether Ron DeSantis would fit the bill, he said yes.


  1. He will wreck the country like he has done to California, businesses are leaving actors are leaving people are leaving because it is a sanctuary state and people are sick and tired of all the taxes the state imposes and it is more almost every year he has been governor! If he gets in as President the country will look like San Francisco and Los Angeles both cities over run by criminals and homeless! He cares more for illegals than his own citizens!

  2. He’s nothing more than a pompous, narcissistic guy who thinks he’s a hot daddy. He’s puckey and the only way a woman would be with him or marry him is because he has money, kind of like Harvey Weinstein and most of the NFL. Sorry, full of yourself, no class pathetic Governor who has ruined a wonderful state, line up, throw in your money to run for prez but America will NEVER vote for you to run our country when you can’t even run your state. Oh by the way, your state is a cesspool, drug infested, crime ridden, hell hole. He’s a liar and a phony and a user of Calif. taxpayer money for his personal use…problem is, most are so doped up, mentally screwed up, and follow the devil and the “FREE GRAVY TRAIN”and keep voting this scum in, just like his side-kick Nancy Pelosi. The greasy, slicked back hair does not make the man you think you see in the mirror. Glad we in Texas have a classy, God-loving, decent family man, unborn loving, children decency learning Governor, Greg Abbott. My friends and I won’t even visit Calif. any more for fear of being accosted or murdered by doped up street people, and don’t want to shop where we have to avoid needles and feces. Shame on rotten Gavin Newsom for ruining such a wonderful and beautiful state.

  3. As a native Californian for over 60 years, I can truthfully tell you that Newsom beat the recall through election corruption, and probably the same in the last election.
    He has ruined our state, is a hypocrite, and unfit to be a governor, let alone a president.
    Reports online say he’s in GITMO, and we are seeing one of several doubles.
    I hope they are right.


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