Home News Centrist Republicans Float Re-electing McCarthy as House Speaker In Wake of Israel...

Centrist Republicans Float Re-electing McCarthy as House Speaker In Wake of Israel Attacks

Photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

The old saying goes “the more things change the more they stay the same…”

Some Republicans are mulling a move to reinstate Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) as House Speaker in the wake of the deadly attacks in Israel.

On Saturday morning, Palestine militant group Hamas launched its surprise attack on Israel, prompting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to declare war on the organization and order retaliatory action.

“Israel attacks have moderates holding out for the one person who can truly unite us: Kevin McCarthy,” a House GOP lawmaker said.

Last week, McCarthy was ousted by the votes of eight Republicans and all House Democrats thanks to a rule change McCarthy agreed to when he was elected speaker.

However, handing McCarthy back the Speaker’s gavel is an uphill battle due to the support Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) have already garnered. Last week, former President Donald Trump threw his support behind Jordan for Speaker.

McCarthy, for his part, is “aware and grateful” for the efforts to reinstate him, but he’s not engaging at this point, the House GOP lawmaker said.

However, some Republicans are optimistic that it could be done, given the severity of the attack in Israel. They believe the urgency surrounding the attacks could pressure the eight House Republicans who voted to oust McCarthy to switch their stance. Many Republicans are still upset with those who voted against McCarthy, who is a vocal supporter of Israel, and are “using this moment to show how wrong they were,” per the House GOP lawmaker.

“A short window is all we need in the House to reinstate Kevin McCarthy and change the rule,” Rep. John Duarte (R-CA) said.

House Republicans plan on meeting behind closed doors on Monday to hash out details and differences of opinion. On Tuesday, there will be a candidate forum to hear the pros and cons of each speaker candidate.

The conference plans to hold a secret vote on Wednesday to see who it wants to nominate for speaker on the floor. The nomination will go to whichever candidate secures a majority of the GOP conference. That figure could be as low as 113, including the three nonvoting GOP delegates to the House. If all 435 House members participate, a successful candidate will need 217 votes to become speaker.


  1. Piss off America like you already have: the GOP needs to all be turned over with the exception of 9. You are all RINO Uniparty Communists

  2. Hilarious. Not gonna happen. Mccarthy should have done way more than he did. No balls to remove Nancy from what is his office. Nah…pick someone with a spine

    • He gas been a closet MARXIST since his college days. He only uses the R because he couldn’t be elected as a SWP or D in California. This would be a good time to boot him out the party. He is even more liberal on many issues than Biden. That is why they love each other so much. Maybe he and Marxist Prissy Sissy Christy could change parties and run as a P/VP pair.

  3. Americans (that includes mainly the Conservative Voters): Hello. I suggest as a candidate for Speaker…Jason Chavetz, former Utah congressman. He is quite professional, level-headed, knows Congress in-and-out, was a House Committee Leader, and does not need to be currently in Congress to run for Speaker. He is currently a Contributor for Fox News.

  4. I think Jim Jordan would make a much better Speaker than McCarthy. The Republicans need a strong Speaker and I am sorry but McCarthy is not a good leader.

  5. This is a SHIFF SHOW AND I’M NOT TAKING ABOUT THE CRIMINAL OFFICIAL IN CALIFORNIA!!! All who have been against patriot,conservative and Christians are all to blame as well as the administration in office!! You allowed bad policy and AGENDAS TO PASS WHEN IS ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! Please keep and save our freedoms and our CONSTITUTIONAL GOD GIVEN RIGHTS!!!!!

  6. No to McCarthy. There are way too many rinos in both the house and senate in both parties. They are corrupt and single minded — power and money in this one party system. They all lie and behind closed doors, there is no difference.


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