Home News DeSantis Dismisses Trump Running Mate Speculation

DeSantis Dismisses Trump Running Mate Speculation

Ron DeSantis via Gage Skidmore Flickr

Ron DeSantis has his eyes on the prize.

The Florida governor and White House contender said he is not interested in becoming Donald Trump’s running mate if given the chance.

“I don’t think so. I’m not a No. 2 guy,” DeSantis said on the “Wisconsin Right Now” radio show, NBC News reported.

DeSantis said he would opt to stay in his governorship over joining Trump’s ticket, adding that the vice presidency “doesn’t really have any authority.”

When asked whom he would consider signing on as a running mate, the Sunshine State governor said “it’s a little bit presumptuous to be doing that at this stage,” adding that he’s focused on winning the early primaries before delving deep into his search for vice president.

The Florida governor is trailing Trump in the 2024 GOP primary race by nearly 30 points nationally, according to a FiveThirtyEight poll.

Recently, a pro-DeSantis spokesperson told Mediaite he has serious concerns about the Florida Governor’s ability to take on Trump.

“Right now in national polling we are way behind, I’ll be the first to admit that,” said Cortes. “I believe in being blunt and honest. It’s an uphill battle but clearly Donald Trump is the runaway frontrunner.”

He added that DeSantis’ campaign was the “clear underdog,” and added that in the first four primary states, “which matter tremendously, polls are a lot tighter, we are still clearly down. We’re down double digits, we have work to do.”

Who do you think the winning Republican ticket is? Tell us in the comments below!


  1. Well my thoughts on DeSantis just took a nosedive. Being president is a whole lot different then being governor. Why so stuck up on yourself? Shameful!!!!

  2. If I were in President Trump’s position, I think I might pick Candace Owens as my running mate. She is smart, attractive, unafraid, and as conservative as they come. Four years of training under President Trump, and she’ll be in a prime position for the Presidency.

  3. On second thought, whomever President Trump picks as his running mate, after 4 years as Vice President, they will be first in line for the Republican nomination for President. Then the long knives will come out for that person, and their survival will depend on their financial ability to afford expert lawyers to fight the deep state. If President Trump were not a billionaire, he would probably be in prison today, so it would probably be advisable for him to pick another billionaire as his running mate – Peter Thiel comes to mind, an openly gay man who is not afraid to announce his conservative credentials with the financial resources to fight the deep state just as President Trump does.

  4. Well, DeSantis may be Texas’s “run for the money” guy, but the MAGA President Trump is going to win!!
    This man deserves to win!!! HE has been ..brutally maligned, invaded, threatened, improperly impeached twice to no good, mis-interpreted, lied about, arrested with vengeance, had everything he did that worked, torn down to make the world a laughing stock and yet…was the best damn president we have had since Ronald Regan had the wall torn down in Germany!
    We are bringing him back with OUR VOTES and….American DETERMINATION!!!!
    MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!. Lets hear from all of you!!!! ARE YOU WITH ME????

  5. Please everyone remember that if they are successful in keeping Trump off ballet do a write-in and vote for Trump. It would be so fantastic to have Trump win as write-in. I wold ROTFL if that happened.



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