Home News Fox News Reporter Dismantles Trump Assassination Hoax

Fox News Reporter Dismantles Trump Assassination Hoax

Gage Skidmore Flickr

Fox News correspondent Jacqui Heinrich dumped cold water on former President Trump’s recent claims Joe Biden sought to assassinate the Republican during the unprecedented raid of his Mar-a-Lago estate.

The basis for the claim is standard language in the raid’s operation order that said agents “may use deadly force only when necessary, that is, when the officer has a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or to another person.”

Trump is now reportedly fundraising on the debunked scenario.

On Wednesday night, Heinrich broke the news that the same guidance on deadly force that appeared in the Trump operations order was also in the orders for the raids on President Biden’s homes:


A person familiar with the Hur investigation confirms that the standard Department of Justice policy statement regarding the use of deadly force was also included in the operations order for the searches at President Biden’s residences in Delaware.

CONTEXT: yesterday, former President Trump suggested that the Biden administration wanted to kill him during a search of his Mar-a-Lago estate. A fundraising email read, “Joe Biden was locked & loaded ready to take me out”.

The FBI said standard protocol was followed, no additional steps were taken and there was no departure from the norm.
This news about the deadly force policy also being in place for the FBI searches at Biden’s homes underscores that point.


  1. What you don’t seem to grasp, and we are sadly very aware of the “limitations” of those who actually make it through J school, is that the offending language COULD HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM THE WARRANT, but was not. That was intentional and I couldn’t care less what your third party source thinks about it. You and he are both woefully ignorant of the law and should be prevented from voting as a result.

  2. Faux News really has gone to the Dark Side! It doesn’t matter what caveats are attached…it is STILL authorization for DEADLY FORCE against a former President! We know how easily such things are faked or setup. An innocent reach into a pocket can be made into a deadly threat. We know.
    The fact remains…this enemy Cabal SHIPPED the documents to Trump, and then attacked him over them! A plain, if not clumsy setup.
    Then, to issue an order that might be used against a Mass murderer, is an unbelievable “tell!” They want Trump eliminated or jailed. They left this “option” as a possible, last-minute solution.
    Fox News has had the Kool-Aid. They’re another propaganda outlet of our enemy within!

  3. The language about deadly force is standard boilerplate which is included in every FBI raid order. The real shocker is that Biden’s DOJ ordered the FBI to conduct a raid on Biden’s political opponent in the first place. By ordering the raid, the totalitarian “Democrats” achieved their “fundamental transformation” of the United States from a constitutional republic to a third-world style dictatorship.

  4. …and we ALL know that cops and FBI NEVER shoot and kill innocent people defending themselves because the cops are at the wrong address, shatter the door and fill the house with their numbers BEFORE they even say ‘POLICE!”.

  5. She “dismantled” nothing. His being there is exactly what the nazi leftists were counting on so that they think up an excuse to murder him. Thank God he wasn’t there. God protect him.


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