Home News Judge Imposes Rules Ahead Of Michael Cohen Testimony

Judge Imposes Rules Ahead Of Michael Cohen Testimony

IowaPolitics.com, CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Judge Juan Merchan on Friday directed Manhattan prosecutors to inform Michael Cohen to stop speaking publicly about the case as his testimony approaches.

Cohen is expected to testify Monday and has been billed as a key witness for the district attorney’s office. He made the $130,000 hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels, who claimed she had an affair with Trump, which he denies. 

The Hill reports:

Trump’s lawyers have repeatedly criticized Cohen’s public attacks on Trump, given that the former president’s ability to respond is limited under the terms of his gag order.

Todd Blanche, Trump’s attorney, asked that Cohen be prohibited from talking “in the same way President Trump is” restricted.

“I will direct the People to communicate to Mr. Cohen that the judge is asking him to refrain from any more statements about this case,” Merchan said from the bench.

He told prosecutors moments later, “that comes from the bench, and you are communicating that on behalf of the bench.”

The former president’s ex-fixer previously said he would refrain from attacks on Trump, but defense attorneys said Friday that he posted a TikTok on Wednesday night wearing a tee-shirt that showed Trump in an orange jumpsuit and behind bars.


  1. Cohen is a convicted felon & liar. This courtroom has turned into a circus. Only idiots would use a convicted felon & known liar as the star witness. This biased, liberal, so called judge who does not deserve the title has lost control of this courtroom. If Trump ,is convicted it will not matter since he will still be elected & this verdict will be overturned.

  2. This bizarre case can not possibly end well for President Trump. He has been ordered that he can not refute anything by anyone. We have no semblance whatsoever of a judicial system any longer in our once great country, One could probably name on one hand Judges and courts that adhere to the law as written as well as the Constitution]. By the way, I include the Supremes in this. It is funny how Trump thought his Supreme picks were upstanding folks that believed in the rule of law as well as the Constitution. He could not have been more wrong on a couple of these. They are as biased as regular Judges. TERM LIMITS are needed for all courts, Judges, Congress and all agencies where these people are employed for 50 plus years.


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