President Biden’s son Hunter filed a lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Systems (IRS) on Monday, alleging two agents wrongfully released his private tax information.
“This lawsuit is not about the legitimacy of the IRS investigation of Mr. Biden over the past five years or any decision to penalize Mr. Biden for any failure to comply with his obligations under the tax laws,” Biden’s attorneys wrote in the suit, according to The Hill.
“Rather, the lawsuit is about the decision by IRS employees, their representatives, and others to disregard their obligations and repeatedly and intentionally publicly disclose and disseminate Mr. Biden’s protected tax return information outside the exceptions for making disclosures in the law,” it added later.
The lawsuit cites testimony from two IRS agents who worked with the Justice Department, Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, who alleged the Biden investigation was slow-walked by prosecutors.
The two men spoke with the House Ways and Means Committee earlier this summer and also testified before the House Oversight Committee in July. However, the lawsuit targets approximately 20 non-sanctioned interviews addressing the case.
Biden’s suit seeks $1,000 for “each and every unauthorized disclosure of his tax return information” made by the two men.
“Mr. Biden has no fewer or lesser rights than any other American citizen, and no government agency or government agent has free reign to violate his rights simply because of who he is. Yet the IRS and its agents have conducted themselves under a presumption that the rights that apply to every other American citizen do not apply to Mr. Biden,” the suit claims.
The Democrats and their Saul Alinsky tactics have been done to death. Even if someone forgot to carry the 2. Drugs Hookers and a broken pimp cane are not deductions.
Isn’t it fun to watch Dim wits being hoisted by their own petard? Surely some of the 67,000 new agents can be assigned to Hunter and Joe.