Home News Liberal Comedian Walks Back Trump Comments

Liberal Comedian Walks Back Trump Comments

Austin Green, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Outspoken comedian Michael Rapaport is warming up to Trump…

Rapaport, known for his vocal opposition to Trump, told former ESPN host Sage Steele that he “was wrong” about the GOP nominee.

The famous actor admitted during an interview he began to rethink his opinion after his friend, Dr. Enoch Wilf, rated Trump with “100%,” especially relating to his stance on Israel.

“I didn’t like his mouth,” Rapaport told Steele.

“It was low-hanging fruit there,” Steele remarked.

“The mouth and the mean tweets. I didn’t feel like it was appropriate. Yeah, it’s not appropriate. And I would say that to him today. If I would say, like, yo, your mouth, man. You’re the president. You’re also 79. You’re the president, you’re 79. You just got shot in the ear. Like, get some new material. Like, truly, like, bring us together. Like, shut the shit up. Like, you’re the president,” Rapaport said.


Rapaport stated that the defense of Israel should be prioritized “first and foremost” and that Iran should face tariffs.

“So honestly, I mean, between your two issues, Israel and your money and the economy, would this be the first time you vote Republican?” Steele inquired.

“I’m not saying I’m gonna vote Republican,” Rapaport replied.

“Here was your quote. ‘Voting for Trump is on the table.’” Steele began.

“Yes,” Rapaport confirmed.

“Does that pain you to say?” Steele asked.

“Yes, it pains me! It pains me! It pains me to be wrong,” Rapaport responded.

“So, you think you were wrong about him?” Steele questioned.

“I was wrong. I wasn’t wrong about my personal feelings, and I wasn’t wrong about everything. And I wasn’t wrong about his behavior,” Rapaport said.

“A lot of people agree with that!” Steele said.

“I’m sure his own family are like, yo, calm down, man. Stop,” Rapaport continued.

“They do say that to him,” Steele commented.

“I’m sure! But I was wrong about Israel, and I was wrong about economy stuff,” Rapaport said. “I was wrong. I was… and I wasn’t even wrong about Israel. I was ill-informed about how he, you know, what he did about Iran and the importance of that and how it was. Put the screws to Iran.”

“I think, you know, as I’m sort of going through this process of understanding and learning, I feel no matter who anyone votes for, it’s never going to be exactly what you want,” Rapaport continued. “You know, I don’t agree with everything my wife says.”

“Yes! And you still love her, and you love the good and she’s working on the bad. So are you,” Steele said.

“But at the end of the day, you know, like I’m clear. I want my interest rates to be down. And I know, ‘Oh, that doesn’t have anything to do with….’ And then Israel needs to be protected more than ever now,” Rapaport said.


  1. I have only two questions of Mr. Rapaport. 1. I’ve never heard of him. What is his significance? 2. Of these people who don’t want to vote for Trump, but instead want to vote for his opponent, I wonder how stupid they are, and if they even bothered to research each candidate.

  2. “The mouth and the mean tweets. I didn’t feel like it was appropriate. Yeah, it’s not appropriate.”

    And the LIES and attacks on Trump were ????


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