Home News Report: Trump To Blacklist Anyone Who Works For DeSantis

Report: Trump To Blacklist Anyone Who Works For DeSantis

Photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

The divide between former president Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) continues to grow.

According to a new report by right-of-center publication RealClearPolitics, Trump’s campaign has informed conservative operatives that anyone who works for the Florida governor will be blackballed.

According to sources with direct knowledge of the edict, Justin Caporale, who helps lead the advance team for the former president, has said that anyone who staffed a recent DeSantis book tour will be considered “persona non grata.” A top Trump ally was more comprehensive, telling RealClearPolitics that the prohibition would apply to more than just the junior aides tasked with setting up folding chairs and hanging banners.

“It’s a time for choosing,” the source close to the former president said. “If you work for Ron DeSantis’ presidential race, you will not work for the Trump campaign or in the Trump White House.”

The threat comes as Trump enjoys a commanding lead in the 2024 GOP presidential primary field. However, despite DeSantis’ undeclared status, the Florida Republican has easily cruised to second place in most 2024 hypothetical matchups, causing concern within Trump’s camp.

According to a recent poll reported by Axios, DeSantis is leading Trump in a hypothetical head-to-head primary race in Iowa and tied in New Hampshire.

Both DeSantis and Trump received 39 percent of support from respondents in a head-to-head primary election in New Hampshire. 

When asked which GOP candidate is better suited to defeat President Biden, 48 percent of New Hampshire voters said DeSantis, while 46 percent said Trump.

Fifty-four percent of respondents in Iowa view DeSantis as the better candidate to take on Biden, compared to 44 percent who chose Trump.

The split turned personal for Trump when DeSantis responded to Trump’s possible indictment, telling reporters he had “no interest” in inserting himself into “some type of manufactured circus by some Soros DA.” (RELATED: Florida Governor Breaks Silence on Potential Trump Arrest)

“I’ve seen rumors swirl. I have not seen any facts yet, and so I don’t know what’s going to happen,” said DeSantis. “But I do know this: The Manhattan district attorney is a Soros-funded prosecutor and so he, like other Soros-funded prosecutors, they weaponize their office to impose a political agenda on society at the expense of the rule of law and public safety.”

Trump is known to direct his ire toward conservatives he deems disloyal. Following Trump’s second impeachment trial he pledged to support primary candidates focused on ousting Republican lawmakers who voted alongside Democrats.

“Even after the most effective Republican presidency, Trump is bringing back the loyalty test,” the organizer said. “Not loyalty to the country – but for a single candidate. It’s the American people who will ultimately decide who is the next president and many grassroots see through these desperate pleas for allegiance and instead wish there was a substantive debate about the future of our great country.”

Other sources close to Trump say the Florida governor forced his hand by refusing to defend the former president.

“It is very bad politics. This is a critical moment,” a prominent Republican operative said of the DeSantis decision not to rally to Trump’s defense. “I don’t know of any Republican voter that feels okay about what’s happening with President Trump.” The looming indictment, they added, was “the only thing that matters.”

The news comes after Trump attacked DeSantis during a campaign rally in Texas over the weekend.

A lengthy clip flagged by Mediaite showed the former president’s attacks not landing well with the crowd, who grew mostly silent. “Compared to how Trump’s crowd normally reacts to his bits, the reaction to his mocking DeSantis was practically dead air,” the report said.


  1. Pres. Trump, you need to settle down. I want to vote for you but you need to remember that for this next election is going to be only Republican Candidates and that if you win that one, you need all Republicans. Please quit hitting at DeSantis and quit the name calling.
    Most of my friends respect your ideas and what you can do for the country but they are tired as I am of your hateful personality. I did give you a small amount of money today but I need to see the grown up you.

  2. Do not believe everything you read in the main stream news. They are as implicit in the destruction of the Republic as are their Democrat bosses. They are too programed and stupid to realize how vulnerable they are. Hey Media ! Wake up ! You will be down in the dump with the rest of us.

  3. Ever heard of a circular firing squad? While I voted Trump twice eveytime he opens his mouth about DeSantis makes me want DeSantis over Trump. Only a debate on the real issues means anything. It should be Republican against democrat period. The more Reagan like republican will win the nomination. Every candidate needs to listen to Reagan played recently on Life, liberty, and Levin. That is the candidate we need. Republicans name calling and shacking baby rattles at one another is as bad as the visual of Hunter Biden naked smoking pot on crack banging whores.

  4. This is just the kind of reaction by Trump that gives me pause to support him. I can’t support reactionary blacklists or baseless negative attacks. Issues matter! Hollow rhetoric is useless.

  5. Grace is right. You cannot believe the “fake” media or vultures as to what they are saying.
    They think they should decide for the american people as to what should be read. They have been after Trump for years, trying to discredit him which has not happened in spite of their trying.
    this has only made Trump’s very loyal, very strong voter base stronger & more loyal which the vultures will never understand. This will also lead trump to a landslide of a victory in 2024!

  6. let DeSantis finish his promised governorship and run for President after that with two years clear from 2026 to 2028! We need Tump’s character, toughness, clear eyed common sense and his experience on the world stage which is pricelss. Remember..his problems have all been manufactured by Demorats.

  7. Though I pray daily that this nation might return to God’s favor, and pray for President Trump to be restored to the presidency, I do wish President Trump would be more restrained in his public comments. Being a New York Yankee his lack of good manners is not totally surprising, but I think he’d benefit politically by practicing decency and courtesy.

  8. Voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020. After witnessing his post behavior on his pathetic “red wave” while Desantis nearly swept all the counties in the entire state of Florida. He’s now reaching for any excuse for his losses and that includes hiring influencers to lie about Desantis. What I see is a petulant tantrum and making up childish nicknames. That’s not going to work again Mr. Ex-President. When I look at Desantis whose calculations are resulting in hugely successful policies, I’ve decided to select to Desantis, the GROWNUP. That’s why he’s known as America’s Governor. Trump’s defining “quality” is EGO!


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