Home News Report: Tucker Carlson Mulling New GOP Debate Forum With Trump

Report: Tucker Carlson Mulling New GOP Debate Forum With Trump

Tucker Carlson via Gage Skidmore Flickr

Is Tucker Carlson already eyeing his way back into the spotlight?

Nearly two weeks since Carlson’s sudden exit from Fox News and new reports indicate what the primetime star’s next move could be.

According to a report from The Washington Post, Carlson has been speaking with former President Donald Trump about moderating a forum for 2024 Republican presidential candidates.

From the report:

Carlson and his team have discussed the possibility of moderating a candidate forum outside of the traditional protocols surrounding the GOP primary debate system, according to two people familiar with the considerations. These people said the setup — as well as Carlson’s availability to take on that kind of role, given the noncompete constraints of his contract with Fox — remain unclear. But Carlson has personally expressed enthusiasm about the idea, according to people familiar with his comments. At least one major candidate — Trump — has told Carlson he’s interested, according to a person familiar with the exchange.

The former Fox host’s interest in a debate is said to stem in part from its potential to loosen the Republican National Committee’s grip on the process, as well as to challenge the role traditionally played by the major television networks. “He could go straight to the candidates, stream it live, invite the networks but maintain control over the process,” said one person familiar with the discussions.

The Post notes that Carlson’s Fox contract was originally supposed to run until the end of 2024, potentially limiting his options for establishing a new media presence if he intends to collect the millions the network is still legally obligated to pay him.

However, sources told the Post that Carlson could be willing to forfeit millions if it means he’ll be able to publicly re-establish himself.

Carlson has reportedly spoken with Trump because one of his biggest ideas is to moderate his own Republican primary debate outside the bounds put in place by the Republican National Committee.

Last month, Trump indicated he plans to boycott any debates during the primaries. (RELATED: Trump Signals He Won’t Participate In Any Republican Debates)

“I see that everybody is talking about the Republican Debates, but nobody got my approval, or the approval of the Trump Campaign, before announcing them,” Trump said to his Truth Social account. “When you’re leading by seemingly insurmountable numbers, and you have hostile Networks with angry, TRUMP & MAGA hating anchors asking the “questions,” why subject yourself to being libeled and abused? Also, the Second Debate is being held at the Reagan Library, the Chairman of which is, amazingly, Fred Ryan, Publisher of The Washington Post. NO!”


  1. All the Republican candidates should get together as a team to defeat Socialism and the Dumbacrats. Carlson can definitely help. Win as a team. Don’t fight each other.

  2. This whole “Tucker Gate” makes me laugh!! Tucker is well loved and deservedly so. FOX did nothing other than hurt itself. boo hoo. Let’s keep watching to see what Tucker does next. Yes, I love the idea presented above “inviting the networks but maintaining control over the process.” Hilarious!! Tucker will be fabulous at doing just that; he will do well, and I’ll be watching! and cheering for Tucker.


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