Home News RNC Prepping For Possibility Trump is Jailed During Convention

RNC Prepping For Possibility Trump is Jailed During Convention

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Ready for anything…

The Republican National Committee (RNC) is bracing for the possibility Donald Trump will be jailed during the convention.

RNC Chair Michael Whatley stated that the RNC expects the former president to be officially nominated at the party’s mid-July convention in Milwaukee. 

“We expect that Donald Trump is going to be in Milwaukee and he’s going to be able to accept that nomination and if not, we will make whatever contingency planning we need to make for it,” he said. “But the fact is, he’s going to be our nominee, and he’s going to be the 47th president of the United States.” 

Whatley, who was elected as the chair of the committee in March, did not share more details about the plans but added that “everything is being thought about” regarding Trump’s options to still communicate to the base, regardless of if he is behind bars or not. 

“We’ll cross that bridge but you sort of have to go into this stuff, as we certainly will be planning on it,” Whatley said on Tuesday. “We’ll be thinking about it, and we’re working on that right now. But what we want to do is we want to have a show that is going to roll out Donald Trump and his vision for America, which is going to set up this election cycle.”

The North Carolina Republican added that the former president “will communicate directly with the American voters the way that he always does.” 

On Thursday, the Manhattan jury found Donald J. Trump, the 45th president of the United States, guilty on all 34 charges.

Before Trump, no sitting or former president ever faced criminal charges. This is the lowest level felony in New York, any potential sentence will more than likely be served after the 2024 election.

Whatley stated that the RNC expects the former president to be officially nominated at the party’s mid-July convention in Milwaukee. 

“We expect that Donald Trump is going to be in Milwaukee and he’s going to be able to accept that nomination and if not, we will make whatever contingency planning we need to make for it,” he said. “But the fact is, he’s going to be our nominee, and he’s going to be the 47th president of the United States.” 

Whatley, who was elected as the chair of the committee in March, did not share more details about the plans, but added that “everything is being thought about” regarding Trump’s options to still communicate to the base, regardless if he is behind bars or not. 

“We’ll cross that bridge but you sort of have to go into this stuff, as we certainly will be planning on it,” Whatley said on Tuesday. “We’ll be thinking about it, and we’re working on that right now. But what we want to do is we want to have a show that is going to roll out Donald Trump and his vision for America, which is going to set up this election cycle.”

The North Carolina Republican added that the former president “will communicate directly with the American voters the way that he always does.” 

RNC co-chair Lara Trump similarly mentioned on Sunday that the RNC needs to be “ready for anything” in regard to Trump.

“But, yes, we have to make plans as they happen, and we’re going to have several contingency plans,” she added. “The truth is, it really doesn’t matter whether it’s from Trump Tower in Manhattan, whether it’s from Mar-a-Lago, whether it’s from our convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. We will nominate Donald Trump as our Republican nominee, and that’s what ultimately matters.”


  1. Well RNC, Consider seriously of moving the date of the convention to July 4th, or like the DNC will be doing for The Biden, nominate him on July 4 via Zoom.

  2. What would be hilarious is for the RNC to move the date up to July 4th as someone suggested. With enough money venues can be persuaded to do this. The crooked Judge, DA and all involved in this complete unmitigated disaster would s@@t a gold brick on the streets of New York City. I am sure the Judge could find someway to bring more made up charges against President Trump for some reason were this to actually happen. Regardless, you have many Republicans in power that still hate President Trump and I bet secretly they are praying for prison time starting July 11th with him being lead away in handcuffs. After all you have BYDEN and Garland over all of this mess.


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