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Service Member Fired For Refusing Vax Forced To Pay Back Most Of Signing Bonus

President Donald J. Trump is presented with a 10th Combat Aviation Brigade challenge coin following an air assault and gun rain demonstration at Fort Drum, New York, on August 13. The demonstration was part of President Trump's visit to the 10th Mountain Division (LI) to sign the National Defense Authorization Act of 2019, which increases the Army's authorized active-duty end strength by 4,000 enabling us to field critical capabilities in support of the National Defense Strategy. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Thomas Scaggs) 180813-A-TZ475-010

A U.S. Army soldier who was fired for refusing a COVID-19 vaccine has been forced to pay back his signing bonus, totaling thousands of dollars.

According to The Daily Wire, the veteran is among the more than 8,400 troops from the military, including some 3,300 Marines, 1,800 soldiers, 1,800 sailors, and 900 airmen who chose to decline the vaccine and be discharged by the Defense Department.

“I’ve deployed multiple times, and I feel like the last thing I had was selling leave days that I earned and was never able to take due to me being deployed or needing that time to prepare for the training cycle,” the service member told Fox News Digital. “I was about to enter a new world with no income, and that extra bit would have been a nice buffer in my rainy day fund to keep me afloat until I was able to find new employment.”

The soldier received a $7,000 bonus when he signed up to serve in the U.S. Army for six years. After he was canned for refusing the vaccine, he was reportedly notified by the U.S. Military that he had to pay back $4,000, a prorated figure of the bonus. The veteran said he was forced to sell 60 of his unused vacation days to make up for the debt.

“The appalling treatment these individuals endured broke the trust that is owed to our citizens and our volunteers. America’s sons and daughters,” the Army member said in a statement. “Until true efforts are made to establish trust, the recruiting and retention shortfalls will only continue. The individuals who make public statements that they are unsure what has contributed to the current recruiting and retention shortfalls need to take a look in the mirror; and perhaps they should resign for the betterment of our Nation.”

Another service member slammed the Department of Defense for falling short “on reestablishing trust for wrongdoings,” calling the signing bonus pay-back “icing on the cake.”

Pentagon officials finally ended the coronavirus vaccine mandate for the U.S. Military in December.

Earlier this year, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin signed a memo that will update records and remove letters of reprimand from troops whose exemption requests for the vaccine were denied.


  1. I think he and every Service Member who was Fired/Dischargedfor refusing the Vaccine Shot should join together in a Class Action Lawsuit against JOE BDEN and his so-called Government & each Military Service involved…..I should think there are several Attorney Groups willing to pursue this for them!

  2. This is a shame! Men and women put their lives on the line 24 hrs a day to protect me, my family, and my fellow citizens…and they are treated like this. Something has got to change in the Federal Gov’t. We American citizens who take care of our families every day, and support our military, etc. must begin speaking up loud and clear as to what WE BELIEVE is BEST for OUR COUNTRY!…and writing to our Senators and Representatives. If we do not, we won’t have a Country to be proud of.

  3. This is so wrong! NO one should be forced to take the COVID vaccine as it has caused problems for some. It should be an individual choice.

  4. Joe Biden is ruthless and cruel. He will do anything to squeeze more money out of regular citizens of America so that he can spend it on other countries and enjoying being in the DAVOS, Clinton re-opened Global Initiative & Foundations, and the EU European Union working hard to influence Biden to bleed the American people of every dime in the Revenues of taxpayers. All of this will backfire on the crooks. The scams and schemes of the TPP agreement, the Paris Accord agreement, Nuclear Deal with Iran endeavor, the Climate Change historical and proven to be a Big Lie, along with New Green Deal being a scam to indoctrinate American children, divide families in America, take our freedoms by their repetitive words to the 80 million Democrat members of the party in America who don’t dare listen to another viewpoint than Biden’s media. The truth is being exposed of the truly Deep State corruption of the DOJ, FBI, CSI, NSA, DHS, so many of the government agencies who have enjoyed joinint the little bubble club in DC, and it WILL backfire. Watch for it!

  5. So, they want taxpayers to payoff student loans f people who knowingly requested the loan and agreed to repay the loan? However, young people who, in good faith, joined the military abut were later discharged because they refused an experimental vaccine; that was not required when they joined, are being forced to pay back a signing bonus. This is not the country I was proud to be citizen of. 😢

  6. There is the Nuremberg Code of 1947 that many countries including the USA signed onto after WW-II
    So that nobody can have government forced medical experiments done one them.

    Remember the CoVid Vaccine was “Experimental” at the time the Biden Administration was trying to force these vaccines on the military.
    These military members should do a class action law suit against military and the government for trying to force unconscionable things onto their citizens in the military against their conscience! And, them firing them for their “Right to refusal” !!

  7. Biden should be forced to pay back all of the millions of dollars he got because of his position with the government.
    Leave the military alone Joey boy those men and women sacrifice enough without you sticking your grubby hands in their pockets.

  8. Most civilians do not realize that the all-volunteer military force is one percent of the population defending the other ninety-nine percent. They make it sound like the military is the bad guy here. The only bad guy is the president who forced his will on the very people who he can count on to protect us. It’s a good thing they decided to stop forcing people out for not vaxxing because eventually there would not be many left. If that happened, we would be almost defenseless if they keep trying to take guns away.

  9. At least god continues to bless his globalists and his globalist puppets; soros and chester biden and demonrat criminal party and rino criminal party and media and demonrat priests who love altar boys and all his CRIMINAL organizations; fbi, doj, cdc, irs, usps, fda, fcc, fisa, tsa, un, nato, cia etc .

  10. The soldier earned his signing bonus. He made a commitment to serve his country for 6 years to earn that bonus, and remained willing to serve the entire time. It was the government, not the soldier, who tried to change the terms of the deal by also requiring the shot – which was not required at the time he joined.

    The government made the assumption that all those who refused the shot must be conservatives – and there’s no greater “sin” in Biden’s eyes. They used the refusal to get the vaccine to purge the military of “the evil ones.” Trying to bar conservatives from an all-volunteer army is very risky business.

  11. better to be broke for a couple of years
    better than dead!
    but all these cases must be trashed and those imprisoned set free…
    what is going on?
    this is now, far surpassing anything heretofore..


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