Home News Trump Inches Toward Tulsi Gabbard As VP Pick

Trump Inches Toward Tulsi Gabbard As VP Pick


Could this be the winning ticket?

Former President Donald Trump has reportedly been in conversation with former Congresswoman and 2020 presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) in regard to her potentially becoming his running mate.

Per the Washington Post:

Former president Donald Trump and top advisers have spoken with former Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard about foreign policy and how the Defense Department should be run in a second Trump term, according to people familiar with the matter.

Gabbard told Fox News about her willingness to entertain discussions with Trump about potentially joining his 2024 presidential ticket as a running mate.

I’d be open to that conversation. My mission in life is to serve our country and serve the American people and find the best way to be able to do that.

She ran for president in 2020 and had issues with the Democrat National Committee throughout her campaign.

Gabbard served on the following committees when she was in Congress: Judiciary, Intelligence, Financial Services, Foreign Affairs, Energy and Commerce, Education and Labor, Transportation and Infrastructure, and Armed Services. 

There has also been talk that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (I) is considering Gabbard as a running mate. 


  1. I have been saying for months that Tulsi Gabbard would be great not only for her experience, her knowledge, her enthusiasm, her honesty and integrity, her competence but she also checks off other boxes that Republicans need. TRUMP/TULSI 2024 has a good ring to it.

    • Gabbard is AMERICA FIRST. She actually served in the military and Trump had received her advice often during his first term regarding military matters. IF she is not the VP hopefully she would be become Secretary of Defense. I am sure anyone is better than what we have now. He is the Secretary of No Defense. The bonkers neanderthal idiot doesn’t even report when he is off sick for days. I bet he would court martial any other military man if he did that. Frankly, I don’t think any other military person would be that dumb to try to pull off, but senile pervert Joey Boy thinks he is great. Of course, I bet he got paid anyway.


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