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Mark Meadows Ordered to Testify in Georgia

Office of Congressman Mark Meadows, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

On Wednesday, a Georgia circuit judge ordered former President Donald Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows to testify in an ongoing election investigation.

Circuit Judge Edward Miller ruled that Meadows must cooperate in the probe by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, who’s investigating former President Donald Trump and his associates for possible criminal interference in the 2020 presidential election in Georgia, according to The Hill.

Willis is looking into possible 2020 election interference in Georgia, which was initiated after a January 2021 conversation came to light of Trump urging Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger to “find” more than 11,000 votes.

“I am going to find that the witness is material and necessary to the investigation and that the state of Georgia is assuring not to cause undue hardship to him,” Miller ruled

Willis subpoenaed Meadows in August, noting that he had been a part of a meeting in December 2020 with Trump and others “to discuss allegations of voter fraud and the certification of the electoral college votes from Georgia and other states.”

She also noted Meadows’ attempt to observe an audit of election results in the state and also stated that the former Trump official was involved in the infamous call with Raffensberger. 

Report: Biden’s Chief of Staff Notified of Hatch Act Violation

President Joe Biden walks with Chief of Staff Ron Klain along the Colonnade of the White House, Tuesday, Aug. 24, 2021, to the White House Situation Room. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

President Joe Biden’s chief of staff, Ron Klain was notified he violated the Hatch Act in May but the Office of Special Counsel (OSC).

According to The Daily Wire, the OSC responded to the violation in a letter to America First Legal Foundation’s vice president and general counsel, Gene Hamilton, who filed the complaint in June.

“Although OSC has concluded that Mr. Klain violated the Hatch Act, as explained below, we have decided not to pursue disciplinary action and instead issued him a warning letter,” Ana Galindo-Marrone, chief of the Hatch Act Unit at the OSC, wrote.

“OSC confirmed that Mr. Klain retweeted a May 22, 2022 message from Strike PAC (@StrikePAC) from his official Twitter account (@WHCOS). The tweet read, ‘Operation Fly Formula delivers 70,000 pounds of infant formula for American mothers and their infants. Thank you @POTUS.’ The tweet also read, ‘Get your Democrats Deliver merch today!’ and included a link to Strike PAC’s online store and an image of the group’s ‘Democrats Deliver’ t-shirt,” she wrote.

Strike PAC is a partisan political group that supports the Democratic Party. In the letter, Galindo-Marrone also noted that Klain promptly removed the tweet from his account after being notified of the violation.

“Although OSC has concluded that Mr. Klain violated the Hatch Act, we understand that he promptly removed the retweet upon being notified of this complaint,” the letter read.

“Accordingly, we have decided not to pursue disciplinary action and will close this matter. Mr. Klain has been warned that if in the future he engages in activity prohibited by the Hatch Act while employed in a covered position, OSC would consider such activity to be a willful and knowing violation of the law that could result in disciplinary action,” the letter concluded.

“Using your White House Twitter account to advocate for a PAC is ILLEGAL,” said Hamilton in response to the OSC’s decision while also noting Klain previously criticized President Trump’s administration in 2018 over alleged Hatch Act violations.

 “Using your WH title in a press release advocating the President’s reelection is ILLEGAL,” Kalin tweeted at the time, suggesting he is versed in the Hatch Act.

Supreme Court Justices Targets of Assassination by Left-wing Abortion Extremists: Alito

    Duncan Lock, Dflock, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

    ANALYSIS – Following the first-ever leak of a pending Supreme Court decision, left-wing abortion extremists have threatened the lives of the conservative justices.

    First by calling for violence and posting their personal details online, then by having daily aggressive protests at their homes.

    The threats even extended to their families and children.

    There was also a specific assassination attempt against Justice Brett Kavanaugh in June when an armed man, Nicholas John Roske, 26, traveled across the country to Justice Kavanaugh’s home to kill him.

    In that case, the U.S. Marshals discovered Roske had a “black tactical chest rig and tactical knife,” a pistol with two magazines and ammunition, pepper spray, zip ties, a hammer, a screwdriver, a nail punch, a crowbar, a pistol light and duct tape, in addition to other items, according to the affidavit. 

    The affidavit noted that his plan was to break into the house, kill the justice and then kill himself.

    And the threats to the court continue.

    These events are unprecedented in the history of the Supreme Court and have been dutifully ignored by the establishment media, Joe Biden and the Democrats.

    In a letter to Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland, attorneys general from 19 states write, “charities that support pregnant mothers in need have been firebombed and pro-life organizations have been attacked almost daily and terrorized.”

    They then urge him to investigate the barrage of threats and attacks made against pro-life judges and pro-life organizations.

    Instead, the left focus endlessly on how conservatives are ‘extremists’ and a danger to democracy.

    They also blather endlessly about MAGA ‘election deniers’ while ignoring all those on the left who now deny the legitimacy of the Supreme Court.

    So, as we near the critical midterm election, it is time to remind voters of who the dangerous violent extremists really are.

    As Newsmax reported:

    Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito said this week that the leaking of a draft decision to overturn Roe v. Wade put the lives of him and his fellow justices at risk.

    “It was a grave betrayal of trust by somebody,” Alito said at a public interview with the Heritage Foundation on Tuesday, according to The New York Times. “It was a shock, because nothing like that had happened in the past. It certainly changed the atmosphere at the court for the remainder of last term.”

    He went on to say, “The leak also made those of us who were thought to be in the majority in support of overruling Roe and Casey targets for assassination because it gave people a rational reason to think they could prevent that from happening by killing one of us.”

    Alito also hit out at those who question the court’s legitimacy following the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

    “Everybody in this country is free to disagree with our decisions,” he said. “Everybody is free to criticize our reasoning, and in strong terms. And that certainly is done in the media, in writings of law professors and on social media.”

    “But to say the court is exhibiting lack of integrity is something quite different,” he added. “That goes to character.”

    Justice Alito authored the draft and final opinion that reversed the poorly reasoned Roe v. Wade decision that created a non-existing constitutional right to abortion.

    He is part of the 6-3 conservative majority on the Supreme Court.

    So, whenever the left screams about ‘violent right-wing extremists,’ or ‘election deniers’ being a threat to democracy, remind them of the left-wing violence against pro-life centers and churches, the assassination attempt against a conservative Supreme Court Justice and all those who now deny the legitimacy of our nation’s highest court. 

    Opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of Great America News Desk.

    Biden Weaponizing Gun Control Act Against Lawful Gun Dealers

      The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

      ANALYSIS – While Joe Biden and the Democrats haven’t been able to pass the draconian gun control legislation they want, they still abuse existing laws and regulations to push their radical anti-Second Amendment agenda.

      As I wrote earlier, the bipartisan gun safety measures passed by Congress, and touted by Biden, were far from being severe gun control.

      In fact, they were mostly reasonable, common-sense solutions that stayed within the bounds of the Constitution.

      And the left knows it and has kept pushing Biden to do more.

      That’s why he keeps promising an ‘assault weapons’ ban against sporting rifles and other extreme gun control policies.

      Fortunately for lawful gun owners and all citizens, these measures have little chance of passing now. 

      And much less with a GOP Congress coming soon.

      This is why Biden and his merry band of Democrats are using a stealth approach to violating our Second Amendment rights.

      Earlier this year, as I also reported, they pressured credit card processing companies such as Amex, Visa, and Mastercard to support a special gun designation, or code, set by the International Standards Organization (ISO) to specifically flag gun purchases. 

      Several Republican state attorney generals are pushing back on this abuse and expect a GOP Congress to follow suit.

      But it doesn’t stop there.

      As reported by KTRH i-Heart, Team Biden is manipulating and abusing federal law to target law-abiding gun dealers and put them out of business:

      A Texas gun store is suing the Biden administration, claiming it’s trying to shut down firearms dealers for minor violations.

      Nate Curtisi is an attorney with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, which represents Central Texas Gun Works. He says the Biden administration is weaponizing the Gun Control Act by pulling gun store licenses over paperwork errors.

      “There’s a shop in Florida that had less than 50 typos on 8,000 Form 4473. The Biden administration revoked their license even though there was no evidence that they meant to make these typos, or that any criminal or anyone who shouldn’t have guns had gotten them,” he says.

      “Congress has at least twice failed to remove this ‘willfully’ requirement, so now the Biden administration is doing the round about way of trying to make a strict compliance regime, where that is not at all what the statute says.”

      So what kind of violations are we talking about?

      “Sometimes people actually put their ‘county’ of origin where they need to put their ‘country,’ and vice versa,” says Curtisi. “So they’re pulling federal firearm licenses for these really inconsequential typos that really don’t result in the wrong people getting guns.”

      This is just the latest example of Biden’s efforts to push a radical agenda via executive power that he can’t get through legislative means.

      The White House has 60 days to respond or seek a dismissal. 

      Let’s see what happens next.

      Opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of Great America News Desk.

      Amanda Head: Biden Propaganda Machine Is At It Again!

        Amanda Head screenshot

        President Joe Biden is still hard at work peddling Coronavirus propaganda.

        Watch what Amanda has to say below.

        Guatemalan Officials Blame Biden for Border Crisis, Warn of Migrant Caravans Heading for Border Ahead of Midterms

        Joe Biden via Gage Skidmore Flickr

        Top Guatemalan officials are calling on President Joe Biden to reinforce the border before it’s too late.

        Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei accused Biden of rejecting his country’s proposal to help end the crisis at the border.

        According to The Washington Examiner, President Giammattei said he approached Administration officials with a plan for the United States to deport people heading north from Guatemala before they reach the U.S.-Mexico border but was rejected. Biden tapped Vice President Kamala Harris to handle efforts to secure the border but she has largely seemed to ignore the role and has notably never visited the border.

        “Having all of these people in the United States costs the U.S. government millions and millions of dollars. We have suggested that they should keep the airplanes here, so that we ourselves can deport them back to their countries of origin, be it Haiti or be it whatever the country,” Giammattei said in an interview in Guatemala City. “Otherwise, why wait until the people reach U.S. soil to then spend millions and millions of dollars to then send them back?”

        Guatemala is only returning Honduran citizens south of its border, but Giammattei is willing to fly or bus people back to other countries. The move could deter others from making the journey through Guatemala to the U.S., knowing that they would be returned.

        Giammattei said the U.S. turned down his idea of allowing Guatemala to use American planes to return people to their countries of origin on the basis that the “laws don’t allow it.”

        The U.S. has a history of donating vehicles and resources to the country. Just last week, the U.S. gave Guatemala 95 vehicles to boost its border security.

        Since President Biden took office nearly 4 million people have been encountered attempting to enter the U.S. illegally, a record-shattering number that doesn’t include the number of migrants that managed to evade arrest.

        However, despite the record-breaking number of migrants flooding the border the Biden administration seems to lack any urgency to address the ongoing crisis. With less than two weeks until Election Day, Guatemalan Interior Minister Napoleon Barrientos is sounding the alarm on a rapid influx of migrant caravan planning to flood the border before the Midterms.

        During an interview with The Daily Caller News Foundation, Barrientos shared that an uptick in caravans are making their way to the border now out of anticipation that Republicans will retake Congress and tighten restrictions at the border.

        “We have information that caravans will be coming in the next few weeks, particularly before the date of November 8. So we’re doing operations in our borders to stop the flow migration,” Barrientos said.

        “The information that these migrant caravans have is that after that date, policies will be hardened,” he said.

        In preparation of the caravans’ arrivals, Guatemala is staging military drills with its partners in Mexico, Barrientos explained. But the country hasn’t had as much luck at its southern border with Honduras, where illegal migrants continue to cross and where bi-lateral cooperation has been difficult.

        “For that reason, Guatemala plans different actions, up until that date, to keep our borders secure, and to stop irregular migration,” he said.

        Hillary Clinton Peddles Claim MAGA Supporters Have a Plan to ‘Literally Steal the Next Presidential Election’

          Hillary Clinton via Gage Skidmore Flickr

          Hillary Clinton is already spreading fake news.

          The former Democrat 2016 presidential nominee and Trump rival is wasting no time before starting to spread more insidious misinformation weeks before the midterms conclude and Americans officially begin looking toward the next presidential election. Clinton claims “right wing extremists” already have a plan in place to “literally steal” an election for which there are no official candidates.

          In a message made for anti-Trump group, Indivisible, Clinton called out the “right wing” threats.

          According to their website, the organization is a “grassroots movement of thousands of local Indivisible groups with a mission to elect progressive leaders, rebuild our democracy, and defeat the Trump agenda.”

          “I know we’re all focused on the 2022 midterm elections, and they are incredibly important, but we also have to look ahead because, you know what, our opponents certainly are. Right-wing extremists already have a plan to literally steal the next presidential election, and they’re not making a secret of it,” Clinton said in the video according to Mediaite.

          At issue for the former presidential candidate is the “right-wing controlled Supreme Court,” which she argued could before 2024 give more power to state legislatures to “overturn presidential elections.” Others have sounded the alarm over state legislatures gaining more control in how to conduct elections in 2024. Clinton herself is no stranger to being openly frustrated at election results themselves, referring to her opponent Trump, who defeated her in 2016, in the past as an “illegitimate president.”

          The “very real threat to democracy” presented by Republicans, Clinton said at one point, is keeping her “up at night.”

          “We’re all focused on winning the midterms and defending our congressional majorities. That’s critical. But we also must take the fight to MAGA Republicans at the state level,” the group claims.

          Some political analysts have predicted Clinton is slowly but surely re-entering the spotlight before ultimately announcing a 2024 presidential run.

          In September, Clinton was asked during a CBS interview if she plans to run for president again which she answered “no” but noted she was committed to helping defeat Trump, who has strongly hinted at a 2024 campaign.

          “No, no, but I’m going to do everything I can to make sure that we have a president who respects our democracy and the rule of law and upholds our institutions,” Clinton said at the time.

          “He should be soundly defeated,” Clinton continued “It should start in the Republican Party. Grow a backbone. Stand up to this guy.”

          Amanda Head: Republicans Screwed Out Of Electoral Votes


          The U.S. Census underreported populations in multiple Republican-leaning states, costing them representation in Congress, the Electoral College, and more…

          Watch Amanda break down the situation below.

          GOP Shouldn’t Hide From Being Pro-Life

            Washington D.C., USA - January 22, 2015; A Pro-Life woman clashes with a group of Pro-Choice demonstrators at the U.S. Supreme Court.

            OPINION – Ever since the Supreme Court leak ahead of its decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, Republicans have been cowed by the leftist media into hiding their pro-life policies.

            This is a huge mistake.

            While the media and radical Democrat partisans hyped the decision’s impact and quickly weaponized the decision, much of the GOP hid, hoping the abortion issue would just go away.

            And to some degree, it has faded as Americans are clearly more concerned about the economy, inflation, crime, and illegal immigration.

            But acting as if we have something to be afraid of only gives the radical abortionists vindication.

            And they don’t deserve it. And we don’t have anything to fear.

            The left is on the wrong side of the issue, of medical science, of morality and of the majority of the American people.

            And we are on the right side.

            Yes, most Americans believe in some widespread access to abortion, but very few believe in abortion on demand with no restrictions, including late-term abortion up to birth.

            And yet, this radical abortion stance has become the policy of today’s Democrats.

            They are the extremists.

            Earlier this week, Republican Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) made that point as he stood his ground on a debate stage at the Lake Worth campus of Palm Beach College.

            “I’m 100% pro-life not because I want to deny anyone their rights but because I believe that innocent human life is worthy of the protection under the law,” Rubio said. While noting he has supported legislation that includes exceptions for rape, incest, and the mother’s health, he then went on offense, arguing that “the extremist on abortion in this campaign” is his opponent.

            Like Democrats around the country, Demings [Rubio’s Dem opponent] had been running ads hitting her Republican opponent on abortion for more than a month. During their debate, Rubio delivered his rebuttal. “She supports no restrictions, no limitations of any kind – she’s against a four-month ban, she voted against a five-month ban,” he said. “She supports taxpayer-funded abortion on demand for any reason any time up until the moment of birth.”

            This is how Republicans should fight the abortion battle.

            We should show that we are reasonable and mainstream while the Democrats are the abortion extremists.

            The National Right to Life organization has always made exceptions for rape, incest, and danger to the life of the mother.

            I recall taking their pledge as a congressional candidate in 2010 in Florida.

            Many conservatives also allow for abortions up to 10 weeks or when a fetal heartbeat is detected.

            This too is supported by many Americans and would likely be supported by many more if they were shown the science.

            With the widespread availability of contraception and ‘reproductive health’ in America why would abortion need to be guaranteed beyond 10, 12, or 15 weeks (where most European countries draw the line)?

            Significantly, the most common cutoff for abortions around the world is 12 weeks, Axios has reported.

            A recent poll found that 48% of Americans at least somewhat support restricting abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy, while 43% oppose it.

            Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, says Republican candidates should be leaning into abortion as a winning conservative issue — not running away.

            She blamed some Republicans for “inch[ing] to the middle, maybe the back of the bus” on abortion as Election Day approaches.

            “Letting the dust settle without being a vocal advocate means you let the dust settle on the wrong side,” Dannenfelser said.

            And she is totally correct.

            Conservatives need to stand by their principles and defend life.

            The extremists on this issue are the pro-abortion Democrats.

            Opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of Great America News Desk.

            Stacey Abrams’ Group Gave Millions to Law Firm Run by Her Campaign Chair

            Office of U.S. House Speaker, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

            Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams is in hot water once again.

            New reports indicate Abrams’ voting rights group Fair Fight Action has funneled millions of dollars to a law firm led by the chairwoman for Abrams’s gubernatorial campaign.

            According to The Washington Examiner, Fair Fight Action spent $9.4 million in 2019 and 2020 with Lawrence & Bundy, a boutique Atlanta law firm that counts Abrams’s campaign Chairwoman Allegra Lawrence-Hardy, a close friend of the candidate, as one of its two partners, according to the nonprofit group’s 2019 and 2020 IRS tax filings.

            There are no definitive reports to show how much Lawrence-Hardy’s firm has received from Fair Fight Action in 2021 and 2022. The organization has been involved in a legal fight against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) for the past years. Fair Fight Action filed the lawsuit after Abrams lost her 2018 gubernatorial bid to Republican Gov. Brian Kemp, whom she is currently running against, claiming the secretary of state engaged in voter suppression. In September, U.S. district judge Steve Jones ruled against Abrams and found no evidence of voter suppression.

            “This is a win for all Georgia election officials who dedicate their lives to safe, secure and accessible elections,” Raffensperger said at the time. “Stolen election and voter suppression claims by Stacey Abrams were nothing but poll-tested rhetoric not supported by facts and evidence.”

            “Judge Jones’ ruling exposes this legal effort for what it really is: a tool wielded by a politician hoping to wrongfully weaponize the legal system to further her own political goals,” Kemp said in a statement celebrating the ruling.

            The $9.4 million that Lawrence & Bundy received accounts for over 37% of the roughly $25 million in legal fees that Fair Fight Action has racked up in the past two years, according to Politico, which first reported on the payments to Lawrence-Hardy’s law firm.

            Fair Fight Action raised over $61 million in 2019 and 2020 after being founded in 2018. At least one-third of that money has gone toward the lawsuit against Raffensperger, while $20 million has been put in cash reserves, tax records show. While there are eight separate law firms that worked on the case against the secretary of state, Lawrence & Bundy has earned the most in fees.

            Abrams and Lawrence-Hardy were classmates together at Georgia’s Spelman College, and Abrams graduated from Yale Law School three years after Lawrence-Hardy.

            Craig Holman, a government affairs lobbyist for the left-wing think tank Public Citizen, says that Abrams’s years-long friendship with Lawrence-Hardy represents a clear conflict of interest.

            Despite Abrams’s accusations of rampant voter suppression in the Peach State early voting data reports Georgians to have already broken records for early turnout. According to The Hill, Saturday’s turnout surpassed the 2020 election’s sixth day of early voting by 20 percent.

            The 79,682 voters who cast ballots on Saturday also marked a 159 percent increase from the first Saturday of early voting in the 2018 midterm elections, according to the Georgia secretary of state’s office.

            Georgia also smashed early voting on the first day polls opened last week, when 131,318 ballots were cast in-person, far above the 70,849 reported in 2018 and close to the 136,739 mark in 2020.

            “Early Voting is strong because Georgia’s voter registration system is strong,” said Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in a statement. “Every eligible Georgian who wants to be registered to vote is registered to vote.”

            However, despite the record-breaking data Abrams is still claiming voter suppression is underway in Georgia.

            “In 2018, we had record turnout,” Abrams said in a press conference Monday. “We had record turnout that shattered records for Democrats among communities of color and in that same election … we know that 85,000 Georgians were denied their right to vote due to voter suppression tactics that shut down their precincts. We know that 50,000 voters had their right to vote held hostage by the exact match process which was proven to be voter suppression tactics. We know that thousands of people stood in lines for hours because of voter suppression tactics.”