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Trump-era DOJ Official Sounds Alarm Over Plans to ‘Prosecute’ Social Media Users for ‘Disinformation’

Chuck Kennedy for The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice is becoming more and more political as the months go by.

First, the DOJ announced it would target parents concerned by schools’ implementation of Critical Race Theory in classrooms and radical school boards. Now, the DOJ is launching a new “political operation” according to a former DOJ spokesperson under President Donald Trump, Alexei Woltornist.

Woltornist says the recent letter from the American Medical Association to Merrick Garland calls for investigations on social media users spreading “disinformation” about child sex changes is part of the Biden DOJ’s “political operation.”

Earlier this month, Journalist Christopher Rufo exposed the letter requesting the DOJ to “take swift action to investigate and prosecute all organizations, individuals, and entities” that have spread “misleading information targeting individual physicians and hospitals” that perform irreversible sex-change surgeries for minors.

The Daily Caller reports:

The letter, authored by the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children’s Hospital Association, specifically states that a “few high-profile users on social media” are responsible for spreading the “disinformation” about child sex-change surgeries, which have resulted in “bomb threats.”

“The behavior from the AMA is straight from the Soviet playbook. The legal system should be used to protect the rule of law, not to punish political enemies,” Woltornist continued.

When asked what the DOJ should do about the letter, Woltornist said, the “DOJ should be focused on restoring their credibility,” but that the perception that it’s a “political operation” can’t be reversed “with simple spin or messaging.”

The DOJ so far has “declined any additional comment” on if the DOJ plans to carry out the investigations on the “social media users” or anyone else mentioned in the letter

Pro-Trump Rapper Kanye West Turns on Jared Kushner


    High-profile rapper and clothing designer Kanye West has found himself in the spotlight yet again.

    During a highly-anticipated interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, West harshly criticized former President Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner alleging he only supported and pursued peace deals between Israel and several Arab states for his own personal profit.

    “When I think about all of these things that Jared somehow doesn’t get enough credit for with his work — what is it his work? In Israel, what is this, in Palestine, you know where he made his peace treaties? do you know the facts on this right here?”

    “I just think it was to make money,” West said.

    West then reflected on a recent dinner he attended in Miami with Kushner, his wike Ivanka Trump and his brother Josh.

    “After talking to them and really sitting with Jared and sitting with Josh and finding out other pieces of information, I was like, wow, these guys might have really been holding Trump back, being very much a handler,” West said. “They love to look at me or look at Trump like we are so crazy and they are the businessmen.”

    “I think that’s what they are about is making money, I don’t think they have the ability to make anything on their own,” he continued. “I think they were born into money.”

    West’s criticism of Kushner’s work in the Middle East follows similar allegations levied against the former Trump admin. senior adviser by The Wall Street Journal that he was motivated by “post-employment interests.”

    Since leaving office Kushner launched a private equity firm, Affinity Partners, which landed a $2 billion investment from a Saudi Arabian wealth fund. The House Oversight Committee is investigating the investment.

    Report: FBI Agents on the Cusp of Charging Hunter Biden

    President Joe Biden hugs his family during the 59th Presidential Inauguration ceremony in Washington, Jan. 20, 2021. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris took the oath of office on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol. (DOD Photo by Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Carlos M. Vazquez II)

    The walls are finally closing in on Hunter Biden.

    Federal agents investigating President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter says they believe that they have uncovered enough evidence to charge him with crimes related to tax fraud and lying during his purchase of a handgun, according to a new report by The Washington Post.

    The agents leading the criminal investigation noted that while the probe concluded months ago the facts supported federal charges against Hunter Biden, but it is ultimately up to U.S. Attorney David Weiss, the Delaware prosecutor overseeing the case, to decide whether to indict the president’s son.

    The outlet said Thursday that the federal investigation into Hunter Biden initially centered around Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings and consultant work in places such as China and Ukraine, but that “over time, investigators with multiple agencies focused closely on whether he did not report all of his income, and whether he lied on gun purchase paperwork in 2018, according to the people familiar with the situation.”

    This story is developing. Stay tuned with Great America News Desk for updates.

    Amanda Head: Leftist Mayor Caught Sleeping at Fallen Cop’s Funeral


    Austin, TX mayor Steve Adler’s leftist policies have already desecrated the once-great Texas city but his actions at a funeral for a fallen police officer truly show his disdain for law enforcement. Get ready to be infuriated.

    Watch what Amanda has to say on the despicable behavior exhibited by Mayor Adler below.

    Amanda Head: Kamala Gets Roasted On Comedy Central

      Kamala Harris via Wikimedia Commons

      Vice President Kamala Harris is a laughing stock in the political realm and now even Comedy Central writers are taking notice…

      Watch what Amanda has to say below:

      Stacey Abrams’ Election Denial Just Came Back to Haunt Her

        Office of U.S. House Speaker, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

        The true election denier is not Donald Trump, it’s Stacey Abrams.

        The Georgia gubernatorial Democrat candidate claimed to CNN that she “never denied” the outcome of the 2018 race she lost to current Governor Brian Kemp (R).

        Appearing on CNN’s “Erin Burnett OutFront” Monday, Abrams spoke about a federal judge rejecting the lawsuit brought by her organization Fair Fight Action which challenged Georgia’s election practices. Burnett asked the gubernatorial hopeful if this loss would lead to her acknowledging Kemp’s victory after she refused to concede four years ago.


        “I acknowledged that I was not the governor,” Abrams replied, pointing to the beginning of her post-election speech. “What I said is that the process denied access to too many voters.”

        Abrams added that she has “never denied the outcome,” but that she has “always questioned the process and the access.”

        “Outcome is about who wins,” she continued, “and no one is entitled to victory, not even myself. I’ve never been unclear about the fact that I did not win the race.”

        Abrams must have conveniently forgotten the truth to her claims. The Georgia politician not only denied the election repeatedly but also went as far as to claim the election was “stolen” from her.

        According to Post Millenial, Abrams has reiterated false claims that she actually won the 2018 race for years but now that she’s on the ballot once again she’s attempting to squash the narrative that she is an election denier.

        “This is not a speech of concession because concession means to acknowledge an action is right, true or proper,” she said at the time.
        In the months that followed, Abrams remained steadfast that the election was “not free and fair,” on numerous occasions suggesting that she had actually won.

        “I did win my election, I just didn’t get to have the job,” she told Color of Change’s Rashad Robinson.

        Speaking in London in 2019, Abrams stated that Kemp “got to be the contestant, the referee and the scorekeeper — and shockingly, he won, or at least that’s what he tells us.” 

        “I know in my heart of hearts, we won,” she added, a statement she echoed at the National Action Network convention later that year. During that same convention, she even went so far as to suggest that the election had been “stolen.”

        Prominent Democrats, including Abrams, have attacked former President Donald Trump for his own claims the 2020 presidential election was rigged to help Democrats but so far Abrams has largely gone unscathed for her dangerous rhetoric.

        Abrams is facing off against Brian Kemp in November’s gubernatorial race.

        Many prognosticators, such as RealClearPolitics, have predicted a highly competitive race as Abrams desperately attempts to clench the office which has long alluded her but Gov. Kemp remains in the lead.

        The most recent FOX News poll reported Governor Kemp with a seven-point lead over the Democrat challenger.

        On Wednesday, Governor Kemp responded to Abrams’ ongoing election claims in a Wall Street Journal op-ed.

        Stacey Abrams lost her bid to become Georgia’s governor in 2018. Almost overnight she devoted herself to peddling the fiction that her defeat was the result of voter suppression. She peddled it in talk-show appearances, interviews and magazine articles and on glitzy book tours. Ms. Abrams created a false narrative that much of her target audience was willing to accept and echo over the past four years.

        After a four-year legal battle costing Georgia taxpayers more than $6 million, Fair Fight and its fellow plaintiffs were slapped down by a federal court last week. In a Sept. 30 decision, U.S. District Judge Steve C. Jones rejected all of Fair Fight’s claims about the 2018 elections. These included accusations that Georgia’s voter-list maintenance, citizenship verification and absentee-ballot cancellation processes were discriminatory. Among Fair Fight’s allegations were that the state violated voters’ rights under the First, 14th and 15th amendments and under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Judge Jones, an Obama appointee, had previously dismissed Fair Fight’s claims regarding long lines at polling places and precinct closures, as well as its unsupported claims that thousands of voters were unlawfully “purged” from the voter rolls.

        Conservative Legal Group Sues FBI Over Hunter Biden Laptop Censorship

        President Joe Biden hugs his family during the 59th Presidential Inauguration ceremony in Washington, Jan. 20, 2021. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris took the oath of office on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol. (DOD Photo by Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Carlos M. Vazquez II)

        Conservative legal group, America First Legal (AFL), is suing the FBI for allegedly concealing communications between the agency and Big Tech companies regarding reports published about the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop

        On Tuesday, AFL which is led by former Trump White House advisor Stephen Miller filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit in a Washington, D.C., federal court. The lawsuit claims that the FBI acted illegally by failing to publicize its communications with Facebook and other Big Tech companies that worked in coordination with the agency to “censor news and information” about Hunter Biden’s laptop immediately before the 2020 presidential election.

        Hunter’s laptop included information detailing Hunter’s overseas business dealings and ties to Ukraine, China, and other foreign nations as well as other salacious material related to his drug use. Hunter is also facing a federal investigation into various tax violations and potential foreign lobbying violations, according to Fox News.

        The lawsuit states: “The evidence is that the FBI and Big Tech, including Facebook, colluded to interfere with the 2020 Presidential election first by falsely and maliciously labeling the laptop ‘Russian disinformation’ and then by censoring and/or discrediting all news about its contents.”

        “Now, barely a month before the 2022 midterm election, FBI officials continue to suppress information of great interest to American voters and stonewall AFL’s request for records relating to the FBI’s collusive scheme with Facebook to censor news and information about the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop,” continues the lawsuit.

        President Biden, along with other Democrats and administration officials, have attempted to

        In August, Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley (Iowa) and Ron Johnson (Wis.) called on Facebook to turn over communications between government agencies and Facebook employees regarding Hunter Biden after the company admitted to suppressing content related to the scandal following instruction from the FBI.

        “The evidence is that during the 2020 Presidential election campaign, the FBI conspired and combined with large corporations, including Facebook, to censor and suppress the damning evidence of Biden family corruption and influence peddling found on Hunter Biden’s laptop,” AFL’s senior counselor and director of oversight Reed Rubinstein told Fox News Digital. 

        “This was done to help Joe Biden and the Democrats win the 2020 election. Now, arrogantly disregarding the law, the FBI is stonewalling AFL’s efforts to expose the FBI’s emails detailing the tradecraft behind this collusive attack on our elections, and identifying the persons inside and outside of government who were responsible for it,” Rubinstein continued.

        NYT’s Maggie Haberman Reveals Trump’s Next Potential Running Mate


        New York Times reporter and avid Trump critic Maggie Haberman revealed to “The View” panel who former President Trump is considering to be his next running mate and has reportedly narrowed the pool of candidates down to two lawmakers.

        While promoting her upcoming book on the 45th President of the United States, Haberman admitted Trump is laser-focused on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and his potential to torpedo Trump’s chances of winning the Party’s nomination with his own presidential campaign.

        Trump is “focused on Ron DeSantis in a way he isn’t on anybody else,” Haberman said, according to Mediaite.

        “There are a couple of people whose names get mentioned,” Haberman answered, “and the one ho gets mentioned the most by people close to him is Tim Scott from South Carolina, the senator. And then Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who is possibly the next governor of Arkansas.”

        The mention of Trump’s former White House press secretary drew very audible groaning from Whoopi Goldberg, others at the table, and the audience.

        “I didn’t mean to cause that. I’m sorry,” Haberman said, to which, Goldberg replied “it just came up out of my system.”

        Amanda Head: Kanye West’s Latest Antics Exposes BLM for the Scam it Really Is


          Black Lives Matter has become synonymous with scamming and everyone knows it. Now, even Kanye West is calling attention to the organization.

          Watch Amanda break down the latest BLM controversy below.

          Donald Trump Launches $475 Million Lawsuit Against News Network

          Donald Trump via Gage Skidmore Flickr

          Former President Donald Trump has sued CNN for defamation.

          Trump who filed the lawsuit in Florida on Monday, claimed CNN “has sought to use its massive influence — purportedly as a ‘trusted’ news source — to defame the Plaintiff in the minds of its viewers and readers for the purpose of defeating him politically, culminating in CNN claiming credit for ‘[getting] Trump out’ in the 2020 presidential election.”

          Trump is reportedly suing the outlet, who boasted record viewership during Trump’s time in the White House, for $475 million, according to The Hill.

          The former president’s attorneys allege in the filing that CNN “has undertaken a smear campaign to malign the Plaintiff with a barrage of negative associations and innuendos, broadcasting commentary that he is like a cult leader,  a Russian lackey, a dog whistler to white supremacists,  and a racist.” 

          It also cited anchors, personalities and pundits on CNN using the term “Big Lie” to refer to Trump’s repeated false statements about the 2020 election and voter fraud as evidence of the outlet attempting to associate him with Adolf Hitler. 

          Trump has hinted before at suing the left-wing news network. Over the summer Trump said in a statement he would “also be commencing actions against other media outlets who have defamed me and defrauded the public regarding the overwhelming evidence of fraud throughout the 2020 Election.”

          So far it’s unclear if Trump plans to target any other news outlets.

          CNN has recently been undergoing a makeover under its new leader Chris Licht. In a distinct shift from former president Jeff Zucker’s highly partisan approach to news Licht has opted to remove any highly partisan talent from the air.

          Left-wing hosts like Brian Stelter were the first to get the axe but recently former primetime host Don Lemon was demoted to co-hosting the network’s morning show, a message that no CNN talent is safe under the new regime.

          In order to prove defamation, public officials and other public figures must prove journalists acted with actual malice or reckless disregard for the truth in their reporting, a distinctly high legal bar.