Home Politics Florida Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Eliminate Democrat Party

Florida Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Eliminate Democrat Party


A Republican lawmaker is trying to change the political landscape of the Sunshine State.

Following Democrats’ widespread losses in Florida during the 2020 midterms, Republican state Sen. Blaise Ingoglia has filed a bill to eliminate the party entirely.

According to The Hill, “The Ultimate Cancel Act” (SB 1248), sponsored by Ingoglia (R-Spring Hill), would cancel the filings of any political party that supported slavery during the Civil War.

“The Democrat party adopted pro-slavery stances in their party platforms and this bill says that if you have done that in the past, then the Secretary of State shall de-certify and get rid of the party,” Ingoglia said. 

Any “canceled” party would have the opportunity to register again, however, the name of the organization must be substantially different from the name of any other party that was previously registered with the department.

The proposal is expectedly drawing widespread criticism from Democrats.

“Shame on the Republican Party for initiating legislation of this magnitude. This is what a dictator does,” newly elected Florida Democrat Party chair Nikki Fried said. 

 “It’s a complete and absolute abuse, and it’s unconstitutional. This bill will go nowhere. It is meritless. It deserves zero airtime and frankly, it’s a distraction from the Republicans’ failed policies,” House Minority Leader Fentrice Driskell said.

Ingoglia said he has not spoken to the governor or legislative leaders about the bill.

The governor’s office has not commented on the bill. Legislative leaders in the House and Senate have also yet to express interest in taking up the bill during the upcoming session. If this were to become law, it would take effect in July 2023.

“Florida Democrats are lucky I’m not asking them to return all the political contributions that they got in years past for their Jefferson Jackson dinners since they want to cancel everything. They were raising money based upon two people that, by their own admission, should have been canceled,” Ingoglia said.

On Wednesday, the Florida Democrat Party issued the following statement:

“Presenting a bill that would disenfranchise 5 million voters is both unconstitutional and unserious. Under Ron DeSantis, Senator Ingoglia is using his office to push bills that are nothing more than publicity stunts instead of focusing on the issues that matter most to Floridians, such as reforming property insurance, addressing housing affordability and combating climate change.

“The sooner DeSantis and his puppets in the legislature learn that Florida is a Democratic Republic and not a Banana Republic, the better it will be for all Floridians.”


  1. Kudos to lawmaker Ingoglia. An excellent proposal. lawmakers in other States should follow suit. The DemoRATs (sic) are shameless.

  2. Nikki Freid, isn’t this what dumocrats have been trying to do to Republicans??? Cancel us?? Now YOU get a taste of you own medicine.

  3. While you are at it, let’s cancel and eliminate the entire Demonrat party across the country. Take the left lying media with them, oh wait, and the 7th floor of the FBI and while you are there get rid of the entire D.O.J. and since we came that far, how about cleaning out our education system or should I say the Indoctrination system from all our K-12 and Universities coast to coast. Then and only then will we ever get back to common sense and sanity in our great country. These people are like having a huge dog turd in the middle of a beautiful flower garden……… M.A.G.A. God Bless the USA!

  4. If you are going to do the name calling to further your views, then I guess it is okay to refer this insane attempt at disenfranchising a nationwide political party, as a Repugnican party member.

  5. I. LOVE. IT!! The Dems are hellbent on calling everybody else racists, this points out just WHO the real racists are and have been for ages! It will never pass, but the publicity will point out the utter hypocracy of Dems since the Civil War and still today! Bravo!!

  6. god worshiping globalists and their god worshiping demonrat criminal party and god worshiping rino criminal party are already using their fraud to eliminate the republican party .

  7. Whats unConstitutional about it? Where is it written that democrats have a Constitutional right to anything as a party?


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