Here’s Why James Comer Quit Appearing On ‘Fox & Friends’

    Looking east towards 6th Avenue along north (48th Street) side of Fox News building on a snowy afternoon. [Photo Credit: Jim.henderson, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons]

    The chairman of the House Oversight Committee is done listening to one Fox News co-host’s skepticism towards the ongoing investigation into allegations of impeachable conduct by President Joe Biden.

    Despite receiving praise from Lawrence Jones, Ainsley Earhardt and Brian Kilmeade, Kentucky Rep. James Comer (R) has stopped appearing on “Fox & Friends” due to Steve Doocy’s constant criticism that Republicans haven’t presented more than circumstantial evidence that Hunter Biden criminally involved his father in his business dealings.

    With the House expected to vote on an impeachment inquiry into President Biden as early as today, Comer told Newsmax’s Eric Bolling that he “quit going on ‘Fox & Friends’ because of Doocy.” Comer added that he had a theory about why Doocy has “been very critical of the investigation.”

    “But I don’t think the average viewer of Fox News agrees with Doocy one bit,” he continued.

    Mediaite reports:

    During an interview with Comer about his House investigation into President Joe Biden on Wednesday, Bolling said, “Forget the Democrats like Dan Goldman who say there’s no evidence. My concern is when the media, especially the conservative media, starts siding with the Bidens. Listen to Steve Doocy over at Fox saying you don’t have evidence.”

    Bolling then played a clip of Doocy saying, “The Republicans at this point don’t have– they have a lot of ledgers and spreadsheets, but they have not connected the dots. They’ve connected the dots, the Department of Justice did on Hunter, but they have not shown where Joe Biden, you know, did anything illegally.”

    Comer responded, “Well I think we’ve done a pretty good job connecting the dots. We’ve traced two checks from influence peddling schemes going directly into Joe Biden’s pocket.”

    When Bolling asked Comer why Doocy had criticized his efforts, the Kentucky Republican went on a tear.

    “He’s had that position from the very beginning. I’ve quit going on ‘Fox & Friends’ because of Doocy, you know? I mean, he’s the one guy on Fox that’s been very critical of the investigation. I have my theory why, and we’ll talk about that at a later point, but at the end of the day, he’s entitled to his opinion, but I don’t think the average viewer of Fox News agrees with Doocy one bit.”

    “Even 40% of the Democrats are concerned that Joe Biden has violated the law with his family’s shady business. The American people expect somebody to investigate the president of the United States for public corruption, and thank God the Oversight Committee is,” Comer said, ending his rebuttal.

    This article was republished with permission from American Liberty News.


    1. I enjoy watching the Fox production of Fox and Friends even though Steve Doocy has been a drag on the program for a long time. Compared to when I used to watch Steve Doocy several years ago, he has lost a couple steps. I’m guessing that his age is catching up to him when he sounds like he’s having problems trying to think of the right word to use in his sentences. Fox needs to put Steve Doocy out to pasture and insert the black guy in his place. That would be a step up.


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