Home Opinion 85,000 Migrant Kids Go Missing at US Border Under Biden as Questions...

85,000 Migrant Kids Go Missing at US Border Under Biden as Questions About Trafficking Explode

CBP Photography, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The Biden administration is unable to locate 85,000 child migrants initially processed at the U.S. border, and now members of Congress are demanding an explanation amid reports the children are being trafficked.

Seventy-six House Republican reveal in a letter that Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas are “knowingly and recklessly discharging unaccompanied children to adults across the country and doing nothing to find the tens of thousands they had lost touch with,” the Washington Examiner reports.

The letter was issued after the New York Times reported the Biden administration cannot locate 85,000 children initially processed as migrants seeking asylum, and many are being forced into child labor.

Lawmakers “referenced reports by the New York Times that concluded children were extorted by smugglers to pay off the thousands they owed through forced labor, including sex trafficking. Other children were trafficked against their will and are effectively slaves within the U.S.,” the Examiner reports

“The border crisis is not a stand-alone crisis. It has created a new catastrophe in every direction,” said Congressman Morgan Luttrell (R-TX) 

“Unaccompanied migrant children are crossing our border, and Joe Biden’s failed policies aren’t leading them to the American Dream. Instead, these children are released with no follow-up and are facing forced labor, sex trafficking, and abuse,” said Luttrell.

“The policies of the Biden Administration are failing everyone. Secretary Mayorkas and President Biden not only need to address the ongoing exploitation and lack of contact with minors, but also secure our southern border and ensure people seeking to come to our great country are going through the proper, legal channels,” Luttrell added.

Even worse, it appears many of the children tried to contact U.S. officials to seek help.

“We are particularly heartbroken to read reports of children contacting HHS after their release to their sponsors in hopes of the agency intervening, with no follow up,” the letter reveals. 

“The policies of this administration are enriching the cartels and transnational criminal organizations, who are profiting from the pain, abuse, and exploitation of these children as they smuggle them into the country,” the lawmakers conclude.

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  1. Kids being exploited by the coyotes and cartelistas is NOT a ‘new’ thing – it has been an ongoing problem for decades. As long as there is money to be made and governments on both sides of the border flatly refuse to do anything about it the problem will remain. Instead of playing the blame game, how about those same governments actually do something about it. BTW that includes the 100+ countries around the world that are turning a blind eye to their own internal problems, as well as facilitating the exodus from their worker’s paradises.

    • But as more and more people are coming across the border that opens up new and better opportunities for those who would explore children. We need to slow down/sto border crossings until the problem is under control. We are giving traffickers a “child rich” environment to profit from.


    • I thought the same thing, I was going to say check creepy Joe Bidens basement closets, you would most likely find for or five of the missing kids!


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