Amanda Head: Kids Being Taught ‘The Problem Of Whiteness’!


    In this day and age children are being taught that their race is the problem-especially if they’re White. The unfortunate truth is easy to see but that doesn’t make it any less disturbing.

    Watch Amanda break it down below.


    1. Critical Race Theory is based on the BIG LIE- that Amnerica is “racist” without any proof whatsoever- since it is unprovable and a lie, then believe it if we say it- The attitude perpetrated by the ONLY Black Lives Matter group and jumped on board by super-soft tree-hugging white liberals.
      It is always easy to point out a problem, without offering any support that it is a problem, and without offering any solutions- because they are not interested in any solutions, except to give them more power to perpetrate this and other BIG LIES.
      The key counter to this alleged problem is that allegedly racist America elected a Black man- OBAMA- President- for 2 terms, and President Lyndon Johnson, a white TEXAN, pushed through the Civil Rights Act to protect Blacks.

    2. Critical Race Theory is based on THE BIG LIE- that America is “racist”, without any proof whatsoever and unprovable- then their contention is believe it if we say it-NO- it is wrong and a BIG LIE The BIG LIE is perpetrated by the ONLY Black Lives Matter group, and jumped on iwithout reason by the unthinking white liberals..
      It is always easy to point out a problem, without supporting that it is a problem, and without offering any solutions- because these groups do not have any solutions for their BIG LIE, and are not interested in any solutions, except to give them more power to perpetrate this and other BIG LIES.
      The key counters to this alleged and unsupported problem are that (1) allegedly racist America elected a Black man- OBAMA, to be President for 2 terms, and (2) allegedly racist American President Lyndon B. Johnson, a white TEXAN, pushed through passage of the Civil Rights Act to benefit and protect Blacks.

    3. What a crock of B.S. I call it White envy, for hating all white anything , they want everything the white have and do. They don’t want the white women to braid their hair because it is a Black thing, YET, they bleach and color their hair so it looks like the white w0mens hair no matter how ridiculous they look, They have a special network called BET, do the whites call them out for that? Now they want seperate dorms, in college and they need to be all black. They don’t want whites in their neighborhoods, yet, they want to live in white neighborhoods, which don’t exist any longer. All this does is bring light to Ignorance!


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