Biden Campaign Discreetly Meets With Top Haley Supporters After Trump Endorsement

    The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

    On Wednesday night, just hours after the former South Carolina governor and U.S. ambassador to the United Nations declared her support for Donald Trump in the upcoming November election.

    The Daily Beast has the latest on the underreported pilgrimage and what it means for both sides:

    In the previously unreported meeting, a Biden campaign representative listened to the concerns of top Haley supporters from various states as part of Bidenworld’s ongoing outreach to win over Haley voters.

    “The fact they actually sent someone last night to speak to a small group … I think that’s a good signal that they’re aware there are huge numbers of Haley voters out there,” Robert Schwartz, founder of the Haley Voters For Biden PAC, told The Daily Beast. Schwartz said the meeting was highly encouraging, and likened it to other listening sessions the Biden campaign has done with the pro-Palestinian uncommitted vote.

    The Biden campaign did not immediately return a request for comment on the meeting.

    Ever since the GOP primary wrapped up, the Biden team has identified Haley voters as a key persuasion target with a unique set of key issues, particularly around Trump’s attacks on democracy and the general notion of restoring decency to the office. The Biden campaign has continued trying to refine their definition of a persuadable Haley voter over the past few months, focusing on paid media, Haley’s margins in key battleground precincts from the primary, and simply listening to their concerns.

    Haley’s shift towards Trump comes after her strong opposition to him during her own presidential bid.

    When Haley suspended her presidential campaign over two months ago, she did not endorse Trump. The decision to withhold support appeared to be a strategic move to establish her as a principled opponent within the party, hoping to attract the 20% of Republicans who backed her and others dissatisfied with Trump. Notably, Haley stated in yesterday’s remarks that although she intends to vote for Trump, he must do more to court her supporters. (RELATED: Trump Denies Considering Nikki Haley For Vice President)

    Wednesday’s announcement sparked considerable speculation. Some observers hypothesized that she hopes to secure a significant role in a future Trump administration. Another possibility is that Haley is laying the groundwork for a future White House bid. Refusing to support Trump would alienate the vast majority of the GOP base, making it difficult for her to gain traction in a future primary campaign – especially if he loses.

    Despite Trump securing the necessary delegates to be the Republican nominee, many Never Trump voters have continued casting their ballots for Haley. (RELATED: Haley’s Pennsylvania Primary Showing Could Spell Trouble For Trump)

    Polls indicate that while some Never Trump voters remain resolute in their opposition, many are willing to support Trump in November, driven by more pragmatic considerations, such as the economy or judicial nominees.

    The extent to which they rally behind the former president could make all the difference in the election’s outcome. Voter apathy remains a concern for both sides in closely contested states.

    Article Published With The Permission of American Liberty News


    1. They were never Haley voters. Haley was gonna get the Trump treatment if by some miracle she pulled off the nomination.

    2. President Trump is not going to give Haley any job. She has proven she is s true Democrat and can’t be trusted. That is why the democrats want to talk to her. To use her to get her inside President Trump circle and then report back to the democrats. President Trump should never let anyone who bad mouth him in his administration.

    3. “…target with a unique set of key issues, particularly around Trump’s attacks on democracy and the general notion of restoring decency to the office.”

      This is a joke, right? 🤣🤣🤣 You mean there’s actually people who think Joe ‘Walking Dead’ Biden, career-long grifter and influence peddler, life-long pedophile, is DECENT?!


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