Court Upholds Trump Gag Order In New York Fraud Case

    Gavel via Wikimedia Commons Image

    On Thursday, a New York appeals court rejected Donald Trump’s attempt to have a gag order in his New York business fraud trial thrown out.

    In October, Judge Arthur Engoron put in place the gag order barring Trump and his attorneys from making remarks about the judge’s staff.

    The New York Supreme Court, a trial court that is not the state’s highest court, upheld Engoron’s gag order, finding it did not unlawfully restrict Trump’s speech.

    “Here, the gravity of potential harm is small, given that the Gag Order is narrow, limited to prohibiting solely statements regarding the court’s staff,” the court wrote in its opinion.

    Engoron said his staff has been “inundated” with threats following Trump’s comments. He later expanded the order to include Trump’s attorneys, after they questioned his passing of notes to communicate with his staff.

    “My law clerks are public servants who are performing their job in the manner in which I request,” he wrote in the order. “This includes providing legal authority and opinions, as well as responding to questions I pose to them. Plainly, defenders are not entitled to the confidential communications among me and my court staff.”


    1. Engaron is a biased judge. He tried to tell everyone what Mar-lar-go is worth. Why not bring in an expert? What judge lets a law clerk sit next to him while being in court. What really was going on?
      There is no case, just a bunch of bogus, false allegations.


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