Jury To Hear Election Workers’ Case Against Rudy Giuliani

    Photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

    A Washington, D.C. federal judge ruled Sunday that a jury will hear and decide a case to determine how much ex-New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani owes two Georgia poll workers for falsely claiming they helped steal the 2020 election from former President Trump.

    U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell denied Giuliani’s request to hold a bench trial instead of a jury trial, meaning the judge would decide the case instead of a jury. In her ruling, she chided him for the “significantly tardy” motion, having set an October deadline for all pre-trial motions, according to The Hill.

    “Perhaps Giuliani’s submission is titled a ‘Trial Brief,’ rather than a motion seeking to convert the scheduled jury trial to a hearing, in a fairly blatant effort to avoid being called out for filing an untimely pretrial motion,” Howell wrote in a footnote.

    Following the 2020 election, Giuliani falsely claimed Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss committed election fraud by processing “suitcases” of illicit ballots in Georgia.

    The two election workers sued Giuliani, and as their case proceeded, he failed to turn over evidence despite “repeated reminders” from the court. Howell in August found Giuliani civilly liable for Freeman and Moss’s claims of “defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress, civil conspiracy, and punitive damage,” citing the longtime Trump ally’s “willful shirking of his discovery obligations” as reason.

    In her Sunday opinion, Howell again cited Giuliani’s “discovery misconduct” as a reason to deny his request for a bench trial.

    “This Court will not reward him for conduct that has ‘already resulted in significant prejudice to Plaintiffs,’” Howell wrote, quoting her earlier decision.


    1. globalist puppet soros orders his globalist puppet, god worshiping, demonrat CRIMINAL judges and his globalist puppet, god worshiping, rino CRIMINAL judges how they must rule and preach globalist agendas .

    2. In the only sense that matters, the judge actually CONDUCTED a bench trial. By ruling Giuliani was civilly liable, instead of leaving that decision to a jury, for all intents and purposes, the judge acted as jury in a bench trial on THE issue where a bench trial vs a jury trail has actual meaning.

    3. This judge must be blind, everyone saw the poll workers pull the batches of ballots out from under the table and run them through the counters several times. Of course, this was after the other poll workers were sent home because of a so called water leak.


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