Home News Report: Trump Indictment Unsealed!

Report: Trump Indictment Unsealed!

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The charges against former President Donald Trump have been revealed after he was arraigned on Tuesday.

The indictment against the former president, People of the State of New York against Donald J. Trump, Indictment No. 71543-23, has been unsealed. Trump faces 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree. 

Read the indictment below:


The charges come one day after Trump arrived in New York for the criminal proceedings.

Last Thursday, the New York grand jury voted to indict former President Donald Trump for his alleged role in a hush money bribe to adult film star Stormy Daniels amid the 2016 presidential election in DA Alvin Bragg’s yearslong investigation into the real estate mogul.

Federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York opted out of charging Trump related to the Daniels payment in 2019. The Federal Election Commission also tossed its investigation into the matter in 2021.

On Tuesday, the former President surrendered to the Manhattan Criminal Court for his arraignment

“Heading to Lower Manhattan, the Courthouse,” he said on Truth Social as he made his way from Trump Tower to the courtroom.

“Seems so SURREAL — WOW, they are going to ARREST ME,” he said. “Can’t believe this is happening in America. MAGA!”

Trump was processed and then escorted to Justice Juan Merchan’s courtroom for the arraignment proceedings. Trump was not handcuffed, as some are during an arraignment, and did not have a mugshot taken. Detectives handled the arrest of the former president. However, the arraignment has been surrounded by a media firestorm after Trump became the first president to be indicted.

At least two helicopters hovered over the courthouse and the adjacent public park as protestors gathered. Dueling chants of “USA!” and “lock him up!” were fired back and forth between crowds of pro-Trump and anti-Trump demonstrators assembled in the public square across the street from the courtroom.

Trump pleaded not guilty to the charges and has called on District Attorney Alvin Bragg to be indicted himself over his handling of the case, claiming the DA “illegally leaked” details of Trump’s case.

“Wow! District Attorney Bragg just illegally LEAKED the various points, and complete information, on the pathetic Indictment against me,” Trump wrote on Truth Social Tuesday. “I know the reporter and so, unfortunately, does he. This means that he MUST BE IMMEDIATELY INDICTED. Now, if he wants to really clean up his reputation, he will do the honorable thing and, as District Attorney, INDICT HIMSELF.”

Numerous conservatives have publicly tweeted their support of Trump.

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  1. TV cameras aren’t allowed so that we the people won’t see the dirt they try to do on him. The biggest trial in forever and we’re not allowed to witness it.

  2. There can’t be any doubt. There is no democrat party in this country any longer, that which has been replaced by so called “leftists” (aka communist sympathizers and actual enablers which include Pelosi and her group(s), all of which are complicit and participants in American Communism. Obviously, by his own actions and words the Biden family(s) have sold their souls to the Beijing red army which everyone should know by now is America’s sworn enemy.

  3. The democrat communists are destroying America. Down with the Demoncrats. Trump is innocent. He is the new American Caesar and he is a greater man than all his opponents taken together just as was the case with Julius Caesar. He is greater than all of them. They are weaklings and power hungry scumbags.

  4. We gave the Southern democrats after the civil war a break. We let them back into the union. They have been at the forefront of corruption ever since. They cannot steal from the American public with an honest president around. Our FBI should be collecting information on just how these farrots in Washington D.C. made their money and put them away.


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