Home News Hunter Biden’s Attorney Files Ethics Complaint Against Marjorie Taylor Greene

Hunter Biden’s Attorney Files Ethics Complaint Against Marjorie Taylor Greene

Marjorie Taylor Greene -Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, via Wikimedia Commons

Hunter Biden’s legal team filed an ethics complaint against Republican firebrand Marjorie Taylor Greene on Friday after the Congresswoman displayed lewd images of the President’s son during a House Oversight and Accountability Committee earlier in the week.

On Wednesday, a House Oversight and Accountability Committee hearing featured testimony from two IRS whistleblowers who allege that prosecutors slow-walked the investigation into Hunter Biden.

During her time to question the witnesses, the Georgia Congresswoman held up posters that showed graphic sexual photos from the laptop hard drive that allegedly belonged to Hunter Biden. The faces of other individuals involved in the sex acts were censored with black boxes, but Biden’s face was left visible.

In a letter to the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE), Biden’s attorney Abbe David Lowell slammed Greene’s actions.

“Now more than ever, the House has a duty to make loud and clear that it does not endorse, condone, or agree with her outrageous, undignified conduct and brazen violations of the standards of official conduct that do not reflect creditably on the House of Representatives,” Lowell wrote.

The OCE is a non-partisan, independent entity previously established by the House that reviews allegations of misconduct involving lawmakers, officers, and House staffers and, if warranted, refers matters to the Ethics Committee.


  1. We need more people like MTG, she is an elected official who seakes for her state. We need more elected officials like her. Its time for straight talking istead of politically correct speech

  2. Ms. Greene did nothing wrong in showing the images. It is all part of the public record that Hunter Biden is an asshole!

  3. Why is it indecent for adults to see this, when this is the same thing you want to teach our kids in school????

  4. That’s the damn Democrats for you they think they can get away eith murder which they have already done and the Rich asshole supporting them. There’s certain rules for them than any other political party they feel there entitled which there not the Democrats are a weak piece of crap.

  5. god worshiping, globalist puppet, demonrat criminal party are always angry when the truth and evidence is presented against them but god continues to bless them .

  6. Ironically MTG showed pictures to adults but the Dems believe it normal to show nude pictures and body parts in the classrooms of children. Seriously Hunter has thousands of other images of him high on drugs, speeding while smoking crack, etc. MTG said ahead of time if there were children watching perhaps they shouldn’t see the images she ws about to show. We, as citizens, deserve the truth.

  7. A quick query reveals our subject was discharged from the Navy for cocaine abuse. He lied on a federal application to illegally acquire a firearm. He created salacious and disgusting photographs of prostitutes, saving them on his laptop computer. He abandoned the computer to a laptop technician for an extended period of time, far longer than allowed on the signed repair contract.

    He never returned to reacquire his salacious and damning images. The laptop technician applied more than due diligence to find him and return it. Only after abandonment far beyond the contract limit did the technician surrender the machine to federal authorities. By the way, responsibility for his fourth child was disputed and today, carries a different surname.

    In addition to his influence peddling for tens of millions of dollars while accompanying his president-father, he travels and lives a lavish lifestyle. Thus far, he has even escaped federal income taxation. I recognize that this felonious miscreant is important but I resent the fact that he has escaped punishment by our nation’s judiciary.


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