Home News McCarthy Signals Incoming Jan. 6 Panel Investigation

McCarthy Signals Incoming Jan. 6 Panel Investigation

Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer attend medal ceremony via Wikimedia Commons

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) is threatening to investigate Nancy Pelosi’s partisan Jan. 6th committee when Republicans officially take control of Congress in January.

In a letter to Select Committee chairman Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), McCarthy told the panel to save all documents because the coming Republican majority plans to review its work, according to The Hill.

“It is imperative that all information collected be preserved not just for institutional prerogatives but for transparency to the American people,” McCarthy wrote.

“The American people have a right to know that the allegations you have made are supported by the facts and to be able to view the transcripts.”

Rep. Thompson responded to McCarthy’s letter noting that multiple Republican lawmakers were offered seats on the panel and noted the committee was originally planning to release its findings to the public.

“He had a chance to have members on the committee. So he had a chance to come and testify before the committee. So I think the horse has left the barn. And we will do our work, we will end Dec. 31. If he wants to conduct whatever he wants as Speaker, it’s his choice. But we sunset Dec. 31. He can read the report. We won’t have anything in our possession after Dec. 31,” Thompson said.

“The subpoena I signed for him to come and testify before the committee will be part of the record.”

McCarthy’s threat comes as the panel is set to meet Friday to evaluate how to deal with the five Republican lawmakers who failed to comply with their subpoenas- which includes McCarthy. The Select Committee meeting will also cover whether to make criminal referrals to the Justice Department.

So far the committee has made four such referrals to the DOJ, which ultimately chose to pursue charges in two cases: against former Trump adviser Steve Bannon and former White House trade adviser Peter Navarro.


    • Under Democrat control, yes I can. Democrats are just plain evil. They are so scared that President Trump will bring back polities to “Make America Great Again”. They don’t want America free, they want CONTROL!! End of Story.

    • Democrats are the greatest threat to our democracy. Specially when they conspired with the media and deep state to over throw Trump for 4 years with political motivated investigations and impeachments based on zero evidence and violating President Trump 4th and 6th amendments rights and our constitution.

  1. They go after j6. Trump, republicans, we go after Clintons, pelosi, Biden, his son and Cheney, warren, obamas, soros, gates, and all the squad! There r so many! Make it hurt!

  2. Just posturing/talk! Republicans and Religious leaders can’t hang with Democrats! Ministers of Sin (Democrats), lately, seem to always win! Dems have endless dark money and Satan himself!

  3. I want to know when Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler knew that Trump did not collude with the Russians. If it was before Special Council Mueller was appointed, then those three should have their estates garnished for the $40 million that “investigation” cost US taxpayers. Just the fact that they knew before their impeachment of President Trump should land those three in jail along with all of their Antifa violent rioter supporters. As for January 6th, the government needs to free the people they arrested for the “insurrection” and replace them with the FBI “informants” that did most of the actual damage.

  4. I hate to waste time responding here but all the posts that want the spineless pathetic cowards in the Republican Party to investigate the Demorats will be completely pissed off because they don’t have the spine to go after anyone with a D beside their name. The spineless pathetic cowards in the Republican Party are complicit with the demonrats. McCarthy is all talk and McConnell can’t wait to bail out the demonrats again and again


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