Home News Nevada Judge Rejects Trump Ballot Eligibility Challenge

Nevada Judge Rejects Trump Ballot Eligibility Challenge

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A Nevada federal judge rejected a challenge to remove former President Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot.

On Monday, U.S. District Court Judge Gloria M. Navarro, who was appointed by former President Obama, issued the order dismissing John Anthony Castro’s case, noting he “lack standing.”

Castro, a GOP challenger, ultimately asked if the U.S. Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment bars Trump from holding office over his alleged incitement of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. 

Fox News has more:

“This is a politically charged question of significant interest to the American public,” Navarro noted. “For reasons discussed below, the Court finds that Castro lacks standing, and the Court therefore lacks jurisdiction to hear this case.” 

“To have standing to sue in federal court, a plaintiff must have suffered a concrete, particularized, and actual or imminent injury in fact that was caused by the defendant’s challenged conduct and is redressable by a favorable decision,” Navarro explained. “This limitation on the judicial power prevents a plaintiff from invoking Article III jurisdiction of federal court by asserting what is merely a ‘general interest common to all members of the public.’” 

The ruling noted that multiple courts have already rejected Castro’s political competitor standing argument. 

“In rejecting his political competitor standing argument, courts have fund that Castro improperly manufactured his standing merely to file this lawsuit,” Navarro writes. “The evidence indicates that Castro is creating his own injury in order to manufacture standing to challenge Trump’s eligibility to run for president.” 

The judge observed that by his own admission, Castro “declared as a candidate and paid the filing fee to show the impermissibility of Trump’s presidency.” The ruling cited how Castro was quoted in an Associated Press article as having said, “I’m not going to lie and pretend my candidacy is anything more than trying to enforce the United States Constitution, and that’s what I’m here to do.” 

In a footnote, Navarro highlighted that Trump and Castro are not even competing on the same ballot in Nevada. 

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung praised the Nevada lawsuit’s dismissal in a statement to news outlets.  

“Today’s dismissal of another bogus, bad-faith, Crooked Joe Biden-engineered attempt to deprive Americans as a whole, and the voters of Nevada specifically, of their right to vote for the candidate of their choice is not only a victory for President Trump, but a victory for all Americans and the people of Nevada,” Cheung said, according to KLAS. “President Trump remains undefeated in federal court against these cynical efforts to interfere in the 2024 election. Courts in eleven states have now dismissed similar, pathetic, 14th Amendment ballot cases.” 

“Make no mistake, each and every one of these ‘ballot-challenges’ are blatant attempts to steal the election for Crooked Joe Biden and disenfranchise over 100 million American voters,” he continued. “President Trump is the leading candidate for not only the Republican primary, but the general election and his opponents are desperate. Rest assured that he will fight each and every one of these disgraceful attacks on American democracy, he will win, and we will all Make America Great Again.”

Dozens of lawsuits are now challenging Trump’s eligibility, citing the Fourteenth Amendment, after the Colorado Supreme Court removed him from the ballot in their state. 


  1. The 14th Amendment can only be enacted by Congress. Congress cleared Trump of insurrection charges and he has never been charged with insurrection. . Any elected official saying otherwise is in violation of the Constitution they swore to uphold and needs to resign.
    It is clearly plainly written. If it OK to remove President Trump from the ballot in what’s sure to be multiple states, what’s stopping conservative Judge’s from removing Biden and every other Democrat from Red States? And guess what, no one running for office can write their names on the ballots, nor can any voter either.
    Biden and every single Democrat are without a doubt guilty of Treason for aiding enemies of the United States by allowing any and all illegals in our country ILLEGALLY, handing them thousands of dollars a month on refillable Visa Card’s Free Medical, Free Food and Free Shelter. That’s aiding the enemy, one requirement that will get you the charge of Treason the highest crime in the United States that guarantees removal from Office FOREVER and we have more proof than anyone would ever need. Exactly where’s the proof that President Trump is actually Guilty of Insurrection? That is what is so funny, Trump has never been charged. There were 500k Patriots at the Washington Monument listening to Trump’s speech. If it was so inciteful why didn’t 500K Patriots march up Independence & Constitution Ave wracking havoc, destroying property and hurting innocent people? Because it was not an inciteful speech. Word salad from demokrazies and MSM. These are dangerous people


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