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Biden’s Wild Shooting Spree (Likely) Blasted 3 Innocent Civilian Balloons With $400k Missiles

Joe Biden via Gage Skidmore Flickr

NOT SATIRE – Following Joe Biden’s dismal performance in allowing a giant, high-altitude, Chinese surveillance airship to cross the entire United States for eight days while spying on sensitive nuclear weapons sites, the befuddled POTUS went on a shooting spree.

First, he ordered the Chinese ‘spy balloon’ to be shot down by one of our most sophisticated stealth aircraft (F-22 Raptor) after the Chinese airship left U.S. airspace near South Carolina.

Then, within a week, Biden had three additional unidentified aerial objects (UAPs) shot down by American jet fighters over Michigan, Alaska and Canada.

One of the sophisticated Sidewinder AIM-9X missiles reportedly missed its target, so to down the spy balloon and three additional UAPs, a total of five Sidewinders were fired.

Each of these state-of-the-art air-to-air missiles made by Raytheon costs between $400,000 and $500,000.

So, the cost to the taxpayer for Biden’s impotent attempt to appear macho was well over $2 million, probably closer to $2.5 million. (RELATED: Hard Blow to Putin – No More Viagra for Russia)

Of course, the perennially weak Team Biden took a huge victory lap over their multiple UAP downings; all the while thumping their chests at how they did this, not Trump.

However, it now turns out that Trump didn’t do it because a) the Pentagon never detected any Chinese spy balloons under his watch.

And b) Trump isn’t as foolish as Biden, as at least one, if not all three of the UAPs Biden had shot down last week, were likely nothing more than hobby clubs’ balloons.

The Blaze reports:

While the government has not confirmed what pilots downed over the Yukon in northern Canada, the Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade said one of its balloons is “missing in action.” That balloon was last seen off the coast of Alaska last Saturday morning.

The trajectory of the balloon’s flight tracks with the object that a U.S. Air Force F-22 shot down on Saturday using a AIM-9X Sidewinder missile. Each missile costs more than $400,000.

The Blaze continues by noting that Biden himself appears to admit he went off half-cocked when he confirmed that intelligence officials believe possibly all three of the unidentified flying objects he had blasted from the sky were just civilian balloons.

“The intelligence community’s current assessment is that these three objects were most likely balloons tied to private companies, recreation, or research institutions studying weather or conducting other scientific research,” Biden said on Thursday.

In fact, The Blaze notes, according to Aviation Week, “descriptions of all three unidentified objects shot down Feb. 10-12 match the shapes, altitudes and payloads of the small pico balloons.”

So, yea, Biden allowed a massive 200-foot Chinese surveillance airship to traverse the entire United States for over a week before going on a wild shooting spree blowing three benign civilian balloons out of the sky.

All in a feeble attempt to retroactively show everyone that he is tough.

Can we say dangerous and unstable POTUS?

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DeSantis Lays Out Timeline for 2024 Decision


Americans may not have to wait much longer on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis‘s White House decision…

The beloved Republican governor has been considered a potential White House contender for months but has remained silent over when Americans can expect a potential campaign announcement.

On Monday, Gov. DeSantis indicated that he will make a decision on a 2024 presidential run after the state’s legislative session wraps up in May.

During an appearance with “Fox & Friends” DeSantis charted out the next few months saying that he will embark on a tour to promote his new book, “The Courage to be Free,” and work through the Florida legislature’s regular session, which begins in early March.

“We’re going to sell some books, we’re going to spread the message of Florida. And then on March 8, I have our Legislative Session that’s kicking off,” DeSantis said.

“You ain’t seen nothing yet,” he added. “This is going to be the most productive Legislative Session we have had across the board and I think people are going to be really excited … So those are what we’re going to be doing over these next few months as we get beyond that, then we can decide from there.”

Republicans now hold supermajorities in both chambers of the state legislature after November’s midterm elections, meaning DeSantis has a clear path to getting some of his biggest policy priorities approved.

His remarks on Monday were some of the most explicit from the Florida governor on when to expect an announcement. 

Donald Trump Braces for New Challenger in Presidential Contest


The 2024 presidential primary field is filling up.

Entrepreneur and author Vivek Ramaswamy signaled to Fox News that he’s seriously considering entering the race and will give a final answer by the end of the month.

Ramaswamy told Fox News Digital in an interview that he’ll make his decision on whether to run for president before the end of February. The entrepreneur says his vision is about restoring the “national identity in America,” decrying the “vacuum” in younger generations who fill the void with “the poison of wokeism, and climatism, and transgenderism, and COVIDism for that matter.”

“Yes, I’ve accomplished things but so has everyone else who would be running in this race too. I think I am running on a vision that I believe I can articulate what it means to be an American in 2023,” Ramaswamy said.

The 37-year-old Ohio native warned the “real threat” to liberty in the year 2023 is the “merger of state power and corporate power” while knocking Republicans who “want to go back to 1980” and tout “Reaganite solutions.”

“The thing that distinguished Reagan is he did what he needed to do in his era. He stood up to the orthodoxies of his party and led a national revival at a time when America was in the middle of its last national identity crisis in the late 1970s. I think we’re in a late 1970s moment now,” Ramaswamy said. “I think 2024 could be a landslide election if we actually make it about those basic American ideals of merit, free speech, open debate.”

Ramaswamy is calling for a “total decoupling” from Communist China, who argued is “worse” of a threat to America today than the Soviet Union was during the Cold War since China makes the “shoes on our feet and the phones in our pockets.” 

Throughout his sprawling interview with Fox News, the multi-millionaire investor also pointed to the concerning fentanyl epidemic coming from the southern border noting the “unholy alliance between China as the supplier and its distributors within the Mexican drug cartels.”

When asked if continuing to build the barrier started by the Trump administration would be enough to deter criminal activity Ramaswamy opted to take a harsher approach while admitting his tactic is not for the faint of heart.

“Go Mohammed Atta, bin Laden-style, Soleimani-style airstrikes, special forces, you name it. We’re taking them out,” Ramaswamy said. “I think it’s got to be a shock and awe strategy so that they don’t have a cycle of adaptation. Again, not something you’re supposed to say in polite company.”

If Ramaswamy enters the race he is likely poised to be one of the youngest and richest candidates in the contest. In 2016, Forbes reported his net worth was at a whopping $600 million. Forbes reported former President Trump has a net worth of $3.2 billion as of 2022. 

In 2022, Ramaswamy founded the asset management firm Strive, which aims to be an alternative to what he calls the “woke” investment giant BlackRock, a major force in the ESG movement. 

His entry would make him the first non-elected official and the second first-generation Indian American seeking the White House in the 2024 election cycle, the first being former ambassador to the U.N. and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, who launched her candidacy last week. 

Amanda Head: Joe Biden’s Age Problem


President Joe Biden is 80 years old yet Democrats rush to defend him from any critics…

Let Amanda explain the latest controversy below:

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Attorney Predicts Bret Baier Will Step Away from Fox News Amid Scandal

Presidential debate photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

Is a major shakeup coming to Fox News?

The View co-host Sunny Hostin predicted anchor Bret Baier will likely leave Fox News due to the ongoing Dominion Voting Systems court filing.

Newly released court documents from Dominion Voting Systems‘ ongoing defamation lawsuit against Fox News show the network’s executives and prime-time lineup privately expressed doubts over former President Donald Trump’s claims of widespread voter fraud after losing reelection. But perhaps the most shocking revelation was that some of them expressed fear that any fact-checkers might alienate their audience. (RELATED: Fox News Trashed Trump’s Election Fraud Claims: Court Documents)

The texts revealed some at the network questioned or flat out did not believe the election fraud conspiracy theories some guests were promoting on the network.

Hostin, who is a lawyer, called the texts “some of the most damning evidence, evidentiary texts I’ve seen in my legal career.”

“Chris Wallace, before he left, said one of the reasons he left was once they started questioning facts, questioning truth. He found that to be unsustainable,” she said. “I think the same thing will happen to Bret Baier because I —”

“Is Bret still there?” Joy Behar asked. Baier is currently at Fox News, but Hostin predicted he would go the way of Wallace.

“I can’t imagine that he’ll stay. I think they’re going to lose him,” she said.

Hostin also predicted the $1.6 billion Dominion defamation suit could end up being successful in court.

“I think it is the strongest defamation case against a media company I’ve ever seen,” she concluded.

Pence Gives Strongest Signal Yet on 2024

Mike Pence via Gage Skidmore Flickr

The 2024 primary field is already growing and another challenger could be throwing his hat into the ring sooner rather than later…

On Thursday, former vice president Mike Pence told reporters that Nikki Haley “may have more company soon” in the 2024 presidential race. 

Speaking in Iowa, Pence noted that he wished Haley well and that she had done a “great job” during her time in the Trump administration serving as ambassador to the United Nations.

On Wednesday, Haley officially launched her bid for the White House after months of speculation. Trump told Fox News Digital on Wednesday that he is “glad” Haley is in the running for the GOP presidential nomination.

“Republicans have lost the popular vote in seven out of the last eight presidential elections. That has to change,” Haley, 51, said. “Joe Biden’s record is abysmal, but that shouldn’t come as a surprise. The Washington establishment has failed us over and over and over again. It’s time for a new generation of leadership.”

Last month, Haley signaled that she was still weighing a White House bid during an interview, saying that the country needed a new generation to step up in 2024 and offering herself as a potential leader. 

“It’s bigger than one person. And when you’re looking at the future of America, I think it’s time for new generational change. I don’t think you need to be 80 years old to go be a leader in D.C.,” Haley told the network. “I think we need a young generation to come in, step up, and really start fixing things.”

Did Biden Appoint a Chinese Mole? GOP Lawmakers Demand FBI Investigate

Joe Biden via Gage Skidmore Flickr

ANALYSIS – While Joe Biden’s weak response to the Chinese spy balloon that crossed the entire country before being shot down has put him under pressure, Biden is now also under fire for possibly appointing a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mole to a U.S. government post focused on Asia.

And several Republican lawmakers are demanding the FBI investigate.

The suspected Chinese communist mole, or spy, is Dominic Ng, CEO of East West Bank, appointed by Biden to represent the U.S. at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).

In a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray the lawmakers wrote: “We request the FBI investigate and provide a report to Congress on the extent of Mr. Ng’s knowledge of sensitive information, as well as any potential violations of The Espionage Act.” 

The lawmakers add: “The Biden Administration has allowed the CCP to infiltrate the third-party sector and, consequently, political leaders that have existing relationships to these groups and are privy to U.S. intelligence.”

According to the Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF), Ng is a current and former member of two alleged front groups serving a “Chinese intelligence service.”

According to the Daily Caller: “Ng served as ‘executive director’ of the China Overseas Exchange Association until 2017 and still serves in that capacity at the related China Overseas Friendship Association, according to DCNF translations of those groups’ archived rosters.”

Multiple China intelligence analysts have identified these two entities as front groups for China’s United Front Work Department (UFWD), a Chinese intelligence service.

UFWD is tasked with infiltrating U.S. and other foreign political parties, conducting ‘influence’ operations, and collecting intelligence.

In 2020, Ng helped grease the wheels for his appointment by donating $100,000 to the Biden Victory Fund and $35,500 to the Democratic National Committee in 2020.

The Daily Caller reports that Ng’s CCP ties first came under scrutiny in April 2022, when Biden appointed the banker to a one-year position representing the U.S. on the Business Advisory Council of APEC, soon after he made his large political donations. 

Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio called Ng’s alleged CCP ties “beyond disturbing and concerning” in a Feb. 10 tweet. 

Texas Republican Rep. Lance Gooden told the DCNF: “President Biden ignored Dominic Ng’s extensive ties to the CCP and Chinese intelligence groups, happily took his campaign donations, and in return appointed a possible Chinese spy to a senior government position.” 

Gooden added that Ng was “compromised at best and a traitor at worst.”

But this one appointee is only the tip of the Chinese infiltration of the U.S. political system, primarily via the Democrat Party in California. 

We all know California Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell, who was compromised by an attractive female Chinese spy aptly called Fang Fang, even as he served on the House Intelligence Committee.

The letter notes how other influential Democrat politicians from California may also be linked to the CCP:

Prior to his appointment to APEC, California Democratic Representative Judy Chu advocated for Mr. Ng’s nomination to be the U.S. Secretary of Commerce. Like Mr. Ng, California Representative Judy Chu is the “honorary president” for the All America Chinese Youth Federations (AACYF), a 501(c)(3) non-profit whose mission is to strengthen the social impact of the Chinese community within the U.S.

However, under Representative Chu’s tenure, five of AACYF’s leaders have been alleged members of organizations belonging to UFWD.

The letter signed by six Republican members of Congress, Lance Gooden and Keith Self of Texas, Tom Tiffany of Wisconsin, Lauren Boebert of Colorado, Ben Cline of Virginia and Doug LaMalfa of California, adds: 

China has proved themselves as our greatest adversary and foreign competitor, and yet our leaders continuously jeopardize U.S. national security by allowing the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to infiltrate our third-party sector and federal government.

The letter continues: “This lack of scrutiny should be promptly evaluated, and the Biden Administration should take immediate steps to ensure blunders like this will not happen again.”

“These are incredibly troubling disclosures,” Tiffany told the DCNF. “The FBI ought to be taking a very serious look at them.”

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Kari Lake Loses Appeal in Gubernatorial Race Challenge

Kari Lake speaking with supporters at a "Stand for Freedom" rally at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Scottsdale Resort in Scottsdale, Arizona. [Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons]

Arizona Republican Kari Lake’s challenge of her loss to Democrat Katie Hobbs in the gubernatorial race has been rejected by an appeals court. 

On Thursday, the Arizona Court of Appeals denied Lake’s request to toss election results in Maricopa County and hold the election again.

According to Fox News, the Republican challenger claimed problems with ballot printers at some polling places on Election Day resulted from intentional misconduct. Still, the court said Lake presented no evidence that voters whose ballots were unreadable by tabulators at polling places were not able to vote. 

“Lake’s arguments highlight Election Day difficulties, but her request for relief fails because the evidence presented to the superior court ultimately supports the court’s conclusion that voters were able to cast their ballots, that votes were counted correctly, and that no other basis justifies setting aside the election results,” the court said in its opinion. 

The court said a witness called by Lake to testify had confirmed that voters whose ballots couldn’t initially be read at polling places could still ultimately have their vote counted.

And while a pollster who testified on behalf of Lake claimed the polling place problems had disenfranchised enough voters to change the outcome in Lake’s favor, the court said his conclusions were baseless.

In response to the ruling, Lake signaled her intent to take the case to the Supreme Court.

“I told you we would take this case all the way to the Arizona Supreme Court, and that’s exactly what we are going to do. Buckle up, America!”

Lawyers for Lake focused on problems with ballot printers at some polling places in Maricopa County, which is home to more than 60% of the state’s voters making it Arizona’s most populous county.

The defective printers produced ballots that were too light to be read by the on-site tabulators at polling places. However, the county argued everyone had a chance to vote and all ballots were counted since ballots affected by the printers were taken to more sophisticated counters at the elections department headquarters.

Additionally, Lake’s attorneys argued that the chain of custody for ballots was broken at an off-site facility. The county disputes the claim. 

Fox News Trashed Trump’s Election Fraud Claims: Court Documents

The White House from Washington, DC, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Court documents from Dominion Voting System’s ongoing defamation lawsuit against Fox News show the network’s executives and prime-time lineup privately doubted former President Donald Trump’s claims of widespread voter fraud after losing reelection. However, some of them expressed fear that any fact-checkers might alienate their audience.

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In a text message to his producer, Tucker Carlson said that “Sydney Powell is lying.” Behind the scenes, News Corp founder Rupert Murdoch called Rudy Giuliani’s defense of the former president “crazy stuff.”

However, the network is adamant that it never knowingly made false claims.

Months of depositions and evidence were made public Thursday.

As The Hill reports:

Top network hosts Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham in text messages referred to the voter fraud allegations made by Trump and his associates as “insane” while network leadership debated how rebuking those claims on the air might hurt the conservative media giant’s reputation with its viewers, according to the filing.

Correspondence and testimony from top talent and executives at the network were made public as part of an ongoing defamation lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting System against Fox News and its parent company, seeking $1.6 Billion in damages, for what the voting software company says was Fox’s broadcasting of information about it that the network’s leaders knew were false.

At one point, Laura Ingraham’s producer messaged network management, saying her “BS” about the election would wind up giving him “a f*cking aneurysm.”

Around the same time, Tucker Carlson wanted Fox News’ prime-time hosts to pressure network execs to fire reporter Jacqui Heinrich for fact-checking Trump.

“Please get her fired,” Carlson messaged Sean Hannity. “Seriously… What the f*ck?”

Page 31 in the legal filing detailed Carlson’s request, which included concerns about FOX Corporation’s declining stock price:

In their group text thread, Carlson pointed Hannity to a tweet by Fox reporter Jacqui Heinrich. Heinrich was “fact checking” a tweet by Trump that mentioned Dominion and specifically mentioned Hannity’s and Dobbs’ broadcasts that evening discussing Dominion. Heinrich correctly fact-checked the tweet, pointing out that “top election infrastructure officials” said that “‘There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.’”

Carlson told Hannity: “Please get her fired. Seriously… What the fuck? I’m actually shocked. It needs to stop immediately, like tonight. It’s measurably hurting the company The stock price is down. Not a joke.” Tucker added, I just went crazy on Meade over it. Hannity said he had “already sent to Suzanne with a really?” He then added: “I’m 3 strikes. Wallace shit debate[.] Election night a disaster[.] Now this BS? Nope. Not gonna fly. Did I mention Cavuto?”

Representatives for Fox said the messages were cherry-picked out of context, saying the case boils down to freedom of the press and freedom of speech. The network added in a statement that these are “fundamental rights afforded by the Constitution and protected by New York Times v. Sullivan.”

Report: Georgia Grand Jury Publishes Report


The special grand jury part of the investigation into whether former President Donald Trump interfered in the 2020 presidential election has published part of its report.

Want to see part of the official report? Look below!

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