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Billionaire Donor Says This Republican Governor Is His ‘Ideal’ White House Candidate

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While the 2024 Republican primary field continues to attract high-profile contenders to the ring some top GOP donors are holding out hope for another candidate.

Interactive Brokers founder Thomas Peterffy, a billionaire who has supported Republican candidates in the past, says he hopes Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin takes the leap.

“I would like to vote for a person who, in my view, is most likely to be able to win the general election. And accordingly, we have to pick somebody in primaries that we believe is most likely to win the general. And that is going to be a person that I believe is more likely to be a centrist candidate, “Peterffy said on Tuesday. 

“I think that [Glenn Youngkin] would be an ideal candidate, although it is not very likely that he’s going to run. Not at this point, certainly,” he added. 

“I think that he is the person that most people will find very, very attractive,” he said. “And he goes along with the main Republican ideals of individual freedom and economic freedom. And that’s where the issue basically is. And less regulation, smaller government, etc.”

Peterffy noted that his experience growing up in a Socialist country has only made him more determined to support candidates that will prevent the U.S. from becoming a Socialist country.

“I grew up in a socialist country, and I’m deathly afraid of ending up in the same situation, and I will do practically anything to avoid it,” he said.

Despite interest from outside parties, Gov. Youngkin has been hesitant to enter the 2024 primary field.

Last month, reports indicated the Virginia governor is “reconsidering” mounting a 2024 bid for the White House despite previously refuting such claims. (RELATED: Republican Gov. ‘Reconsidering’ White House Bid)

“He’s reconsidering,” a source close to Youngkin told Axios. “He’d be in his own lane: He’s not never-Trump, and he’s not Trump-light.”

The other Soros: Senator Reveals How this Liberal Swiss Billionaire Has Been Funneling Cash into US Elections

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A left-wing Swiss billionaire has been bankrolling the voting systems used in American elections, with an alleged bias toward liberals, a U.S. senator reveals.

United States Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN), a member of the Senate Rules Committee, pressed Benjamin Hovland, Vice Chair of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC), on foreign influence in U.S. elections through what he called “a new form of Zuckerbucks: partisan, foreign-backed funding for local election administrators through the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence.”

Hagerty calls it a “highly problematic scheme in which left-wing organizations provide substantial, foreign-funded resources for conducting American elections at the local level.”

Much of the funding comes from Hansjörg Wyss, a Swiss billionaire and multi-million dollar donor to left-wing causes through his “Hub Project.”

“This is an $80 million initiative, funded by a web of left-wing entities, to ‘help’ local election administrators conduct elections,” Hagerty explained. “It’s a new form of ‘Zuckerbucks,’ is what it is. This network of entities has received tens—if not hundreds—of millions of dollars from a foreign left-wing billionaire named Hansjörg Wyss. He’s not a U.S. Citizen, so he can’t contribute directly to our elections, but he’s found a way to be involved in our elections.”

“After being repeatedly pressed by Hagerty to acknowledge whether foreign donations used to conduct American elections are acceptable, Vice Chair Hovland conceded that this interference is inappropriate,” a statement from Hagerty’s office reveals.

“Absolutely not. Of course not,” Vice Chair Hovland answered. 

“I want to be clear with that because what this is is Zuckerbucks 2.0 coming from a foreign billionaire involving themselves in our elections. What I want to make certain is that this Commission—that no Election Assistance Commission dollars are commingled in any way with these foreign funds,” said Hagerty.

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Many in Gen Z ‘Love Big Brother,’ Want State Surveillance in Homes

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ANALYSIS – Be afraid, Be very afraid. 1984 is almost here. A recent poll by the Libertarian CATO Institute showed that a big chunk of our latest and brightest Generation Z (Gen Z or Zoomers) actually favors having the government watch them 24/7.

Including surveillance in their homes and bedrooms.

Zoomers are officially those under the age of 26. And come right after Millennials.

After the horrors of World War Two showcased the brutal dangers of modern totalitarian dictatorships such as Nazi Germany and Communist Soviet Union, George Orwell penned his classic dystopian tale titled ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ (1984).

In the novel, written in 1949, the pervasive government of the fictional nation Oceania was known as ‘Big Brother,’ and it watched its citizens incessantly via two-way video devices called ‘telescreens.’ 

This was of course before the advent of television or modern surveillance.

Government agents known as the ‘Thought Police’ were able to monitor everyone at home, at work, on public streets, in shops, even in bathrooms. It was a terrifying existence.

The book and term ‘Big Brother’ have since been widely referenced when warning about government overreach and expanding state control. 

Sadly, it seems that almost 30 percent of Gen Z (and some Millennials) haven’t read the book or understand the danger.

CATO’s Blog notes that

In a newly released Cato Institute 2023 Central Bank Digital Currency National Survey of 2,000 Americans, we asked respondents whether they “favor or oppose the government installing surveillance cameras in every household to reduce domestic violence, abuse, and other illegal activity.”

Fortunately, the poll shows that 75 percent of Americans oppose or are strongly opposed to this insane idea.

However, CATO also notes that the younger you get, the less concerned Americans are about state surveillance and control:

…Americans under the age of 30 stand out when it comes to 1984‐style in‐home government surveillance cameras. 3 in 10 (29 percent) Americans under 30 favor “the government installing surveillance cameras in every household” in order to “reduce domestic violence, abuse, and other illegal activity.” Support declines with age, dropping to 20 percent among 30–44-year-olds and dropping considerably to 6 percent among those over the age of 45.

Support for 24/7 surveillance was especially high among those younger than 30. Almost a third of those born after 1993 said they would welcome round-the-clock monitoring by the government. 

Those respondents in their 40s, 50s, and 60s were almost totally opposed. That is a terribly disturbing trend that bodes ill for liberty in America in the next decades.

In his Boston Globe Email Newsletter, Jeff Jacoby provides his explanation for this sad state among Zoomers:

…perhaps, [it] is that Generation Z has been indoctrinated to regard safety, not freedom, as the highest good — so much so that many would rather be under the nonstop watch of the state than face the possibility of being abused or endangered.

If so, they are in for a fearful awakening. What little protection they might gain from being under the authorities’ constant watch is nothing compared with the peril they would face. Benjamin Franklin’s famous admonition is as relevant as ever: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Inviting Big Brother into your home will not keep Gen Z-ers safe. And by the time they realize what they have given up, it will be too late to get it back.

Jacoby adds that the protagonist of Orwell’s novel, Winston Smith, is a weak man who resents the regime — and is ultimately broken for it. And the must-read book’s final words are haunting: “He loved Big Brother.”

Yet, after all we have seen and know about tyranny, almost a third of Generation Z is still prepared to love Big Brother too. Yes, we must be afraid. Very afraid.

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CNN Blasted for Hiring ‘Spy Who Lied’ About Hunter Laptop

Jay Godwin, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

ANALYSIS – One of the most egregious efforts at election interference in 2020 was when the Joe Biden campaign successfully quashed the bombshell New York Post story of Hunter Biden’s laptop. 

The laptop has proven to hold a treasure trove of incriminating evidence against the Bidens.

But it was effectively kept from the American people in the final weeks of the campaign through a concerted conspiracy between the Biden campaign, Big Tech social media companies, the major news networks, and a group of former spies.

And one of those who helped hide it from the public is now an on-air CNN analyst.

It has since been documented that Antony Blinken, then with the Biden campaign, now Biden Secretary of State, retained former senior U.S. intelligence officials to smear the laptop story as Russian disinformation.

As I have written about, 51 former spooks eventually signed a letter calling the laptop story likely Russian disinformation. This was then used as justification by the media to censor and ban the story.

One of the most senior of those partisan intelligence hacks was ex-Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper. 

As a reward for his disservice, Clapper has now been hired by CNN as an analyst where he will be able to spew disinformation on all manner of national security and political topics.

And Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy made a big deal about this on a recent CNN appearance. 

In a tense back-and-forth exchange with the reporter McCarthy ignored the question about Trump’s classified documents case and instead emphasized that Clapper had been one of dozens of former intelligence officials who signed the letter dismissing the Post’s October 2020 expose on Hunter’s laptop as a Russian disinformation.

He also threw in CNN’s hiring of discredited former deputy FBI chief Andrew McCabe who was fired for leaking classified information.

Fox News reported:

“Are you prepared to defend your network, CNN?” McCarthy said as they spoke over each other. “Even though your network hired Andrew McCabe, who was fired from the FBI for leaking classified documents, did you remove him from your network? No, you continue to put him on to give judgment against President Trump. You also hired Clapper …”

McCarthy later continued, according to Fox:

“So, your network hires Clapper, who literally lied to the American public – one of 51 other individuals that had briefings and used it politically to tell the American public that a laptop was Russia collusion, even though it had all this information about the Biden administration,” the speaker said.

“Are you prepared to get rid of those people from your network? Because my concern as a policymaker is that when [you] weaponize government, and now you’re weaponizing networks, that is wrong,” McCarthy continued. “I have a real problem that your network actually pays people who did classified information and then lied to the American public to try to influence a presidential election, and then you put them on your network to give an opinion.”

This line of attack against CNN and other major news outlets who hire ex-officials involved in partisan election interference is valid and should be continued. 

This goes well beyond just being partisan.

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Feds Gave $400 BILLION in ‘COVID Relief’ to Criminals and Scammers

Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine answering questions from the press. As states across the country begin to reopen and nearly half are seeing COVID-19 cases rise, Governor Tom Wolf announced Friday that Pennsylvania is not one of them. ...Today at a daily COVID briefing with Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine, he noted another milestone: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention proprietary data for states indicates that we are one of just three states that has had a downward trajectory of COVID- 19 cases for more than 42 days. The other two states are Montana and Hawaii. JUNE 17, 2020 - HARRISBURG, PA.

ANALYSIS– This should be one of the biggest stories in America. The bloated, overreaching, over-powerful, over-taxing federal government gave nearly half a TRILLION of our tax dollars for so-called ‘COVID-19 relief’ to grifters, scammers and fraudsters. 

If that doesn’t cause national outrage, nothing will.

They used to say sarcastically, ‘a billion here and a billion there, and pretty soon you’re talking about real money.’

Well, this is $400 billion worth of real money, and the monstrosity we call the federal government literally gave it away to criminals.

Often the fraud involved identity theft and crooks overseas. Sadly, some of those criminals might also be your next-door neighbors, family, or friends. 

Everyone, it seems, ‘wanted in’ on an easy payday.

And the government gave it all to them in about three years. Fortune reported:

An Associated Press analysis found that fraudsters potentially stole more than $280 billion in COVID-19 relief funding; another $123 billion was wasted or misspent. Combined, the loss represents a jarring 10% of the $4.2 trillion the U.S. government has so far disbursed in COVID-relief aid.

That number is certain to grow as investigators dig deeper into thousands of potential schemes.

There are myriad reasons for the staggering loss. Investigators and outside experts say the government, in seeking to quickly spend trillions in relief aid, conducted too little oversight during the pandemic’s early stages and instituted too few restrictions on applicants. In short, they say, the grift was just way too easy.

“Here was this sort of endless pot of money that anyone could access,” said Dan Fruchter, chief of the fraud and white-collar crime unit at the U.S. Attorney’s office in the Eastern District of Washington. “Folks kind of fooled themselves into thinking that it was a socially acceptable thing to do, even though it wasn’t legal.”

It was theft. Some big; some small. But together it equaled a mass of scams so large it is unprecedented in U.S. history.

And it all occurred when America was being devastated with overrun hospitals, school closures, closed businesses, and many others who really needed help.

This is what happens when a giant faceless government bureaucracy is enabled by politicians from both parties (but generally more so from the Democrats) and detached from reality, taken from the people, and then decide who to give it to afterward.

As Fortune notes: “Too much government money, Republicans argue, breeds fraud, waste, and inflation.” And it does.

But it also shows the state of American society where almost everyone wants something for nothing and is willing to scam and steal to get it.

And in this case, both sides are to blame for the massive spending and waste.

At the height of the pandemic, President Donald Trump approved emergency aid measures totaling $3.2 trillion, according to figures from the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee, and reported by Fortune.

And then came Joe Biden with his 2021 ‘American Rescue Plan’ spending another $1.9 trillion. 

The committee’s most recent accounting shows that about a fifth of the $5.2 trillion (over $1 TRILLION) has yet to be fully paid out. 

Perhaps they should put that on hold until they can figure out what fraudsters they will be giving it out to, and also recover the $400 billion already wasted.

At least Republicans and Democrats have agreed on one way to fix it. 

They are giving the government more time to catch fraudsters with legislation passed in August To increase the statute of limitations from five to 10 years on crimes involving the two major programs managed by the Small Business Administration.

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White House Hopeful Pledges to Pardon Trump If Elected

Vivek Ramaswamy speaking with attendees at the 2022 AmericaFest at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona.

Republicans, even his direct opponents, are still loyal to Donald Trump – despite the building legal woes.

During a Tuesday press conference at the Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. U.S. Courthouse in Miami, Florida Vivek Ramaswamy said if he is elected president, he will pardon Trump for his federal charges.

While speaking to a crowd the Ohio businessman and tech mogul challenged his Republican counterparts to make the same pledge to pardon the former President if elected.

“The use of police force by a sitting U.S. President against his chief political rival in the midst of a presidential election sets a dangerous precedent in our country,” Ramaswamy said in a press release.

“No one is above the law: the U.S. President shouldn’t be able to use the federal police to arrest his opponents,” he continued.

“No one should be below the law either, yet there are now two standards of justice depending on your political viewpoints,” Ramaswamy added. “That’s the single greatest threat to our constitutional republic today.”

“If President Trump is prosecuted in a manner that effectively prevents him from running, this will permanently damage public trust in our electoral process and our justice system,” the letter reads.

“Whoever among us is elected, our job of reuniting the nation will become daunting – if not impossible,” Ramaswamy wrote.

Trump is set to be arraigned Tuesday after a federal grand jury indicted him last week on 37 charges related to his retention of sensitive documents. 

In addition to pledging to pardon Trump, Ramaswamy also filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request this week seeking communication between the White House and the Justice Department concerning the second indictment of Trump. 

Ramaswamy said he filed the request “to demand *exactly* what the White House Communicated to [Attorney General] Merrick Garland & [Special Counsel] Jack Smith about the unprecedented indictment of a former U.S. President & Biden’s disfavored opponent in this election.” 

Other Republican candidates have yet to respond to Ramaswamy’s challenge but former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley signaled she’s “inclined” to sign on.”

“I think we all need to let this trial play out. We need to see exactly what happens, when you look at a pardon, the issue is less about guilt and more about what’s good for the country. And I think it would be terrible for the country to have a former president in prison for years because of a documents case,” Haley said on “The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show” when asked if she’d commit to pardoning Trump if elected.

“That’s something you’d see in a Third World country. I saw that at the United Nations, so I would be inclined in favor of a pardon. But I think it’s really pretty mature at this point when he’s not even been convicted of anything,” she added.

Republican Governor Snubs Trump, Endorses Top White House Rival

Kevin Stitt via Gage Skidmore Flickr

The 2024 campaign field is heating up…

Top Trump campaign challenger Ron DeSantis is gaining steam as the former President’s legal troubles overshadow his active campaign.

Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt (R) is choosing to endorse DeSantis for president and Trump could not be less thrilled by the choice.

“Governor DeSantis is a strong conservative and principled leader, and I am proud to endorse him for president,” Stitt said in a statement.

“As fellow Governors during COVID, DeSantis did not surrender states’ rights and individual liberties over to groupthink,” the governor continued. “In this election cycle, Oklahomans will remember that DeSantis was one of the few who never backed down in the face of adversity because DeSantis operated with dogged conviction and shared our values for a limited government and free country.”

The Oklahoma governor campaigned with DeSantis over the weekend in the Sooner State.

“Governor Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma, who I didn’t know very well, called me before his last election to say he was in BIG trouble and very much needed my Endorsement. I LOVE Oklahoma & won 77 out of 77 Counties, something that never happened before,” the former president said on his social media platform Truth Social.

Former presidential contender Mitt Romney (R-Utah) also won all 77 counties during the 2012 election.

Ronald Reagan was next with 56. Anyway, I gave him my endorsement, he immediately went way up, and won. Now, despite the fact that DeSanctimonious is losing to Biden, & me, Stitt just endorsed him. Wow! He disliked ‘the Indians’ & my great Senate pick!” the former president continued, appearing to reference Stitt’s working relationship with Indigenous tribes within the state.

DeSantis also received an endorsement from former Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.), Trump’s former NASA administrator, and 20 state lawmakers last week.

What About the Federal Investigations on Biden’s Corruption?

The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

ANALYSIS – We are rightfully covering all aspects of the ongoing legal proceedings against former president Donald Trump, especially the most recent federal indictment. 

But we also need to ask – what about the federal investigations into Joe and Hunter Biden? They are potentially far more serious.

Bill Barr, Attorney General under Trump, said the protracted investigation into Hunter Biden, which is being led by U.S. Attorney David Weiss, is damaging the nation.

“I think it’s time to fish or cut bait and find out what actually happened in that investigation,” Barr said, according to The Blaze.

The Hunter investigation has the strong potential to also implicate Joe Biden criminally, including credible whistleblower allegations that the senior Biden took a $5 million bribe from the Chinese.

That would be a far worse crime than anything Trump has been accused of.

But Democrats are quick to dismiss these serious accusations, and in some cases even lie about them.

Case in point, a confidential human source (CHS) allegations that Biden had been involved in a criminal bribery scheme.

After meeting with the FBI, where they showed Democrat Rep. Jamie Raskin and House Oversight Committee Chairman, Republican James Comer, a document detailing the allegations, Raskin dismissed the whole thing, and apparently lied about it.

As The Blaze reported: “Raskin, the committee’s top Democrat, claimed the Justice Department had investigated the allegations in 2020 but decided not to move further because then-U.S. Attorney Scott Brady ‘found no evidence to corroborate’ them.

He also claimed information against Biden was given to the FBI by Rudy Giuliani, a high-profile, if slightly discredited, Trump loyalist.

In an interview on Fox News, Barr, who led the Department of Justice (DOJ) when the whistleblower allegations were made, disputed Raskin’s comments, saying the Democrat was “confused,” and essentially called him a liar.

According to the Blaze:

Barr said he assigned Brady the task of vetting the document to determine its credibility. He established this “intake process,” he explained, because there were a number of ongoing investigations related to the Biden family and he wanted to avoid “proliferating investigations around the country going in to the election year, all related to the Bidens.”

“We also wanted to protect the integrity of the investigations that were going on,” Barr said. “So this was a screening, a clearinghouse function to check evidence out before sending it to the ongoing investigations.”

Regarding Raskin’s claim that the document contained information provided by Rudy Giuliani. That is just flatly untrue, he said.

Barr added, “It was stuff that was developed within the department and the FBI from [a] confidential human source. And that information was checked out and it was determined that it was not likely to have been disinformation.” 

Meanwhile, Biden decided to joke about the serious allegations about Chinese bribery.

When confronted by a reporter at the White House who asked about them, saying “Congresswoman Nancy Mace says there’s damning evidence in the FBI file that you sold out the country,” Biden replied: “Where’s the money?” adding, “I’m joking. It’s a bunch of malarkey.”

The GOP Congresswoman quickly responded: “[W]e don’t find selling out your country funny. Prove us wrong by releasing your and your family’s unredacted bank records. The FBI can’t protect you forever.”

She went on to list the names of businesses the Biden family allegedly used as “shell companies” to conceal funds received from foreign nationals.

Comer earlier had explained: “Most of these companies were limited liability companies formed during Joe Biden’s vice presidency.” 

“The bank records show the Biden family, their associates, and their companies received over $10 million from foreign nationals and their companies.”

According to Fox News, an executive with Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian natural gas firm where Hunter Biden served as a board member, told the FBI’s source the payoff was to be divided: “$5 million for one Biden, $5 million for the other Biden.” 

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Fox News Issues Cease And Desist Letter to Tucker Carlson

Photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

The relationship between Tucker Carlson and Fox News continues to sour…

The network has issued a cease and desist letter to Tucker Carlson after the conservative pundit published the first two episodes of his new Twitter show.

Carlson remains under contract with Fox News despite being unceremoniously fired by the network in April days after Fox agreed to a historic settlement with Dominion Voting Systems. (RELATED: Fox News, Dominion Voting Systems Speak Out Over Tucker Carlson Exit)

In a Twitter thread posted Monday, Harmeet Dhillon, one of Carlson’s attorneys who regularly appeared on his show while he was still on Fox, accused the network of attempting to muzzle its former prime-time star.

“What you are seeing on Fox today is a censored version of the news,” Dhillon said. “Keep that in mind as you make your viewing and your commenting choices.”

Since leaving Fox News, Carlson has launched a new web series on Twitter Spaces. However, the network’s latest move may jeopardize the future of Carlson’s venture.

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Trump Splits With Attorneys After Federal Indictment

    Photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

    Hours after being indicted for a second time and Donald Trump has parted ways with two of his attorneys.

    Shortly after being indicted in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s investigation into Trump’s alleged mishandling of classified materials after leaving the White House on Thursday two of Trump’s lawyers have reportedly resigned.

    “This morning we tendered our resignations as counsel to President Trump, and we will no longer represent him on either the indicted case or the January 6 investigation,” Trusty and Rowley said in a statement Friday. “It has been an honor to have spent the last year defending him, and we know he will be vindicated in his battle against the Biden Administration’s partisan weaponization of the American justice system. 

    “Now that the case has been filed in Miami, this is a logical moment for us to step aside and let others carry the cases through to completion,” they added. “We have no plans to hold media appearances that address our withdrawals or any other confidential communications we’ve had with the President or his legal team.” 

    Trump, taking to his TRUTH Social on Friday, said he will bring on a new attorney, Todd Blanche. 

    “For purposes of fighting the Greatest Witch Hunt of all time, now moving to the Florida Courts, I will be represented by Todd Blanche, Esq., and a firm to be named later,” Trump wrote. “I want to thank Jim Trusty and John Rowley for their work, but they were up against a very dishonest, corrupt, evil, and “sick” group of people, the likes of which has not been seen before.” 

    He added: “We will be announcing additional lawyers in the coming days. When will Joe Biden be Indicted for his many crimes against our Nation? MAGA!” 

    Trump was indicted on at least seven counts involving obstruction of justice, conspiracy, and illegal retention of classified government material.