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How ‘Woke’ and Compromised is the FBI and Its ‘Agents Association’?


    ANALYSIS – As someone involved in national security for over 30 years, I’ve written a lot about the FBI – about its successes as well as its politicization, and corrupt, partisan leadership. 

    I’ve even argued that perhaps the entire FBI should be dissolved or broken up.

    But I’ve generally defended the rank-and-file field agents, some whom I’ve known or worked with. I’ve noted that most are hardworking, honorable patriots.

    In a recent piece I even noted that a ‘Sizable Percentage’ of FBI Agents and Employees were reportedly ‘sympathetic’ to the Capitol rioters and believed the FBI was conducting a witch hunt against them.
    So, it saddens, and angers me, when I read that the FBI leadership lauded clueless or woke agents from the D.C field office who took a knee in front of BLM protesters and rioters in the summer of 2020.
    Recall that these police-hating, BLM race riots caused over $2 billion in damages nationwide, caused multiple civilian deaths, and injured over 2,000 local police and other law enforcement. 
    As Gagliano notes: “Seattle and Minneapolis police precincts were occupied and immolated, a federal courthouse was firebombed while federal agents were trapped inside, and deadly “autonomous zones” were established in Democrat-led cities.”
    This is the BLM mob these DC agents kneeled for in DC, and leadership lauded.
    What’s more, the FBI Agents Association rewarded these kneeling agents kowtowing to the BLM mob with $100 gift cards.

    Founded in 1981, the nonprofit organization boasts 14,000 members, including 90% of the current FBI agent workforce, and used to command respect from the rank-and-file agents.

    But maybe not so much now.

    James Gagliano, a retired FBI supervisory special agent, writes in New York Post:

    FBI executive management lauded on-duty agents who knelt before Black Lives Matter protesters at the height of the George Floyd unrest and riots for their “de-escalation” efforts, The Washington Times recently reported. A whistleblower said the counterterrorism special agent in charge of the Washington, DC, field office even hugged each of them after the June 4, 2020, incident. While not all the “presence patrol” agents assigned to the scene — which included the Supreme Court and the National Archives — “took a knee” in a show of solidarity or an act of cowardice and capitulation, at least seven did.

    And what was the FBI Agents Association’s response to this embarrassing gesture? Well, as the paper reported and FBI insiders confirmed to me, the organization rewarded the kneelers with a $100 “attaboy” — or what it describes as gift cards of “modest value.”

    While seven idiotic agents kneeling may only be a very small number of the entire FBI field agent force, the fact that our premier law enforcement agency had any who did that is disturbing.

    But even worse is the leadership and the association rewarding them for it.

    Gagliano rightly notes: “With outrageous, political decisions by its board, it has sullied itself just as James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and Kevin Clinesmith annihilated the top law-enforcement agency’s reputation during the 2016 Russiagate hoax.”

    This is why the FBI is now distrusted by about half the country. Only 44% of Gallup respondents in 2021 felt the Bureau was doing an “excellent” or “good” job.

    Gagliano concludes:

    I have come to grips with the fact that my beloved FBI has been irreparably broken by woke activists serving amongst its senior ranks. And with the Justice Department appearing to do this president’s bidding by targeting his political adversaries, it will take a monumental house-cleaning and seismic shift in culture at both DOJ and the FBI to begin to restore America’s trust and confidence.

    This something I have said before and wholeheartedly agree with. A thorough FBI housecleaning is badly needed

    Opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of Great America News Desk.

    Amanda Head: Joy Reid Shows Her Racism…Again


      MSNBC host Joy Reid is known for her racist behavior but her latest claims really take the cake… Joy, you should be ashamed of yourself…

      Watch Amanda break down the latest controversy below:

      Arizona Rejects Biden’s Demand To Remove Shipping Container Border Wall

      Image via Gage Skidmore Flickr

      Arizona Governor Doug Ducey is rejecting President Biden’s demand to remove shipping containers that are being used to block a portion of the state’s border with Mexico.

      On Wednesday, Gov. Ducey said, “Arizonans cannot — and will not — wait for federal bureaucrats to do their job and secure the border. We’re taking action now.”

      Governor Ducey’s refusal comes after Biden’s Department of Interior said in a letter last week that Arizona was violating federal law by placing the containers on federal land and on the land of Cocopah Indian Tribe’s West Reservation, according to The Daily Wire.

      “The unauthorized placement of those containers constitutes a violation of federal law and is a trespass against the United States,” the letter read. “That trespass is harming federal lands and resources and impeding Reclamation’s ability to perform its mission.”

      A spokesperson for Ducey responded to the letter stating the governor will not entertain any proposals that directly endanger Arizonians’ safety.

      “The suggestion by any federal bureaucracy, that we take action to make the border easier to cross, is completely unacceptable. Gov. Ducey takes the responsibility to protect Arizona very seriously — that’s why we put up these containers,” Ducey’s communications director, C.J. Karamargin, said in a call with the outlet. “What they’re suggesting, that we take them down and make Arizona less safe, is a nonstarter.”

      The shipping container border barrier was created after the Governor signed an August order that authorized the Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs to begin emergency construction to fill in a 1,000-foot-long gap in the border wall in the Yuma sector.

      “Arizona has had enough,” Ducey said. “We can’t wait any longer. The Biden administration’s lack of urgency on border security is a dereliction of duty. For the last two years, Arizona has made every attempt to work with Washington to address the crisis on our border. Time and time again we’ve stepped in to clean up their mess. Arizonans can’t wait any longer for the federal government to deliver on their delayed promises.”

      Arizona has experienced a massive influx of migrants since President Biden signed an executive order on his first day in office that stopped the construction of the border wall authorized by Trump. The nearly two-year crisis has caused multiple Arizona border towns to declare a state of emergency.

      Andrew Cuomo to Launch New Podcast with First Guest Anthony Scaramucci

      Photos from the opening of the new Delta Air Lines terminal in LaGuardia Airport in Queens, NY, on Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2019. (Chris Rank for Rank Studios) (Photos from the opening of the new Delta Air Lines terminal in LaGuardia Airport in Queens, NY, o

      Look at how far Andrew Cuomo has sunk.

      After resigning as New York Governor due to allegations of sexual misconduct Cuomo announced he plans to start a new business venture. Cuomo’s newest foray into the public sphere comes in the shape of a podcast and one of his first guests is scheduled to be President Donald Trump’s former communications director Anthony Scaramucci.

      Scaramucci, who briefly served the Trump administration in 2017, has emerged as a critic of Trump and expressed his support for Biden in the 2020 election.

      According to The Hill:

      Cuomo will this week debut a new hourlong show he is calling “As a Matter of Fact” on podcast streaming service Quake, he told Axios, and the show will aim to “hear from people — their questions, their issues — and have that dialogue.”

      The former governor told Axios this week he has “learned from the entire situation.”

      “There’s a fundamental problem with the entire system here,” Cuomo told the outlet of the media ecosystem writ large. “We have such division of people and we have such dysfunction of government, and part of it is this hyper-partisan, extreme dialogue that goes on.”

      “There is a new sensitivity that I didn’t fully appreciate that some people have, and some people have a new sense of cultural boundaries that I didn’t appreciate enough,” Cuomo said.

      It seems the disgraced governor is following in his brother’s footsteps. Chris Cuomo, who was a leading anchor at CNN during the Cuomo sex scandal, also started a new podcast after being fired from the network.

      Amanda Head: Leftists Target Muslim Parents


        Muslim parents in Dearborn, Michigan are being canceled and fired for being concerned parents and engaging in their child’s education.

        Watch Amanda break it down below:

        Big Tech Censorship is the Real Danger to Our Democracy, and Our History

          Photo via Pixabay images

          ANALYSIS – The collusion between the far-left, the Democrat Party, and Big Tech is one of the most dangerous threats to American democracy today.

          It threatens our 1st Amendment right to free speech, and our ability to get valuable and dissenting views and news online.

          It also threatens to erase and rewrite history akin to the vile practices of totalitarian communist leaders Joe Stalin or Mao Zedong.

          This obscene censorship is also opposed by most Americans.

          According to a piece published Thursday by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), suppressing so-called “misinformation” and “disinformation” online (code words for conservative views they don’t like) about topics like climate change, or elections, could rewrite history.

          A very dangerous thing indeed.

          Quoting the AEI authors, Media Research Center (MRC) NewsBusters writes:

          “[C]onsider now how future historians will view our societies if the collective digital record that has replaced paper diaries, letters, notes, and newspapers is purged of dissenting views,” wrote AEI nonresident senior fellow Bronwyn Howell

          “If records of the views of climate change skeptics were removed to make it easier to implement changes, it may never be evident to those in the future that this was in fact a highly contentious issue that divided societies and influenced the choices made by political leaders as the complex issues unfolded.”

          Howell specifically called out New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern for her speech to the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in September. In the speech, Ardern justified censoring certain content around climate change and war, as well as content subjectively deemed “hateful and dangerous.”

          “How do you successfully end a war if people are led to believe the reason for its existence is not only legal but noble?” Ardern told the multilateral body. “How do you tackle climate change if people do not believe it exists? How do you ensure the human rights of others are upheld, when they are subjected to hateful and dangerous rhetoric and ideology?”

          Anything that offends anyone can be deemed ‘hateful and dangerous,’ and aggressively suppressed, especially by the Left which uses these terms as weapons to pummel all views opposed to their radical agenda.

          Beyond just rewriting history, NewsBusters notes the threat to altering our present elections today. 

          By censoring contrary views that they deem ‘misinformation,’ the Left – having hijacked Big Tech social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn – are rigging elections in favor of the Democrats and their far-left ideology.

          Note: LinkedIn, the giant business and professional site, while generally not mentioned along with the other big ones, is one of the worst offenders. 

          It banned me for posting legitimate, well-sourced stories on China, Hunter Biden, the Wuhan bio lab link to COVID-19, as well as other political topics, including anything critical, or mocking, of the radical ‘trans’ agenda.’

          Newsbusters adds that:

          Just like the Chinese Communist Party-linked TikTok, American-in-name-only companies Facebook and Twitter are working to thwart certain posts about elections, interfering with the American democratic process and potentially altering the course of history.

          Big Tech companies regularly scrub social media of views they deem objectionable, and MRC’s CensorTrack database has documented over 4,500 total cases of censorship by these tech giants.

          Yet, a new national poll, conducted last week for The Federalist by Susquehanna Polling and Research, Inc., concluded that a significant majority of Americans disapprove of this Big Tech censorship.

          As CNS News reports:

          [The poll] asked U.S. voters the following question about the practice by behemoth social media platforms of censoring political content:

          “Do you approve or disapprove of Big Tech companies such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google censoring news stories and preventing users from sharing articles and information related to the upcoming election in November?”

          According to the poll’s results, two-thirds (66%) say they disapprove of Big Tech’s censorship – including 55% who “strongly” disapprove.

          About a quarter (24%) say they support Big Tech preventing users from seeing, sharing or posting political content that the social media platforms don’t like. 

          Almost 10% had no opinion or were undecided.

          But it isn’t just the far-left-controlled Big Tech censorship that Americans are opposed to, they also don’t trust the establishment media.

          As CNS News reports:

          Asked if they “trust the corporate news media to tell the truth when covering news stories” or think media “misrepresent the facts to push a political agenda,” just 13% say they believe in the media’s veracity, while three-fourths (77%) of voters think media aren’t telling the truth, in favor of a political narrative.

          So, over three quarters of all Americans don’t trust the establishment media and believe it pushes a political narrative.
          When the nation’s largest social media companies collude with one party, and one ideology, to suppress contrary views and news, our democracy is clearly in danger.

          As The Washington Post’s new motto posted after Donald Trump’s election says: ‘Democracy Dies in Darkness.” 

          And indeed, Big Tech and the establishment media are ensuring it does.

          Opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of Great America News Desk.

          NYT Poll Reveals What Americans View as ‘Greatest Threat to Democracy’

          Donald Trump via Gage Skidmore Flickr

          Trump hater’s favorite narrative just went out the window.

          A recent New York Times/ Siena poll revealed what Americans view as the primary threat to democracy and to liberals’ dismay it’s not former President Donald Trump. Among the voters who expressed that concern over the state of democracy, more agreed the media was a threat than agreed on any other source individually, including President Joe Biden, ex-president Donald Trump, Republicans as a party, Democrats as a party, or even just the federal government generically.

          Among registered voters and likely voters, 59% see the mainstream media as a major threat and 24% as a minor threat. That beats Trump, Biden, the Supreme Court, and the other answers.

          Screenshot from New York Times/ Siena poll.
          Screenshot from New York Times/Siena poll.

          The poll is devastating news for Democrats who have desperately tried to weaponize Trump during this year’s midterms in hopes of maintaining their control in Congress.

          According to Mediaite:

          Aaron Blake argued in his Washington Post analysis that Democrats have failed to “make 2022 about the threat to democracy.” Essentially, Blake argues that the Democrats have been ineffective, especially in individual races across the country, at convincing voters about the threat to the very Democratic process posed by the GOP at large — a key talking point among Democratic leaders and pundits, and echoed daily by the mainstream press.

          In the abstract it’s true that the noted intent among Democratic leadership to get that message across seems unrealized. But the argument that Democrats failed to make the election “about the threat to democracy” could be slightly off-point.

          It might be more accurate to say that Democrats and the media have indeed made the election in large part about the threat to democracy. They just didn’t anticipate where voters will think that threat is originating.

          Report: Herschel Walker is Leading Among These Key Voters

          Tech. Sgt. Samuel King Jr., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

          Despite a series of scandals, Herschel Walker is still a favorite among voters.

          A new poll reports that while Latino voters are undecided on their choice for governor, they overwhelmingly support Republican candidate Herschel Walker over incumbent Democrat Sen. Raphael Warnock.

          According to The Washington Examiner:

          The Atlanta Journal-Constitution/Georgia News Collaborative poll puts Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams at 49% and incumbent Gov. Brian Kemp at 48% among likely Hispanic voters, with a margin of error of plus or minus 5.6 percentage points. Walker’s lead over Warnock is greater, 47% to 41%, with Libertarian candidate Chase Oliver pulling in 11% of the vote.

          Georgia shattered early voting records on Monday, with nearly 123,000 in-person voters casting their ballots, according to state election officials.

          “This blows away the previous midterm first-day record of approximately 72,000, and we have lots of voting to go today,” Gabriel Sterling, the chief operating officer at the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office, tweeted Monday.

          Republicans and Democrats have been making inroads with Hispanic voters over the years.

          If NYT Says GOP Has ‘Narrow Lead,’ Expect a ‘Red Tsunami’ in November


            ANALYSIS – With just three weeks to go until the U.S. midterm elections, a New York Times/Siena poll of likely voters finds the Republican party is gaining momentum national over the Democrats as concerns over the economy, inflation, illegal immigration, and crime, grow among voters.

            When the the Times sounds the alarm, even in an understated way, expect things to be far worse for the Democrats than reported.

            But when the Times “Chief Political Analyst” resorts to breaking down the numbers in the most comical and petty way, to lessen the impact on Dems, expect a red wave.

            According to this poll, 49% of likely voters plan to vote for a Republican to represent them in Congress on November 8, compared with 45% who plan to vote for a Democrat.

            That’s a four-point lead, versus a one-point lead Democrats reportedly had over Republicans just last month, making the total swing in voter preference in just a few months five points.

            That’s a significant shift.

            Rising inflation and declining stocks are making the economy the number one concern for voters, who believe Republicans are better equipped to deal with these concerns.

            And this could mean that not only will the GOP most certainly win back the House but may gain control of the Senate too.

            As the New York Times writes:

            … [that’s a] notable swing from last month, when Democrats led by one percentage point among likely voters. Since then, the warning signs for Democrats have begun to add up, including Republican polling gains in key Senate races like those in Nevada, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, and surprising Republican strength in districts in Rhode Island and Oregon where Democrats would normally be safe.

            The Times explains that this isn’t a one-off poll:

            Republicans have led in several high-quality polls, like ABC/Washington PostCBS/YouGov and Monmouth University. Today, the Times/Siena survey adds a fourth such poll to the pile.

            It adds, as I have predicted it would since the Roe vs Wade reversal:

            The evidence for a shift toward Republicans appears to be underpinned by a change in the national political environment. Gas prices went up again. The stock market is down. A variety of data suggests that the electorate’s attention is shifting back to issues where Republicans are on stronger ground in public opinion, like the economy, inflation, crime and immigration, and away from the summer’s focus on democracy, gun violence and abortion, where Democrats have an edge.

            In other words, the conditions that helped Democrats gain over the summer no longer seem to be in place.

            But America’s “paper of record” can’t help itself so it desperately still tries to spin the narrative in a less damaging light for the Dems.

            So, Nate Cohn, The Times’ chief political analyst, formerly with liberal New Republic, then goes on to laughably diminish the GOP four-point advantage into “only” a three-point advantage due to “rounding” of the poll result numbers.

            He further goes on to spend a great deal of time discussing the intricacies of polling, and how imperfect polling is.

            Something that I totally agree with.

            However, this level of inane wonkery to diminish polls showing one party’s advantage nationally is something I’ve never seen in over 30 years of politics.

            Meanwhile, many experts point out that the biggest error in polling in today’s political environment is how undercounted conservative Republicans are in the polls.

            This was highlighted in a recent Washington Post piece that used Ohio as an example:

            A look at the Marist poll’s fine print suggested something that should make Democrats nervous in the run-up to Nov. 8: Pollsters might be seriously undercounting the Republican electorate — specifically, the working-class White voters who were crucial to Trump’s electoral success.

            What caught my attention in the poll’s details was the information that 45 percent of respondents had a college degree. A check of the most recent census data indicates that in Ohio, only about 29 percent of the adult population has a bachelor’s degree or higher.

            The writer, Mark Weaver, an election law attorney, and communications consultant,adds something I have discussed before – that conservative Republicans and Trump voters have been cowed into silence, but they still vote.

            He notes:

            This isn’t just about a single poll or a single state. I regularly talk with pollsters and campaigns, and I hear a common lament: Trump voters distrust pollsters and the media that reports on poll results, and simply won’t participate, out of protest or paranoia.

            He continues discussing undercounted ‘shy’ or ‘submerged Trump voters’:

            Trump supporters might have the added worry of being attacked for frankly stating their views. Stories of those affiliated with Trump being arrested, subpoenaed, doxed or mocked — with Trump providing angry amplification — result in a lower social trust of strangers inquiring about political views.

            So, if the the Times “Chief Political Analyst” wanted to be a real polling wonk, perhaps he should ask why the polls have been so wrong about Republicans recently. 

            And instead of doing intellectual summersaults to diminish a four-point GOP lead, admit the GOP lead is probably MUCH, MUCH, greater. 

            Opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of Great America News Desk.

            Amanda Head: This is How You Buy an Election


              President Joe Biden knows he doesn’t have the charisma, intellect, or command to win over the American people so he’s resorted to trying to buy us off.

              See exactly what Amanda means below.