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Trump Aide Expected to Testify To Grand Jury Investigating Jan. 6

Photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

A former White House aide to President Trump is planning to testify before the grand jury investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot and the then-president’s alleged efforts to overturn the election.

Former Trump aide Will Russell, who was reportedly with Trump on Jan 6., is expected to appear Thursday before the grand jury in Washington. Russell was subpoenaed by the grand jury last year.

According to The Hill, Russell served in the White House as a special assistant to the former president and the deputy director of presidential advance operations and also continued working with Trump after he left office.

Earlier this week, Trump revealed that special counsel Jack Smith informed him that he was a target of the investigation looking into the efforts to overturn the 2020 election, a signal that Trump’s third indictment is imminent.

The grand jury is expected to meet Thursday, which is also the deadline for Trump to appear before the grand jury, which he is not expected to do.

Other White House aides including Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and Hope Hicks have also reportedly met with the grand jury.

CNN Anchor Confronts Republican Presidential Contender With Harsh Polling News

    Maryland GovPics, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

    CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer blindsided a presidential contender with some harsh polling news on Wednesday.

    Blitzer during an interview with former New Jersey Governor and presidential candidate Chris Christie on The Situation Room the CNN anchor asked about a recent New Hampshire poll.

    “I want to get your reaction to this new New Hampshire primary poll,” said Blitzer. “Take a look at these numbers.”

    Blitzer pointed out, “You have a 10% favorable rating in this New Hampshire Granite State poll. 21% neutral. 64% say it’s unfavorable towards you,” before adding, “That’s not very encouraging, is it?”

    Christie responded:

    Well I haven’t seen the poll. This is the first I’ve seen of it, haven’t heard about it, but look, when you’re out there telling the truth, Wolf, and you are pushing hard against the former incumbent president, in the beginning that’s going to be a hard road. That’s going to be uphill to do, but it needs to be done because our primary voters deserve two things. They deserve the truth, they haven’t gotten it from Joe Biden, they haven’t gotten it from Donald Trump. They will get it from me. Secondly, they deserve action on the issues that they care about, and neither Joe Biden or Donald Trump have given them that either.

    “I saw a poll in New Hampshire two days ago that showed me half a point behind Ron DeSantis in third place,” he told Blitzer. “So I don’t know what those numbers are all about, but I’ll pick the poll I like, and I like that one that shows me only half a point behind DeSantis.”

    According to RealClearPolitics’ poll average, Christie is the seventh most popular Republican presidential candidate across the US at just 2.4%.

    DeSantis Defends Trump After Latest Criminal Indictment News


    Republicans have rushed to defend former president Donald Trump after news of his latest indictment.

    Presidential candidate and Trump rival Ron DeSantis said during an interview on Tuesday that if elected President of the United States, he will clear the ranks at the FBI and Department of Justice.

    DeSantis made the remarks during an interview on CNN with host Jake Tapper when asked about the former president saying that he has received a letter informing him that he is the target in an investigation into his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

    “If Jack Smith has evidence of criminality, should Donald Trump be held accountable?” Tapper asked.

    “So, here’s the problem. This country is going down the road of criminalizing political differences,” DeSantis responded. “I think that’s wrong. Alvin Bragg stretched the statute in Manhattan to be able to try to target Donald Trump. Most people, even people on the Left, acknowledge if that wasn’t Trump, that case would not have likely been brought against a normal civilian.”

    “And so you have a situation where the Department of Justice, FBI had been weaponized against people they don’t like, and the number one example that happened to be against Donald Trump with the Russia collusion,” he said. “That was not a legitimate investigation; that was being done to try to drive Trump out of office. And so what I’ve said, as president, my job is to restore a single standard of justice to end weaponization of these agencies.”

    “We’re going to have a new FBI director on day one; we’re going to have big changes at the Department of Justice,” he added. “Americans across the political spectrum need to have confidence that what is going on is based on the rule of law, not based on what political tribe you’re in.”

    Georgia Governor To Meet With Senate Leaders Amid 2024 Talks

    Georgia National Guard from United States, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

    A prominent Republican governor is preparing to meet with top Senate leaders this week.

    Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp is meeting with two top Republican leaders in the Senate in Washington, D.C. over the next two days, a spokesperson for the governor confirmed to The Hill

    Kemp will meet with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Tuesday and National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) Chair Steve Daines (R-Mont.) on Wednesday. 

    The pair of meetings come after the Peach State governor told CNN’s Kaitlin Collins that he is “certainly” not running for president in 2024.

    “In politics, there’s always doors opening and closing. I got a great job right now. I personally feel like having more people in the race does not help us win and beat Joe Biden,” Kemp told Kaitlan Collins on “The Source.” “So, you know, I’m certainly not running for president. But there’s always doors opening in politics depending on how things play out, and we’ll see what happens.”

    The Georgia Governor reiterated that Trump should stop constantly referencing the 2020 election if he hopes to re-win the state.

    “If he continues to do that, he’s going to lose Georgia in November,” Kemp said, later adding, “There is no path for us to win the White House if we can’t win Georgia.”

    Amanda Head: Another Indictment- Why Are They So Scared Of Him?


    Trump is facing a third indictment…

    Watch Amanda explain the situation below:

    Opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of Great America News Desk.

    Georgia Supreme Court Rejects Trump’s Effort To Halt Election Probe

    Donald Trump via Gage Skidmore Flickr

    The Georgia Supreme Court unanimously shut down former President Trump’s attempt to stop a potential indictment for tampering with the results of the 2020 presidential election in that state.

    In a five-page decision issued Monday afternoon, all nine justices of the Georgia Supreme Court said Trump’s lawyers had failed to make a persuasive case for shutting down the inquiry led by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. She has signaled that indictments are possible in the election-related probe in the next few weeks as a grand jury convenes to consider possible charges.

    The Georgia court said there was no reason to permit that in these circumstances.

    “He makes no showing that he has been prevented fair access to the ordinary channels,” the high court wrote in an opinion not attributed to any specific justice. “He is asking this Court to step in and itself decide the motions currently pending in the superior court. This is not the sort of relief that this Court affords, at least absent extraordinary circumstances that Petitioner has not shown are present here.”

    Willis’ probe reportedly focuses on pressure Trump and his allies put on Georgia officials the weeks after the 2020 election to try to reverse Trump’s loss to Joe Biden in the Peach State. A key piece of evidence in the probe is an audio recording of a call Trump made to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger urging him to “find 11,780 votes,” which would have pushed Trump across the threshold to claim victory.

    Various election officials and national GOP figures have testified during the special grand jury probe.

    Trump’s attorneys also filed a petition in March with Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney, asking that Willis’ probe be halted. However, McBurney has yet to rule on that motion. 

    Trump Notified He Is Target In Justice Department’s J6 Investigation

    Elvert Barnes, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

    On Tuesday former President Trump confirmed that he is a target of the Justice Department’s Jan. 6 investigation focusing on his efforts to stay in power after losing the 2020 election. 

    Trump said in a post on Truth Social he received the “target letter” Sunday evening.

    “Deranged Jack Smith, the prosecutor with Joe Biden’s DOJ, sent a letter (again it was Sunday night!) stating that I am a TARGET of the January 6th Grand Jury investigation, and giving me a very short 4 days to report to the Grand Jury, which almost always means an arrest and indictment.”

    Attorney Merrick Garland previously said he planned to pursue anyone who “unlawfully interfered with the transfer of power” but had yet to bring any formal charges against the former president.

    Recently, Prosecutors have called a number of Trump allies before the grand jury, including Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and former aide Hope Hicks. Prosecutors reportedly asked questions about whether the former president was aware he had lost the election, as demonstrating intent is key for some charges. 

    It’s unclear what specific charges Trump could face if prosecutors decide to move ahead.

    An indictment would mark the third time this year Trump has been charged.

    This is a breaking news story. Click refresh for the latest updates.

    Amanda Head: Sam Brinton Luggage Thieving Paid For By YOU

    Amanda Head

    The Sam Brinton luggage saga seems to be never-ending…New details about the crime are coming to light and are sure to upset taxpayers…

    Watch Amanda explain the situation below:

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    Supreme Court Could Overturn Hundreds of Capitol Riot ‘Obstruction’ Cases

      Duncan Lock, Dflock, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

      ANALYSIS – One of the most common federal felony charges brought against January 6 Capitol ‘rioters’ is ‘obstruction of an official proceeding.’ I put ‘rioters’ in quotes, because many of those charged by the Biden Department of Justice (DoJ) never rioted.

      While there were violent rioters who viciously attacked police, and I have repeatedly stated that they should absolutely go to jail (just like similar violent BLM rioters), some on Jan. 6 simply entered the Capitol, or otherwise just wandered the halls.

      That’s where the ‘obstruction’ charge comes in. And it carries a maximum 20-year sentence.

      And DoJ might yet even charge former president Donald Trump with obstruction for his purported role in allegedly inciting the riot. Trump has already been indicted on a different ‘obstruction of justice’ charge related to his classified documents case.

      The Epoch Times (TET) reported:

      federal prosecutors have charged more than 300 Jan. 6 defendants with obstructing congressional proceedings. The obstruction charge has been frequently used by the Justice Department during plea negotiations and as a means to coerce some Jan. 6 protesters into providing information to incriminate fellow protesters.

      Until recently, barring a general pardon by the next president of all non-violent Jan. 6 offenders – which I would strongly support – there was little hope for those hundreds of non-violent Americans caught up in the FBI’s draconian Jan. 6 dragnet.

      But now, one Jan. 6 defendant, Edward Jacob Lang, is asking the Supreme Court to hear his challenge of the ‘obstruction of an official proceeding’ charge levelled against him. He still has 10 other charges pending, including assaulting a police officer, but that’s a separate issue.

      Obstruction is one of the charges most abused by the DoJ.

      As Just the News (JTN) reported on what was stated in Lang’s court filing:

      The obstruction charge could be levied against “anyone who attends at a public demonstration gone awry,” attorneys for Lang wrote in an appeal to the Supreme Court last week. The proceeding for which the charge was brought refers to the event where Congress certifies the Electoral College votes to confirm the president.

      The charge “is nothing less than the weaponization of the penal code to stifle dissent; it sets a terrifying precedent unworthy of this nation’s history,” Lang’s attorneys also wrote.

      Meanwhile, Lang has been in jail for over two and a half years (900 days) without a trial. I doubt any violent BLM rioters who assaulted police have been locked up as long, if at all.

      Where is the ACLU when real government abuse is taking place and violating Americans’ civil liberties?

      Not here.

      But who needs the ACLU when you have real legal warriors fighting for our civil rights. Lang’s attorney Norman Pattis told Newsweek that if they are successful in this case, the Supreme Court could overrule the cases of “hundreds of defendants.”

      “The government misuse and abuse of the federal penal code in the [January 6] cases is shocking,” Pattis added.

      As Newsweek reported: 

      The statute that Lang’s legal team is arguing has been too broadly applied in his case comes from a federal law that states an individual who “corruptly alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document” or “otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so” can be imprisoned for up to 20 years.

      Newsweek added:

      In the petition to the Supreme Court, Lang’s team argues that the defendant did not satisfy the “corrupt” element and that various interpretations in lower courts have led to a “cacophonous result that leaves unsettled significant issues…”

      It went on: “Our political life for centuries has been fractious, with violence all too frequent. Seeking to punish and silence dissent in the name of democracy is the twisted dream of a slumbering tyrant.”

      The petition urged the justices to hear the case “as the nation’s attention turns to the 2024 election.” It argued that there is “good reason” to suspect the Justice Department’s use of the statute will “serve to chill political speech and expression on the eve of one of the most consequential events in American life – the election of the next President of the United States.”

      Meanwhile, as ET reported, on June 7, 2022, U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols granted Lang’s motion to dismiss (pdf) the obstruction charge.

      The judge said that the statute “must be interpreted” in such a way that “requires that the defendant have taken some action with respect to a document, record, or other object in order to corruptly obstruct, impede or influence an official proceeding.”

      In other words, if someone hasn’t been accused of taking such an action, they cannot be charged with this violation.

      Opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of Great America News Desk.

      White House Contender Releases Short List of SCOTUS Candidates

      Duncan Lock, Dflock, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

      On Monday, White House candidate Vivek Ramaswamy announced a list of candidates he would nominate to the Supreme Court if he were elected.

      President Biden’s focus on judicial appointments appeared to be on diversity of race & gender. While I drew from diverse experiences — current and former federal judges, a former Solicitor General, two U.S. Senators — my sole criterion was to select candidates with an unwavering commitment to an originalist understanding of the U.S. Constitution, who also understand the unique threats to liberty in the 21st century (including lurking state action),” Ramaswamy said in a statement. 

      The list, first reported by Axios, includes multiple federal appeals court judges, like Judge James Ho, a member of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals who Trump suggested as a potential nominee to the Supreme Court prior to the 2020 presidential election.

      Ramaswamy’s list also includes three other federal appeals court judges: Judge Lawrence VanDyke, Judge Lisa Branch, and Judge Thomas Hardiman.

      The list is rounded out with three non-judges, including Senators Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas), both of whom also appeared at times on Trump’s Supreme Court shortlists.

      Ramaswamy also included Paul Clement, a veteran Supreme Court advocate who served as U.S. solicitor general under the second Bush administration.