Home News Mark Meadows Ordered to Testify in Georgia

Mark Meadows Ordered to Testify in Georgia

Office of Congressman Mark Meadows, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

On Wednesday, a Georgia circuit judge ordered former President Donald Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows to testify in an ongoing election investigation.

Circuit Judge Edward Miller ruled that Meadows must cooperate in the probe by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, who’s investigating former President Donald Trump and his associates for possible criminal interference in the 2020 presidential election in Georgia, according to The Hill.

Willis is looking into possible 2020 election interference in Georgia, which was initiated after a January 2021 conversation came to light of Trump urging Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger to “find” more than 11,000 votes.

“I am going to find that the witness is material and necessary to the investigation and that the state of Georgia is assuring not to cause undue hardship to him,” Miller ruled

Willis subpoenaed Meadows in August, noting that he had been a part of a meeting in December 2020 with Trump and others “to discuss allegations of voter fraud and the certification of the electoral college votes from Georgia and other states.”

She also noted Meadows’ attempt to observe an audit of election results in the state and also stated that the former Trump official was involved in the infamous call with Raffensberger. 


  1. Because Donald Trump told Georgia to “find the votes” does not mean find the votes illegally. Maybe it meant find the votes legally where so much known voter fraud was taking place. If President Trump told me to “find the votes” I would have started an investigation to legally find the votes like the “pipe breaking “incident and other nefarious fraud that allegedly was taking place in Georgia.
    What we see in this investigation is overreach on the part of those who want to falsely pin a criminal activity on President Trump. The Biden DOJ at work again politically.

    As if the US doesn’t have more important things at this time to spend their time on. e.g. Hunter, Joe and Jim Biden. Let’s call it what it is. POLITICAL OVEREACH on our next President.

  2. Why don’t they investigate the whole election? Why don’t they investigate where and who the
    ballots were mailed to and if they were filled out and mailed back? Was it New York and California??
    The re-election between the senators was corrupt. To ignore it or to focus on Trump will
    not make it fair. Just keep prodding, it will come out some day.

  3. How many millions of taxpayer dollars have the DemoCreeps wasted in digging up the past, ruminating, regurgitating and re-ruminating it until it smells worse than rotting silage? Good old Herman Cain: ‘Quit dreaming of a better past!’ Our money could have been put to infinitely better use solving genuine problems, problems the DemoCreeps themselves have created, nurtured and fed through their appalling lack of wisdom.


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