Home News Nikki Haley Vows To Stay In Race Despite Brutal Nevada Loss

Nikki Haley Vows To Stay In Race Despite Brutal Nevada Loss


Nikki Haley can’t be broken so easily…

After an embarrassing loss in Nevada to “none of these” candidates earlier this week, the former South Carolina Governor says she won’t be backing down anytime soon.

“I’m not going anywhere. I’m in this for the long haul,” Haley said without mentioning the Nevada loss. “And this is going to be messy. And this is going to hurt, and it’s going to leave some bruises.”

“Do we really want a country in disarray and a world on fire and have our two candidates be in their 80s?” she said at the rally. ” We need to have someone who can put in eight years to get the job done and get our country back on track.”

There were no delegates at stake in Tuesday’s election. Instead, all 26 of Nevada’s GOP delegates will be up for grabs in Thursday’s caucus, which Trump is expected to win.

Haley and Trump are the only two major candidates remaining in the Republican primary race. After losses in Iowa and New Hampshire, Haley is still trying to pull off a strong showing in South Carolina, her home state, later this month.

Polling averages from The Hill/Decision Desk HQ show the former president leading Haley in the Palmetto State 61.2 percent to 30.3 percent. The state’s primary will be held on Feb. 24.


  1. Haily sounds like a school Marm lecturing the class. Not like a mature candidate running for the most important office in America. With her annoying delivery she constantly talks over the narrator, repeating again and again the same speale about age. Biden in his best days was never articulate, or honest, for that matter, so she has a point, however, to apply that same rhetoric to President Trump exposes her ignorance. There are more citizens living to the age of 100 in America than ever before. Cognizant, literate, healthy and progressive. Biden just isn’t one of them.


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