I agree it is starting now. They spend everything they could to bankrupt American and promised them all the free stuff and paying off their loans! They fell for it! Grow up nothing is free. They will be bankrupt and no food or gas. Then they better be glad they have their guns. They will be replaced with immigrants that have been thru this communist administration. They will work to live in a free country. Grow up and be an adult and stop handing out your hands for free anything!
Good great it is a disgusting perverted garbage hope all goes down, most sickening thing is they where for children now find over the years they put nasty garbage in their movies that know one notice except the perverted
What did you think of President Joe Biden's State of the Union address?
Pivoting to House Republicans, one of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's most ardent...
Disney takes a dive – serves those woke goofball right
Seems the Disney board needs a 75% wage cut and a few forced retirements
As for CEO…ditch IGER and rehire Goofy
I agree it is starting now. They spend everything they could to bankrupt American and promised them all the free stuff and paying off their loans! They fell for it! Grow up nothing is free. They will be bankrupt and no food or gas. Then they better be glad they have their guns. They will be replaced with immigrants that have been thru this communist administration. They will work to live in a free country. Grow up and be an adult and stop handing out your hands for free anything!
When do the auctions begin alone nationwide
Good great it is a disgusting perverted garbage hope all goes down, most sickening thing is they where for children now find over the years they put nasty garbage in their movies that know one notice except the perverted