ANALYSIS – Conservatives are finally fighting back against the trans agenda being imposed on our children at public libraries and bookstores via ‘Drag Queen Story Times.’
This bizarre and offensive program sends outrageously outfitted cross-dressing men into public libraries to read stories to small impressionable children.
The goal? To indoctrinate, if not groom, these children into accepting and exploring the trans lifestyle.
The secondary effect, exposing children to sexual themes, including mock stripping, they have no right to be exposing them to.
In some cases, these grown men dressed as women have been caught fondling children or acting inappropriately.
And yet, our taxpayer-funded public libraries across the country allow these bizarre events.
And too many ignorant, brainwashed, horrible parents allow their children to attend.
They are also increasingly occurring at other venues as well. But the goals are always the same.
Thankfully, conservatives are finally fighting back.
One way has been by loudly and publicly calling out examples of sexual abuse, and inappropriate touching or sexual behavior by these drag queens, and by protesting their presence in front of small children.
In early December one Trans-friendly venue, The Starlighter, in Texas was forced to cancel a slew of drag queen story hours after a public outcry over the outrageous antics of some of these cross-dressing men.
Most of it was due to video and images taken at an event and widely shared by conservative critics.
The Christian Post reported that this event featured a showing of the 1960s TV classic “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” while a rainbow flag with the number “666” hung on the walls.
What was worse, a video taken at this event showed a young girl no older than 7, who appeared unattended, with these men in drag dancing suggestively and singing lyrics such as, “Under the mistletoe/ Yes, everybody knows/ We will take off our clothes.”
One of the cross-dressing men was also recorded touching and stroking the young girl’s hair. The little girl is also seen handing money to one of the drag performers, as if at a strip club.
Another video clip, reports the Christian Post, “showed the young child visibly shrink back as a drag queen in all black leather, devil horns and face makeup as the man in drag sings, ‘Get your tickets to the freak show, baby / Step right up to watch the freak go crazy.’”
Another way conservatives are fighting back is protesting loudly and aggressively like the Left does, constantly, and at the drop of a hat.
But doing so peacefully.
In one case in early December reported NBC News:
The hosts of a “Drag Queen Story Hour”-style event for children in Columbus, Ohio, on Saturday pulled the plug because of what they described as the intimidating presence of right-wing demonstrators.
The scheduled holiday themed “Holi-Drag Storytime” at the First Unitarian Church of Columbus, which runs the K-5 institution behind the event, Red Oak Community School, was canceled at the last-minute Saturday morning following internal discussions, organizers said.
Members of Ohio’s Proud Boys organization and other right-wing groups made good on promises to make waves outside the venue Saturday. More than 50 demonstrators, including members of the Proud Boys, gathered near the church Saturday morning and shouted, chanted and held up signs. Some were armed with long guns.
This appears to be a very effective technique, learned from the Left. Speak loudly, and carry a big stick.
But then there is another way to counter this insidiously harmful movement’s efforts targeting our children.
That way is to promote a wholesome, Christian, family-focused counter-narrative and events at these same venues. And threaten legal action if they discriminate against you, or refuse to allow it.
As Newsmax reported, actor and author Kirk Cameron said recently: “Conservatives need to stop being on defense against the culture and start going on offense to take it back.
He added:
Just complaining about the culture doesn’t change the culture. We’ve got to get off the defense, to get on the offense. And I think for decades, we as concerned citizens, as people who understand the importance of faith and morality, have been asleep. And when we’re asleep, we’re unaware and we’re unengaged.
Cameron added that now that we’ve woken up, if we remain unengaged, “that’s on us.”
Newsmax continued:
Cameron then called on every parent and grandparent to take their favorite children’s book that has wholesome values, good and godly morals, and call their library if it has hosted a Drag Story Hour and ask if they can read their book during story hour.
“If they say ‘no,'” Cameron said, “they’re likely breaking the law; and you can contact us at We’ll show you how to host your own story hour, will donate to you a free book with all the instructions and guidance.
“And I personally put some of these libraries on notice with a public letter that says, ‘I hope you’ll reconsider; here’s a free book. But if you double down, I’m prepared to assert my constitutional rights in court,'” Cameron stated.
So, the peaceful fight against depravity continues. Pick your fighting style, and get engaged. GAND
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