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Democrat Ousts Republican Rep. Yvette Herrell in Stunning Flip


In a shocking upset in New Mexico, Democrat Gabe Vasquez has successfully unseated GOP incumbent Rep. Yvette Herrell.

Vasquez declared victory Wednesday afternoon while the race at that time was still too close to call. However, the Associated Press has since called the race for Vasquez.

Herrell, a member of the Cherokee Nation, became the first Republican Native American woman to be elected to the House of Representatives following her 2020 victory when she flipped the seat from blue to red.

Throughout his campaign, Vasquez faced repeated criticism over his support to defund police officers despite a streak uptick in crime in New Mexico over the past year. Fox News previously reported that the Democrat pledged to cut police budgets by more than 50% if elected.

“I wholeheartedly and absolutely support police reform and the #blacklivesmatter movement, and will not be stopping short of transformational reform that brings justice to our city and to people of color in our community. You can count on my support,” Vasquez wrote to a constituent demanding “at least” a 50% reduction of the Las Cruces police department budget.

This story is developing. Stay with Great America News Desk for the latest updates.

Amanda Head: My Thoughts On Last Night And What’s To Come


Election results are still pouring in on Wednesday as Americans wait with anticipation to see which party will gain control of Congress.

Watch Amanda break down the situation below:

Will Lackluster Midterm Results Deter Trump 2024 Announcement?

Gage Skidmore Flickr

Tuesday’s midterms produced lackluster results as ballots continue to be tallied across the country. While the red tsunami appeared to be more of a wave Republicans and Democrats are still waiting to know which party will control the House of Representatives and the Senate on Wednesday morning.

The midterm results have spurred questions about Trump’s potential plan to announce his third presidential campaign next week. The former president has been heavily involved throughout the midterms but some are left wondering if Trump will push his announcement.

During an interview with Markie Martin on NewsNation ahead of the midterms Trump noted he’s made over 300 endorsements.

“You’ve endorsed more than 330 candidates this election cycle,” Martin said. “Tonight, win or lose, the results for Republicans, how much of that will be because of Donald Trump?”

“Well, I think if they win, I should get all the credit. And if they lose, I should not be blamed at all, okay?” Trump said. “But it’ll probably be just the opposite. When they win, I think they’re going to do very well, I’ll probably be given very little credit even though in many cases I told people to run and they ran and they turned out to be very good candidates. You know, they’ve turned out to be very good candidates.”

“But usually what would happen is when they do well, I won’t be given any credit and if they do badly, they will blame everything on me,” he continued. “So I’m prepared for anything, but we’ll defend ourselves.”

Advisers close to Trump say the former president is certainly running but he’s yet to make any formal announcement as doing so will link him to specific election laws.

During a Monday evening rally in Ohio, former President Trump declared he plans to make a “big announcement” next Tuesday.

“I’m going to be making a very big announcement on Tuesday, Nov. 15, at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla.,” Trump said toward the end of a rally near Dayton, Ohio, where he was campaigning for a host of candidates in the state, including Republican Senate candidate J.D. Vance.

“We want nothing to distract from the importance of tomorrow,” Trump said.

Vance won his race against Democrat Rep. Tim Ryan Tuesday night.

“I can’t thank President Trump enough for his support,” Vance said. “His endorsement and the work he did to drive turnout – including a huge rally in Dayton on election eve – made all the difference in this race, and led us to the largest battleground victory in the nation.”

High Profile Democrat Loses Seat to MAGA Republican in History-Making Upset


In a shocking upset Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) Chairman Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney has lost his re-election battle.

The New York Democrat charged with leading the House Democrats’ re-election efforts called Republican challenger Mike Lawler to concede Wednesday morning. Maloney is the first sitting chairman of the DCCC to lose reelection in more than 40 years. 

At a press conference, Maloney said he called Republican candidate Mike Lawler and congratulated him on a “good win” in New York’s 17th Congressional District.

The Daily Beast reports:

Despite Maloney trying to brand his opponent as “MAGA Mike Lawler,” and former President Bill Clinton calling an influential rabbi in the Hudson Valley to switch his endorsement, the incumbent failed to defeat Lawler, a GOP state assemblyman.

Maloney maneuvered to run in a different district after the Empire State’s congressional map was redrawn, forcing fellow Democratic incumbent Rep. Mondaire Jones to run for a brand new district in Manhattan and Brooklyn, where he lost in the primary.

As The Daily Beast reported in October, the DCCC chairman’s messy reelection fight—which included a primary challenge to his left from state Sen. Alessandra Biaggi—was the result of a series of repercussions from Maloney’s decision to switch seats, sparking gripes within Democratic campaign circles.

This story is developing. Stay with Great America News Desk for more updates.

Amanda Head: Are You Excited About Election Day?


    Happy Election Day! Today millions of Americas will flood the polls to cast their ballots as Republicans eagerly await to regain a majority in Congress.

    Watch Amanda break it down below:

    Don’t know where your polling station is? Click HERE to find out how to vote!

    Trump Teases ‘Very Big Announcement’ on Nov. 15

    Gage Skidmore Flickr

    During a Monday evening rally in Ohio, former President Trump declared he plans to make a “big announcement” next Tuesday.

    “I’m going to be making a very big announcement on Tuesday, Nov. 15, at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla.,” Trump said toward the end of a rally near Dayton, Ohio, where he was campaigning for a host of candidates in the state, including Republican Senate candidate J.D. Vance, the night before the midterm elections.

    “We want nothing to distract from the importance of tomorrow,” Trump said.

    Previous reports indicated Trump was eyeing Nov.14th as the potential date he would make his presidential campaign announcement.

    Trump’s latest message comes amid heightened anticipation that he’s planning to announce his third presidential campaign after Republicans re-take control of Congress.

    Advisers in Trump’s inner circle have expressed their expectation that Trump wait to make the announcement until after the midterms but some early rumors indicated Trump strongly considered breaking the news Monday night while campaigning for Ohio Republican candidate J.D Vance.

    Last week, Kellyanne Conway discussed Trump’s 2024 plans. (READ NEXT: Kellyanne Conway Drops Major Hint on Trump’s Impending 2024 Announcement)


    Discredited Ex-CISA Chief Says Election Lies and Denial a ‘Risk to Democracy

    Missvain, CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

    ANALYSIS – Apparently now to flailing Democrats, everything is a ‘threat to democracy.’ So much so that Chris Krebs, the discredited former head of Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is joining the liberal chorus.

    He simply replaced the term ‘threat’ with ‘risk.’

    “Threat to democracy’ is the Democrats’ 2022 version of ‘Russia collusion.’

    Recall that Krebs was fired by then-President Trump in 2020 after Krebs, without any way to confirm, stated that the 2020 election was the “most secure” ever. 

    CISA is part of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and is tasked with“strengthening cybersecurity and infrastructure protection across all levels of government.”

    However, while it plays a role in elections, and coordinates with the states, it is not the ultimate arbiter of whether election fraud occurred, or whether there were irregularities.

    There is no ultimate arbiter of that, except maybe the American people.

    Regardless, Krebs is now joining Team Biden in wailing about the ‘risk to democracy’ posed by Trump, his supporters, and many GOP politicians.

    During a Washington Post Live event on Monday, Krebs said that election-related falsehoods and misinformation represent “a tactical and strategic risk to democracy,” citing the number of election denialists running for statewide offices that “have the ability to determine the certification of the 2024 election,” as well as the chilling effect that election-related lies can have on voter turnout. 

    As Defense One reports:

    Krebs said that lies about the 2020 midterm elections—as well as falsehoods about the accuracy of the midterm elections—exist, because “it’s a great fundraising mechanism” for the former president, his allies and political candidates, and also because “it’s a great clout-chasing mechanism.”

    “It’s a benefit to them from an incentive perspective,” Krebs added. “And I think the real harm is that it is shifting the Overton window, it’s shifting what’s politically acceptable in American political discourse into something that’s much more dangerous and much more violent.”

    To combat these claims, Krebs said it’s important for Republican lawmakers, in particular, to speak truthfully about the voting process and election security. 

    Some of what he says is valid, and I do agree with Krebs’ last point; something Democrats ignore as they push for government efforts to quash free speech.

    The best way to combat false claims by politicians (a constant for millennia, but now called ‘disinformation’), is by counterarguments. 

    This is the essence of America’s democracy – the marketplace of ideas.

    While I believe we must ensure our elections are secure, this involves far more than worrying about, or demonizing free speech as so-called ‘disinformation.’

    It involves election integrity of the voting process, mail-in ballots, voter ID, and a range of other concrete issues Democrats ignore, rebuff, and refuse to address.

    And yes, there are foreign threats to America’s elections, such as Russian and Chinese hacking and influence operations, which I have repeatedly noted, and these should also be a primary focus of our federal government. 

    As Krebs added: “We’ve seen reports lately of Russia, China, and Iran back at their old tricks, and it is going to create a very chaotic environment.” 

    Indeed, Mr. Krebs.

    That too is a ‘risk to our democracy, and it is where the government can have the most impact in securing our elections without unconstitutionally targeting Americans or their freedom of speech.

    Opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of Great America News Desk.

    GOP Congress to Focus on Border, Crime, Inflation, and Investigating Bidens

    Ted Eytan from Washington, DC, USA, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

    ANALYSIS – We are just one day away from a major electoral shift with the Republicans expected to retake the House and possibly the Senate too. 

    That will put a hard brake on Joe Biden and the left’s radical agenda and make Biden more of a lame duck than he already is.

    It may even put an impeachment target on his back.

    So, what can we expect from a GOP-led Congress in January?

    According to current Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, the top priority of a Republican-led House would be addressing the horrible migrant crisis at the southern border.

    CNN reports: “The first thing you’ll see is a bill to control the border first,” McCarthy told CNN, when asked for specifics about his party’s immigration plans. 

    “You’ve got to get control over the border. You’ve had almost 2 million people just this year alone coming across.”

    Newsmax reported McCarthy as saying:

    “There’s a number of different ways” Republicans could tackle the migrant crisis, McCarthy added that party lawmakers would not present a bill to fix the broken immigration system until the border is secure — something that would help stem the flow of fentanyl.

    “I think ‘Stay in Mexico’ you have to have right off the bat,” said McCarthy, referring to the Trump administration’s policy that forced migrants to remain in Mexico while awaiting their immigration proceedings in the U.S.

    In fiscal year 2022, U.S. border encounters with illegal migrants topped 2 million, according to US Customs and Border Protection data.

    Most recently we saw a clash between flag-wielding and rock-throwing Venezuelan migrants attacking U.S. Border Patrol agents who in-turn fired pepper balls at the charging crowd.

    But tackling Biden’s border fiasco is just one of several GOP priorities. 

    The GOP to-do list also includes tackling Democrat-enabled, out-of-control crime and runaway inflation, 

    Republicans will also be investigating the hell out of Team Biden.

    And there is so much that needs investigating

    Newsmax added that “McCarthy said Republicans also would perform oversight and conduct investigations into administration behavior concerning the disastrous troop pullout from Afghanistan, the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, and in dealing with parents and school board meetings.”

    I would also hope FBI and DHS politicization gets a top spot for oversight as well. Much needs to be done in that highly concerning area.

    And then they should dig into the increasingly ‘Woke Pentagon,’ and the extreme ‘Trans’ agenda.

    So, expect investigations galore, and Hunter Biden’s laptop and shady international business dealings will also take center stage.

    But what about impeaching Joe?

    While McCarthy insisted, “We will never use impeachment for political purposes,” he left the door open to launching eventual impeachment proceedings, when he added: “That doesn’t mean if something rises to the occasion, it would not be used at any other time.”

    Biden should walk on eggshells for the next two years, if he makes it that far without having the 25th Amendment invoked to remove him for senility.

    The political power pendulum is about to swing back to the right, and karma is a b*tch.

    Opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of Great America News Desk.

    Ex-CIA Officer Proposes Using ‘Counterterror’ Measures Against ‘Right-wing’ Americans

    Gage Skidmore Flickr

    ANALYSIS – Can we say dangerous left-wing intelligence hack? 

    With Joe Biden and the Democrats demonizing conservatives, partisan, out-of-work former intelligence officers, without much of a ‘war on terror’ to fight anymore, and looking for new work, are now targeting Americans as their new terrorist bogeyman. 

    And following the bizarre ‘underwear hammer attack’ on Nancy Pelosi’s husband in San Francisco, the Democrats are on a tear blaming Republicans for violence.

    This is despite the fact that the Pelosi attacker was a crazy, life-long pot-smoking hippie, left-wing nudist, and illegal alien from Canada who only started making ‘right-wing’ social media posts a few weeks ago.

    But once you designate your domestic political opponents as ‘extremists’ and ‘enemies of democracy,’ you open the door to widespread abuse and repression by the state.

    And targeting American citizens as if they were ISIS is the result.

    As I noted earlier, we should expect to see a host of these former ‘counter-extremism’ hacks try to parlay their experiences against al-Qaeda to use against their fellow citizens.

    This is the old Cold War ‘Red Scare’ in reverse.

    And this is just the latest example. A partisan former CIA officer proposing we illegally use ‘counterterror’ measures against Americans.

    As Fox News reports:

    Former Senior Intelligence Service officer at the CIA, Marc Polymeropoulos published a Sunday piece declaring that technique once used to fight radical Islam should be turned against the right-wing in America.

    Polymeropoulos’ piece for NBC News Think warned that propagandists, whether Islamic terrorists or Republicans, should be subject to counterterrorism and counter-radicalization techniques.

    “I worked in counterterrorism operations for nearly my entire career at the CIA before retiring in 2019. The battle we engaged in with international terrorist groups like Al Qaeda wasn’t just with their legions of foot soldiers but with their highly effective propaganda arms as well,” he wrote. 

    “The U.S. and our allies considered those propagandists fundamental cogs in a terror group’s machinery, and just as culpable as any other terrorist. So we held them accountable when innocent civilians were killed.”

    Polymeropoulos suggested that the attack of Paul Pelosi was evidence that the American government needs to take a firmer approach to its own citizenry.

    This type of thinking is outrageous on so many levels. Simply un-American. Unconstitutional. And extremely dangerous.

    Polymeropoulos, who sounds more like a left-wing extremist than an intelligence officer, is also either willfully ignorant or outright deceptive when he claims that the American right has some sort of monopoly on violent rhetoric. 

    He laughably states that there is “nothing equivalent being done on the other side of the aisle” as far as promoting violence against their political opposition. 

    “Democratic politicians and leaders may not like Trump, but they don’t call for violence against him, let alone his execution,” he outrageously claimed.

    Of course, this is outright false.

    As Fox Notes: “He neglected to mention multiple incidents of left-wing calls to arms and violence against Republicans…”

    Fox added examples:

    In 2017, a far-left former Bernie Sanders campaign volunteer named James T. Hodgkinson fired upon on a group of Republican lawmakers as they practiced for the annual Congressional Baseball Game, critically injuring House Republican Whip Steve Scalise.

    Democrats didn’t equate their own hyper-aggressive anti-GOP rhetoric with his violent actions.

    And let’s be clear Democrat politicians do incite violence against their GOP opponents.

    Fox continues:

    Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., endorsed harassing political opposition in public in 2018. “They’re not going to be able to go to a restaurant, they’re not going to be able to stop at a gas station, they’re not going to be able to shop at a department store,” Waters proclaimed at the time. “The people are going to turn on them, they’re going to protest, they’re going to absolutely harass them.”

    Polymeropoulos also ignores left-wing activists protesting in front of the houses of Supreme Court justices, firebombing crisis pregnancy centers, and doxing (posting the addresses of public figures online). 

    Not to mention the assassination attempt against Justice Brett Kavanaugh by a heavily armed man at his home.

    Recall that in 2020, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., warned Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh that they “will pay the price” for rulings against abortion and “You won’t know what hit you.”

    Can we say “incitement to violence” against Justices?

    This ex-CIA hack also overlooks a full year of left-wing politically motivated riots in cities, often encouraged and enabled by Democrat politicians and ‘community’ leaders.

    But facts, consistency, and fairness aren’t needed when you are a political hack trying to get the all-powerful government to use your now unneeded skills to target your fellow Americans who disagree with you.

    All you need is your own extremist leftist rhetoric.

    Opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of Great America News Desk.

    Amanda Head: Big Celebrity Speaks Out Against Leftist Candidate!


      It’s Election Day eve and as most Americans focus on critical House and Senate races across the country it’s important to watch local races as well. In deep blue Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass is facing off against Republican challenger Rick Caruso and while most A-list stars typically endorse Democrats or try and stay out of politics altogether “Guardians of the Galaxy” series star Chris Pratt isn’t afraid to defend his conservative values.

      Watch Amanda break it down below: