Home News ‘I Love Trump’ Tucker Carlson Addresses Private Text Fiasco

‘I Love Trump’ Tucker Carlson Addresses Private Text Fiasco

Photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

Tucker Carlson is clearing the air after his private text messages revealed his hidden hatred for former President Donald Trump.

The Fox News star tried to walk back his private remarks about Trump during an appearance on WABC radio.

“And I think this is in the text, and those were all grabbed completely illegitimately, in my opinion, in this court case, which I guess I’m not allowed to talk about, but I’m enraged that my private texts were pulled,” he said.

The Fox News host said those texts were pulled at a moment when he was texting with one of his producers because “some idiot on the Trump campaign had sent us the name of these dead voters who had voted,” referring to his false reporting after the 2020 election that echoed the Trump campaign’s unfounded claims of dead people who were fraudulently counted as voting in Georgia. After Carlson’s segment aired, a local Georgia news outlet debunked his claim, finding that two of the allegedly dead voters were alive and legally registered to vote, with CNN reporting days later that a third of the supposedly dead voters was also still living.

“And we went and I repeated them on air, and it turns out some of them were alive,” Carlson said, referring to the campaign’s accusation. “So I was just — I felt humiliated.”

Earlier this month, Carlson’s along with other prominent Fox News officials’ private text messages were revealed in court documents as part of a $1.6 billion Dominion Voting Systems defamation suit against the network.

During a Jan. 4, 2021 text conversation with an unknown producer, Carlson sounded off on the former president.

The prime-time star wrote, “We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights.”

The unknown staffer reportedly speculated that they believed the madness would cool down by “mid-February.”

“I hate him passionately,” Carlson replied. “I blew up at [former Trump official] Peter Navarro today in frustration. I actually like Peter. But I can’t handle much more of this.”


  1. Once-great FNC has been managed by Anti-Trump Liberals foe years now. And while the network’s bread is buttered with hold-over and popular Conservatives, and legitimized by releasing true and accurate new blacked out by the Democrat Media, it remains Anti-Trump.

    Carlson, like so many in broadcast media, wants to be viewed by their profession as “enlightened” and.”open-minded,” which means: Anti-Trump. Hence, the bullshit remark.


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