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Nikki Haley Announces Plans To Vote For Trump

The White House from Washington, DC, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Despite initially stating that Donald Trump must decide if he wants to win her support, along with the primary voters who backed her campaign, Nikki Haley has announced who she’ll be supporting in the 2024 presidential election.

It’s none other than Donald Trump.

The former South Carolina governor and U.S. ambassador to the United Nations announced her support for Trump’s 2024 bid on Wednesday afternoon during an appearance at the Hudson Institute in Washington, D.C.

As The Hill reports:

“As a voter, I put my priorities on a president who’s going to have the backs of our allies and hold our enemies to account, who would secure the border, no more excuses. A president who would support capitalism and freedom, a president who understands we need less debt not more debt,” Haley said at the Hudson Institute, a conservative think tank. 

“Trump has not been perfect on these policies. I’ve made that clear, many, many times. But Biden has been a catastrophe. So, I will be voting for Trump,” Haley said.

Haley joined the Hudson Institute as its Walter P. Stern chair in April. Her remarks at the institute come as she continues to be a significant presence in Republican presidential primary results, despite having suspended her campaign in March.

“Having said that, I stand by what I said in my suspension speech. Trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me, and not assume that they’re just going to be with him.”

Article Published With The Permission of American Liberty News.

‘No Brainer’ Former ESPN Host Says 2024 Vote Is An Easy Decision

Jeff Kern, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Joe Biden’s incompetence should make the 2024 election an easy one…

Former ESPN host Sage Steele told Fox News Digital that she is planning to vote for Trump in the next election, saying that she strictly focuses on policy not personality when casting her vote.

“To me, Donald Trump is the obvious answer based on what he believes, what he can do, what he has shown that he can do starting with the defense of our country, our safety, etc. and nothing to do with the personal stuff. I don’t care anymore,” Steele said. “It’s about policy, not emotion. And that’s what I wish people could get over is that emotional stuff. It’s maddening.”

Steele had a laundry list of reasons why she thought Biden has been so unpopular, which included inflation, the border crisis, how people feel less safe, as well as his “decline mentally.”

“You can even go back to those Chinese balloons, you know, over our territory for over a week. And little things like that, that aren’t so little. If that’s happening, what else is happening?” Steele said. “So even people who don’t go deep and take deep dives on everyday politics and the goings-on across the country, you don’t need to take a deep dive to understand that we are in a dire situation. And to me, it really is now or never.”

Steele also expressed her “fear” of the looming Biden-Trump rematch and how “we have seen the depths” to which Democrats have tried to keep the former president off the ballot. 

“I’m nervous for him. Sometimes I get nervous for his safety. Honestly, like it’s crazy,” Steele said. “The 91 charges, and you know, all the lawsuits and awarding $83 million… What happened with the Fani Willis case. Like, I am blown away. Every time I think, ‘OL, this is a new low. It can’t go any lower.’ What happens?!”

GOP Governor Speaks Out On ‘Costly’ Decision Not To Endorse Trump

The White House from Washington, DC, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, who ran for the GOP presidential nomination this year, is speaking out on his decision not to endorse Donald Trump.

“I get asked a lot if I believe Trump is a threat to our democracy,” he writes in a USA Today op-ed. “I am not good at predicting the future, but we can learn from history and we should take heed when politicians tell us what they are going to do.”

Hutchinson says in the piece that he voted for Trump twice, but that insight gleaned from former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wy.) and the Department of Justice on the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol changed his mind.

“In terms of history, we all witnessed the violent attack on our national Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, by those wishing to overturn the last election,” he writes. “This was not an act of patriots as Trump likes to say, but it was a real threat to democracy.”

“With Donald Trump’s domination of the GOP primaries and the elimination of all primary opponents, including the party leadership and Republican elected officials are clicking their heels in obedience to the victor and presumptive nominee. I have not endorsed Donald Trump for president, and I will not do so,” he writes.

But Hutchinson says he can’t support Biden’s policies either.

“Another important point to make is that I also will not vote for President Joe Biden. Biden’s weak border policies, his poor economic record and his slow growth energy policy do not justify reelection.”

Report: Trump’s PAC Funds Dwindle To Only $5M

Image via Pixabay free images

Donald Trump’s legal troubles are bleeding him dry…

New reports show Trump has spent around $60 million on legal fees of the four criminal indictments and various ongoing civil lawsuits against him.

According to Mediaite, disclosures indicate that Trump’s campaign and the various political action committees supporting it have spent millions, leaving his primary PAC with a little over $5 million.

Save America PAC, Trump’s primary PAC heading into his likely rematch with President Joe Biden, once had over $100 million in the bank. Now, it has just a little over $5 million left after spending over $25 million on legal bills in the second half of last year alone.

Make America Great Again PAC, which served the same function as Save America is now back in 2016 and 2020, spent $5.9 million in the back half of 2023, with $4 million of that going toward legal fees.

Most troublingly of all for the former president, perhaps, is the fact that the Super PAC raised only $6.6 million between July and December, a possible indicator of failing enthusiasm for Trump’s candidacy or suspicion of his political operation.

His campaign itself,  meanwhile, raised a little over $19 million, but spent over $23.5 million in the latest fundraising period.

Trump Accuses GOP Primary Rivals Of Trying To Rig Iowa Caucus


In a Tuesday video message, former President Donald Trump urged supporters to show up for the 2024 Iowa Caucus while accusing his opponents of cheating.

Trump began the video clip posted to Truth Social by thanking his “Trump caucus captains” and urging them to “turn out” their voters on caucus night.

“Teach them how to caucus. Take them in your car on caucus night. If you have to do whatever is necessary, we’ve got to get them in. We got to make America great again. So do whatever it takes. If you do, we will win and win big,” Trump said in what began as a fairly standard political message.

Trump then accused the process of being rigged.

“And that’s what you have to do. You know, the other side does cheat!” he insisted, adding:

And we’re not going to let that happen. We cannot let that happen. But that’s what we need from you. Get in your car, get a lot of people and get down and caucus. Give a great speech for me. I hope you will. And I know you will have such confidence in you as you had in me. And you have in me.

During the 2016 presidential contest, Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas) beat Trump in the Iowa Caucus and was accused of cheating, according to Mediaite.

“Based on the fraud committed by Senator Ted Cruz during the Iowa Caucus, either a new election should take place or Cruz results nullified,” Trump added and later threatened to sue.

GOP Lt. Governor Suggests Removing Biden From Texas Ballot

Joe Biden via Gage Skidmore Flickr

Republicans want revenge…

Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick floated removing President Biden from the state’s primary ballot as a response to the Colorado Supreme Court’s shock ruling.

“Seeing what happened in Colorado tonight … makes me think — except we believe in democracy in Texas — maybe we should take Joe Biden off the ballot in Texas for allowing 8 million people to cross the border since he’s been president, disrupting our state far more than anything anyone else has done in recent history,” Patrick said in an interview with Fox News anchor Laura Ingraham.

On Tuesday, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled to remove Donald Trump from the 2024 state ballot, citing the 14th Amendment’s so-called insurrection clause. (RELATED: Colorado Supreme Court Bans Trump From Ballot)

The 4-3 ruling cited the 14th Amendment and argued Trump was involved in an insurrection by prompting false claims of election fraud and directing his supporters to go toward the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

Trump’s campaign has vowed to appeal the ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court. 

Nikki Haley Passes DeSantis in Latest New Hampshire Poll


The Republican primary field is shifting…

A new poll of likely Republican primary voters in New Hampshire showed former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley— not Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis — running second in the first primary state.

Haley beat DeSantis 19 percent to 10 percent in a Suffolk University/Boston Globe/USA TODAY survey released on Wednesday morning.

But they both remain far behind the frontrunner, Donald Trump. The former president leads his Republican rivals with 49 percent support in the poll of 500 likely GOP primary voters that was conducted after the second debate and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.4 percentage points.

But Trump remains immovable atop the field. And no other candidate cracked double digits in the Suffolk/Globe/USA TODAY survey. Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie notched 6 percent support, while entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott got roughly 4 percent apiece. Former Vice President Mike Pence and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum trailed even further behind, with just 1 percent each.

The poll comes days before GOP candidates will descend on New Hampshire next week, starting with the former president on Monday and most of the rest of the field at a weekend cattle call hosted by the state GOP.

Fox Host Hits Chris Christie With Brutally Honest Election Assessment

Maryland GovPics, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

This has to sting…

Fox host Stuart Varney did not shy away from telling former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie that he doubts the presidential candidate will succeed while discussing the upcoming debate.

Before adding his opinion on Christie’s electability, Varney asked the candidate to give some insight into the current debate stage.

“Of the people who are going to be on the debate stage less than two weeks away. Here’s your opportunity. Who do you think spews, if I may use that word, the most BS?” Varney asked.

“Well, Stuart, I’ll just base it on the last debate and it’s no doubt it’s Vivek Ramaswamy. He has absolutely no clue what he’s talking about on Ukraine. No idea what he’s talking about with China and Taiwan. He wants to abandon Israel. This is a guy who has read a lot of books but hasn’t done much. And so I think he wins the award from debate number one. But we’ll be together in California in two weeks. We can make a decision who spews the most in debate number two,” Christie asked.
“So you will make that decision, will not be me,” quipped Varney, asking, “You think you can win?”

“Of course,” Christie shot back.

“You have to believe you can win. But realistically, sir, I don’t think you could win the governorship of New Jersey at the moment,” Varney added, pressing the issue hard.

“Oh, look, I don’t. Well, I think given what Phil Murphy’s done, I think it could win the governorship of New Jersey again if I ran,” Christie replied, adding, “But that’s not what I’m running for. I’m running for president United States. Right now, we’re in second place in New Hampshire ahead of Ron DeSantis, ahead of Nikki Haley.”

“And that’s your big hope, isn’t it? Sure. Catch up in New Hampshire and Iowa. That’s your big hope,” Varney followed up.

“Yes. New Hampshire is where we’re staking a lot of our hopes and South Carolina. But remember, when each one of those primaries or caucuses happen, it changes the race completely where people actually vote as opposed to all the polling that we see. Polling is just hot air. Voting is when you go in and you make your voice heard. That’s what we’re counting on in New Hampshire in late January. And I’ll come right on Varney & Company after I win the New Hampshire primary. We can talk about it then,” Christie responded as the interview ended on a friendly note.

Governor Kristi Noem Of South Dakota Set To Endorse Trump Friday

Photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

Kristi Noem is set to make waves in the 2024 Republican Party presidential primaries.

According to inside sources, the popular governor of South Dakota is expected to endorse former President Donald Trump at a rally in Rapid City on Friday.

The decision comes amid reports that Trump is considering Noem as his running mate.

As CNN reports:

Once a potential 2024 candidate herself, Noem initially inched away from Trump after last fall’s midterm elections and the launch of his latest campaign. She told The New York Times at the time that she didn’t believe the former president offered “the best chance” for the Republican Party in 2024.

However, the South Dakota governor has since changed her tune, opting out of a White House bid and offering support for Trump. But Noem is still angling to be in the 2024 discussion. She’s remained in contact and on good terms with the former president, according to sources familiar with their interactions. Ads touting her state’s low taxes and job openings aired during last month’s first Republican presidential debate and since then on Fox News. She also attended that debate, bringing donors as guests.

Noem has another connection: Corey Lewandowski, Trump’s former campaign manager and confidant, has advised her since 2020. Lewandowski’s on-again-off-again relationship with the former president has leveled, according to sources, and he now regularly speaks to Trump.

“The fact is, none of them can win as long as Trump’s in the race. And that’s just the facts. So why run if you can’t win,” Noem, who has been in touch with Trump and his team, said of the former president’s primary rivals in an interview on Fox News’s “Fox and Friends.”

Noem has generally demurred when asked about her interest in the vice presidency. Still, she told Fox News’ Sean Hannity, “Of course [I] would consider it” if Trump offered.

This article first appeared in American Liberty News. Republished with permission.

New Poll Exposes Democrats’ True Thoughts About Biden

Joe Biden via Gage Skidmore Flickr

There’s a wealth of new polling data on the Democratic presidential nomination contest, with polls from The Wall Street Journal and Associated Press both finding that even Democratic voters are concerned that President Joe Biden is too old to run.

The AP/NORC poll of adults (not registered voters) found that 77 percent of respondents believed Biden was too old to serve another term.

And for the hardened Team Blue partisans who shout “ageism!” at such findings…69 percent of self-identified Democrats said Biden’s age is a big issue (among Republicans, it was a whopping 89 percent – which shouldn’t come as a surprise).

But this must be a fluke, an outlier, and a one-off. Surely, the age issue can’t be that big a deal for Mr. Biden. Except The Wall Street Journal poll confirmed it is.

The Journal asked a split question – one if voters think Biden’s mental fitness is sufficient for the job, the other specifically on whether he is “too old.”

On the mental ability, 60 percent questioned Biden’s mental ability. On age, a total of 73 percent said he is “too old.”

What are the comparable numbers for former President Donald Trump?

A 49-46 split says Trump isn’t mentally up for the job. On age, another spilt, with 47 percent saying he’s too old and 45 saying he isn’t.

As always with polls, the numbers are snapshots in time and subject to change.

What these data points do, though, is reinforce narratives that have long been whispered in Democratic circles: Biden’s time has passed, and he would be wise to bow out and allow someone else to take the fight to what looks like Donald Trump in 2024.

But such whispers against an incumbent are very hard to translate into hard reality. What could bring them a tad bit closer to the fore are the other items in the Journal poll, particularly the sense that most people think the economy has hit a rough patch, and they are feeling the effects:

…58% of voters say the economy has gotten worse over the past two years, whereas only 28% say it has gotten better, and nearly three in four say inflation is headed in the wrong direction. Those views were echoed in the survey by large majorities of independents, a group that helped deliver Biden’s victory over Trump in the 2020 presidential race. Voters were almost evenly split on the direction of the job market.

It’s not a wipeout for Biden, but the data are hardly comforting to an incumbent who has staked his presidency on a massive reworking of the economy, with government intervention and support leading the way. Team Blue partisans will say it’s early, these things take time, etc., etc. And they aren’t entirely wrong.

But there’s also the iron law of politics to contend with: if you’re explaining, you’re losing. And until the data show voters are feeling better about their own particular economic situation, then Mr. Biden will need more than a slogan – “Bidenomics” – and promises of widespread prosperity to save his own political future.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of Great America News Desk. It first appeared in American Liberty News. Republished with permission.