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Trump Issues Response To Biden Admin.

Donald Trump via Gage Skidmore Flickr

On Wednesday, Biden made a stark reversal from his campaign policy and announced the need for a border wall in Texas citing security, drug and arms trafficking, and steepening migration.

“There is presently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries into the United States in the project areas,” DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said in the statement.

The U.S. Border Patrol saw more than 245,000 people in the last fiscal year trying to enter the United States in the Rio Grande Valley Sector, the DHS said, citing data from August.

Trump wasted no time before chiding Biden over the border barrier.

“Biden sees our country is being invaded,” Trump said. “What is he going to do about the 15 million people from prisons, from mental institutions, insane asylums, and terrorists that have already come into our country?”

“What has happened to our country?” Trump said, adding that the Biden administration needs to “go back to Trump policies.”

“He has to reinstate Remain in Mexico and Title 42,” Trump said. “He has to do all of the other things that we were doing.”

A Trump campaign spokesperson told Fox News Digital Wednesday night that “President Trump is always right.” 

“That’s why he built close to 500 miles of powerful new wall on the border and it would have been finished by now,” the spokesperson said. “Instead, Crooked Joe Biden turned our country into one giant sanctuary for dangerous criminal aliens.”

Judge Issues Gag Order Following Trump’s Truth Social Posts

Gage Skidmore Flickr

New York Judge Arthur Engoron issued a limited gag order for all parties on Tuesday after Trump’s Truth Social account made a post targeting the judge’s principal clerk while she sat just feet away from him in the courtroom.

The judge issued the gag order barring Trump and any party in the case from posting or speaking publicly about members of his staff after Trump released personally identifying information about his principal clerk

The trial judge, without naming Trump, addressed the court on the matter, saying “one of the defendants” posted a “disparaging, untrue and personally-identifying post” about his staff, and though the judge ordered it deleted, it had been emailed out to “millions of other recipients.”

“Personal attacks on members of my court staff are not appropriate and I will not tolerate it under any circumstance,” Engoron said.

He added that he warned counsel off the record about the former president’s comments yesterday, but the warning went unheeded.

In a Truth Social post that went up while Trump was sitting in the courtroom Tuesday, Trump targeted Engoron’s principal law clerk — who was sitting just a few feet away — calling her “Schumer’s girlfriend,” that reposted a picture of her alongside Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a fellow New York Democrat.

It is unclear what connection, if any, Schumer has with the clerk.

Trump’s campaign on Tuesday also sent out an email shortly after the Truth Social post while the court was on a lunch break

Supreme Court Reviews 14th Amendment Challenge to Boot Trump from Ballot

Duncan Lock, Dflock, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Good news for Team Trump!

On Monday, the Supreme Court declined to hear a bid to disqualify former President Trump from running for office under the 14th Amendment.

John Castro, who is running for the Republican presidential nomination, filed various lawsuits seeking to challenge Trump’s eligibility to appear on the 2024 ballot.

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment states that no person shall hold elected office who “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States.”

The Hill has more:

In a brief, unsigned order issued Monday, the justices declined to take up one of his cases after Castro lost in a lower court.

“The Supreme Court can deny to hear the case but appellate courts cannot,” Castro responded on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

“I’m still pursuing decisions in the liberal appellate courts and there’s a full blown trial scheduled for October 20 in New Hampshire and a bench trial in Arizona on October 31,” he added.

Castro had argued Trump gave “his aid and comfort to the convicted criminals and insurrectionists that violently attacked our United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, which results in disqualification to hold public office pursuant to the self-executing nature of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution.”

The Supreme Court’s decision comes as Trump faces similar efforts in multiple states to disqualify him from the ballot.

Over the weekend a liberal group in Michigan filed a lawsuit to keep Trump off the ballot, arguing he violated the 14th Amendment. (RELATED: Michigan Group Sues To Keep Trump Off 2024 Ballot)

Trump, who waived his right to respond to Castro’s petition before the Supreme Court, has broadly attacked the legal push as “another ‘trick’ being used by the Radical Left Communists, Marxists, and Fascists.”

Attorney General to Resign If Asked to Take Action on Trump

Chuck Kennedy for The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Attorney General Merrick Garland said in an interview that he would resign if asked by President Joe Biden to take action against Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump.

While noting the unlikelihood that he would be put in such a position AG Garland told “60 Minutes” that he would not personally take action against the former president. The Justice Department has indicted Trump on charges relating to his effort to overturn the 2020 election and wrongly keeping classified documents after leaving office.

“I am sure that that will not happen, but I would not do anything in that regard,” he said on CBS “60 Minutes.” “And if necessary, I would resign. But there is no sense that anything like that will happen.”

Garland has largely kept silent about the cases and reiterated Sunday he would not get into specifics, but dismissed claims by Trump and his supporters that the cases were timed to ruin his chances to be president in 2024.

“Well, that’s absolutely not true. Justice Department prosecutors are nonpartisan. They don’t allow partisan considerations to play any role in their determinations,” Garland said.

“We do not have one rule for Republicans and another rule for Democrats. We don’t have one rule for foes and another for friends,” he said. ”We have only one rule; and that one rule is that we follow the facts and the law, and we reach the decisions required by the Constitution, and we protect civil liberties.”

Woke Group Sues To Keep Trump Off Michigan Ballot

Gage Skidmore Flickr

A liberal group in Michigan is trying to keep Donald Trump out of the White House by any cost necessary…

On Friday, a liberal group sued to prevent Trump from appearing on the state’s ballot, claiming the former president violated the 14th Amendment.

The lawsuit marks the third such attempt to keep Trump off the ballot after similar actions were filed in Colorado and Minnesota. It was filed by Free Speech for People, the same group behind the Minnesota lawsuit.

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which is cited in the lawsuit, states that no person shall hold elected office who “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States.”

“The insurrection defeated the forces of civilian law enforcement; forced the United States Congress to go into recess… occupied the United States Capitol, a feat never achieved by the Confederate rebellion… and blocked the peaceful transition of power in the United States of America, another feat never achieved by the Confederate rebellion,” the suit reads.

“Donald J. Trump, through his words and actions… engaged in insurrection or rebellion, or gave aid and comfort to its enemies, as defined by Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment,” the group continued. “He is disqualified from holding the presidency or any other office under the United States unless and until Congress provides him relief.”

A group of New Hampshire lawmakers urged their state’s election chief to prevent similar 14th Amendment arguments for their 2024 ballot, calling the attempts an “absurd conspiracy theory.”

Trump himself dismissed the attempts earlier this month.

“Almost all legal scholars have voiced opinions that the 14th Amendment has no legal basis or standing relative to the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election,” Trump wrote in a Truth Social post.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein Dead at 90

California State Senator Dianne Feinstein delivers remarks at the 2021 Capitol Christmas Tree lighting ceremony in Washington DC, December 1, 2021. USDA Forest Service photo by Tanya E. Flores.

California Sen. Dianne Feinstein has passed away at age 90.

Sen. Feinstein was the longest-serving woman in the Senate.

Her biography says her “most notable achievements” are the “enactment of the federal Assault Weapons Ban in 1994” and the “six-year review of the CIA’s detention and interrogation program that culminated in the 2014 release of the report’s executive summary and passage of legislation ensuring that certain post-9/11 interrogation methods are never used again.”

“Senator Feinstein’s career has been one of firsts,” her website biography also says. “She was the first woman president of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, the first woman mayor of San Francisco, the first woman elected Senator of California, the first woman member and first woman ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the first woman to chair the Senate Rules and Administration Committee and the first woman to chair the Senate Intelligence Committee.”

Report: Kari Lake to Launch Senate Campaign

Kari Lake speaking with supporters at a "Stand for Freedom" rally at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Scottsdale Resort in Scottsdale, Arizona. [Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons]

Popular Arizona MAGA firebrand Kari Lake is reportedly planning to launch her highly anticipated Senate campaign on October 10th, according to her campaign.

Lake’s entrance into the race makes her the most high-profile Republican to seek to unseat Independent Sen. Kyrsten Sinema.

Sen. Sinema has yet to announce her re-election campaign, however, Rep. Rueben Gallego (D) is also widely expected to launch a Senate campaign

Blake Masters, who ran an unsuccessful campaign against Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.) in 2022, is also reportedly considering another bid for Senate. 

However, Trump reportedly dissuaded Masters from running in a phone call, saying that he’d likely lose to Lake in a primary.

She touted strong early polling numbers in lobbying for her candidacy.

“I’ve looked at the polling, to be honest, and I believe I’m the only one who can win that race,” Lake said in July.

Lake, a former television news anchor who rose to prominence after losing the 2022 gubernatorial race to now-Gov. Katie Hobbs (D), has not yet conceded. She still contests that she won the election and that it was fraudulently awarded to Hobbs.

Lake has also been floated as a potential running mate for Trump.

Report: Judge Finds Trump Liable for Fraud

Gavel via Wikimedia Commons Image

A New York judge sided with prosecutor Letitia James (D) on Tuesday, ruling that former President Donald Trump is liable for “persistent fraud.”

Last year, New York Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron found that the defendants, including Trump, his two sons Donald Jr. and Eric, and members of the Trump organization “had a propensity to engage in persistent fraud by submitting false and misleading statements of financial condition on behalf of defendant Donald J. Trump.”

“Defendants followed the same procedure each year to create false and misleading SFCs,” a memo from NY Attorney General Letitia James in support of the plaintiffs’ motion stated in late August. “The SFCs include amounts for Mr. Trump’s assets, mostly real estate holdings, that are represented to be stated ‘at their estimated current values,’ a term defined in the applicable accounting rules as the value that a willing buyer and willing seller could agree on, where both are fully informed and neither is acting under duress. The associated liabilities are then subtracted from the ‘estimated current values’ to derive Mr. Trump’s net worth.”

Engoron wrote in his ruling issued on Tuesday, “Defendants repeat the erroneous argument that the complaint must be dismissed because OAG cannot demonstrate the requirements of a parens patriae action, which is one in the public interest,” then explained that a parens patriae action “permits the state to commence an action to protect a public interest, like the safety, health or welfare of its citizens.”

Trump responded in a post on his social media platform Truth Social.

“The widespread attack against me, my family, and my supporters has devolved to new, un-American depths, at the hands of a DERANGED New York State Judge, doing the bidding of a completely biased and corrupt ‘Prosecutor,’ Letitia James,” Trump wrote. “This is Democrat Political Lawfare, and a Witch Hunt at a level never seen before. It is an attempt to badly injure the opposing Party’s Leading, by far, Political Candidate.”

He added, “Nothing like this has ever happened in our Country before. My Civil Rights have been violated, and some Appellate Court, whether Federal or State, must reverse this horrible, un-American decision. If they can do this to me, they can do this to YOU!”

Former Trump attorney and “fixer” Michael Cohen said the ruling effectively put Trump out of business in the Empire State.

“The damages, in my estimation, with interest and penalty, will exceed $600 million,” Cohen said in a CNN interview Tuesday. “Will that put him into bankruptcy? He does not have the liquid cash in order to pay that off.”

Cohen said that damages trial is likely to be the end of Trump’s businesses, as losing business licenses means that the operations have to shut down.

“As a result of the receivership, those companies will end up being liquidated, especially now that this case is no longer solely about … liability. The judge has already determined that the fraud existed,” Cohen said.

Report: Hunter Biden Sues Rudy Giuliani

Photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

On Tuesday, President Biden’s son Hunter filed a lawsuit against former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani alleging the former Trump lawyer violated his privacy rights by illegally disseminating content from Biden’s infamous laptop.

The complaint filed in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California states Giuliani is “primarily responsible” for the “total annihilation” of Biden’s digital privacy. It also names Robert Costello, a former federal prosecutor who previously represented Giuliani, as a defendant, Fox News has confirmed. 

“For the past many months and even years, Defendants have dedicated an extraordinary amount of time and energy toward looking for, hacking into, tampering with, manipulating, copying, disseminating, and generally obsessing over data that they were given that was taken or stolen from Plaintiff’s devices or storage platforms, including what Defendants claim to have obtained from Plaintiff’s alleged ‘laptop’ computer,” Biden’s attorneys wrote in the complaint, claiming that the data was not even from a “laptop,” but from an “external drive.”

Read the complaint below:

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Trump Breaks Silence on Murdoch ‘Retirement’

David Shankbone, CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Former President Donald Trump has finally addressed the consequential news that media mogul Rupert Murdoch is stepping down as Fox Corporation’s chairman.

On Thursday, Murdoch officially broke the news that his son Lachlan will be stepping into his shoes leaving much of the conservative right waiting for Trump’s reaction.

Trump cited “many people” giving him credit for forcing Murdich into retirement but claimed that he “did not believe” that to be true. Instead, he took the opportunity to blast another powerful conservative foe, Mitch McConnell, who he blames for giving “Radical Left Lunatics, together with his small band of automatic “yes” votes, EVERYTHING they want.”

Trump wrote on Truth Social:

Many people are saying that,”You forced Rupert Murdoch into retirement!” I do not believe this is so, but while we’re at it, how about getting rid of “Democrat” Mitch McConnell, who gives the Radical Left Lunatics, together with his small band of automatic “yes” votes, EVERYTHING they want. There is ZERO Republican Leadership in the United States Senate. MAGA!!!