‘City of Angels’ Dodgers to ‘Honor’ Drag Queen Demons
ANALYSIS – City of Angels baseball team honors demons. Don’t just sit there – Do something. I earlier wrote about the decision by the Los Angeles Dodgers to invite and honor the anti-Christian drag queen group ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’ (SPI) here.
Then, due to the backlash from Catholics and Christians of all stripes, the Major League Baseball (MLB) team dis-invited the offensive hate group made up of cross-dressing men – to their opening game LGBT ‘Pride’ festivities.
The team’s Pride Night is sponsored by Blue Shield of California.
But then, caving to the intense left-wing bullying, MLB and the team from the ‘City of Angels’ quickly chose to re-invite and honor these disgusting ‘demons’ in June with a “Community Hero Award.”
As I separately wrote, the focus of ‘Pride’ festivities recently has all to do with the ‘T’ in LGBT (transgenderism) and little to do with being gay (LGB – Lesbian Gay and Bisexual).
Of course, some will say calling the group demonic is too much, or silly.
But what else do you call a group of skanky men, dressed up like skanky prostitutes, disgustingly mocking Jesus, and all of Christianity with pornographic ‘Passion Plays’ of crude sexual depravity?
Or Easter egg hunts for children led by grown men dressed like bizarre caricatures of women.
Their motto – “go forth and sin more” is a call to do evil, and a direct affront to Christ’s teaching to “sin no more.” You can’t get more demonic than that.
Yet, in their May 4 statement, the MLB said it would recognize the group “for their countless hours of community service, ministry, and outreach to those on the edges, in addition to promoting human rights and respect for diversity and spiritual enlightenment.”
Well, that statement is absolutely insane, and deeply offensive to anyone of faith.
Bill Donahue, president of the Catholic League, has called SPI an “obscene anti-Catholic group.” The conservative group CatholicVote called the Dodgers the “Bud Light” of baseball, referring to the brand-damaging boycott over its use of a trans-identified spokesperson.
Coincidentally, the Christian Post reported that MLB and Anheuser-Busch renewed a deal in early 2022 to make Budweiser the league’s co-exclusive beer sponsor.
This is not only deeply offensive but dangerous, considering the rise in anti-Catholic and pro-abortion violence against Christian churches and groups.
As I noted earlier, “In the past year, there have been at least 255 attacks on Catholic churches, including arson, statues beheaded and gravestones defaced, according to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).”
And yes, this demonic drag group is coming for your children:
This should enrage most Christian Americans, especially Catholics. But rather than just get angry, do something.
For one, if you live in Los Angeles, boycott the Dodgers. You can also contact them directly:
Dodger Stadium
1000 Vin Scully Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90012
866-DODGERS 363-4377
(extension 9)
You can also contact the office of the Commissioner of Major League Baseball expressing your outrage.
The Office of the Commissioner of Baseball
1271 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY, 10020
Phone: 212-931-7800
Then you can put your money where your mouth is and DONATE to Catholic Vote to support their advertising campaign calling out the Dodgers for their anti-Christian bigotry.
They need your help to teach a lesson to every major business in America that supporting anti-Christian hate is not tolerant, not inclusive, and is simply not acceptable.
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