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Amanda Head: Republicans Screwed Out Of Electoral Votes


The U.S. Census underreported populations in multiple Republican-leaning states, costing them representation in Congress, the Electoral College, and more…

Watch Amanda break down the situation below.

GOP Shouldn’t Hide From Being Pro-Life

    Washington D.C., USA - January 22, 2015; A Pro-Life woman clashes with a group of Pro-Choice demonstrators at the U.S. Supreme Court.

    OPINION – Ever since the Supreme Court leak ahead of its decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, Republicans have been cowed by the leftist media into hiding their pro-life policies.

    This is a huge mistake.

    While the media and radical Democrat partisans hyped the decision’s impact and quickly weaponized the decision, much of the GOP hid, hoping the abortion issue would just go away.

    And to some degree, it has faded as Americans are clearly more concerned about the economy, inflation, crime, and illegal immigration.

    But acting as if we have something to be afraid of only gives the radical abortionists vindication.

    And they don’t deserve it. And we don’t have anything to fear.

    The left is on the wrong side of the issue, of medical science, of morality and of the majority of the American people.

    And we are on the right side.

    Yes, most Americans believe in some widespread access to abortion, but very few believe in abortion on demand with no restrictions, including late-term abortion up to birth.

    And yet, this radical abortion stance has become the policy of today’s Democrats.

    They are the extremists.

    Earlier this week, Republican Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) made that point as he stood his ground on a debate stage at the Lake Worth campus of Palm Beach College.

    “I’m 100% pro-life not because I want to deny anyone their rights but because I believe that innocent human life is worthy of the protection under the law,” Rubio said. While noting he has supported legislation that includes exceptions for rape, incest, and the mother’s health, he then went on offense, arguing that “the extremist on abortion in this campaign” is his opponent.

    Like Democrats around the country, Demings [Rubio’s Dem opponent] had been running ads hitting her Republican opponent on abortion for more than a month. During their debate, Rubio delivered his rebuttal. “She supports no restrictions, no limitations of any kind – she’s against a four-month ban, she voted against a five-month ban,” he said. “She supports taxpayer-funded abortion on demand for any reason any time up until the moment of birth.”

    This is how Republicans should fight the abortion battle.

    We should show that we are reasonable and mainstream while the Democrats are the abortion extremists.

    The National Right to Life organization has always made exceptions for rape, incest, and danger to the life of the mother.

    I recall taking their pledge as a congressional candidate in 2010 in Florida.

    Many conservatives also allow for abortions up to 10 weeks or when a fetal heartbeat is detected.

    This too is supported by many Americans and would likely be supported by many more if they were shown the science.

    With the widespread availability of contraception and ‘reproductive health’ in America why would abortion need to be guaranteed beyond 10, 12, or 15 weeks (where most European countries draw the line)?

    Significantly, the most common cutoff for abortions around the world is 12 weeks, Axios has reported.

    A recent poll found that 48% of Americans at least somewhat support restricting abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy, while 43% oppose it.

    Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, says Republican candidates should be leaning into abortion as a winning conservative issue — not running away.

    She blamed some Republicans for “inch[ing] to the middle, maybe the back of the bus” on abortion as Election Day approaches.

    “Letting the dust settle without being a vocal advocate means you let the dust settle on the wrong side,” Dannenfelser said.

    And she is totally correct.

    Conservatives need to stand by their principles and defend life.

    The extremists on this issue are the pro-abortion Democrats.

    Opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of Great America News Desk.

    Stacey Abrams’ Group Gave Millions to Law Firm Run by Her Campaign Chair

    Office of U.S. House Speaker, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

    Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams is in hot water once again.

    New reports indicate Abrams’ voting rights group Fair Fight Action has funneled millions of dollars to a law firm led by the chairwoman for Abrams’s gubernatorial campaign.

    According to The Washington Examiner, Fair Fight Action spent $9.4 million in 2019 and 2020 with Lawrence & Bundy, a boutique Atlanta law firm that counts Abrams’s campaign Chairwoman Allegra Lawrence-Hardy, a close friend of the candidate, as one of its two partners, according to the nonprofit group’s 2019 and 2020 IRS tax filings.

    There are no definitive reports to show how much Lawrence-Hardy’s firm has received from Fair Fight Action in 2021 and 2022. The organization has been involved in a legal fight against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) for the past years. Fair Fight Action filed the lawsuit after Abrams lost her 2018 gubernatorial bid to Republican Gov. Brian Kemp, whom she is currently running against, claiming the secretary of state engaged in voter suppression. In September, U.S. district judge Steve Jones ruled against Abrams and found no evidence of voter suppression.

    “This is a win for all Georgia election officials who dedicate their lives to safe, secure and accessible elections,” Raffensperger said at the time. “Stolen election and voter suppression claims by Stacey Abrams were nothing but poll-tested rhetoric not supported by facts and evidence.”

    “Judge Jones’ ruling exposes this legal effort for what it really is: a tool wielded by a politician hoping to wrongfully weaponize the legal system to further her own political goals,” Kemp said in a statement celebrating the ruling.

    The $9.4 million that Lawrence & Bundy received accounts for over 37% of the roughly $25 million in legal fees that Fair Fight Action has racked up in the past two years, according to Politico, which first reported on the payments to Lawrence-Hardy’s law firm.

    Fair Fight Action raised over $61 million in 2019 and 2020 after being founded in 2018. At least one-third of that money has gone toward the lawsuit against Raffensperger, while $20 million has been put in cash reserves, tax records show. While there are eight separate law firms that worked on the case against the secretary of state, Lawrence & Bundy has earned the most in fees.

    Abrams and Lawrence-Hardy were classmates together at Georgia’s Spelman College, and Abrams graduated from Yale Law School three years after Lawrence-Hardy.

    Craig Holman, a government affairs lobbyist for the left-wing think tank Public Citizen, says that Abrams’s years-long friendship with Lawrence-Hardy represents a clear conflict of interest.

    Despite Abrams’s accusations of rampant voter suppression in the Peach State early voting data reports Georgians to have already broken records for early turnout. According to The Hill, Saturday’s turnout surpassed the 2020 election’s sixth day of early voting by 20 percent.

    The 79,682 voters who cast ballots on Saturday also marked a 159 percent increase from the first Saturday of early voting in the 2018 midterm elections, according to the Georgia secretary of state’s office.

    Georgia also smashed early voting on the first day polls opened last week, when 131,318 ballots were cast in-person, far above the 70,849 reported in 2018 and close to the 136,739 mark in 2020.

    “Early Voting is strong because Georgia’s voter registration system is strong,” said Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in a statement. “Every eligible Georgian who wants to be registered to vote is registered to vote.”

    However, despite the record-breaking data Abrams is still claiming voter suppression is underway in Georgia.

    “In 2018, we had record turnout,” Abrams said in a press conference Monday. “We had record turnout that shattered records for Democrats among communities of color and in that same election … we know that 85,000 Georgians were denied their right to vote due to voter suppression tactics that shut down their precincts. We know that 50,000 voters had their right to vote held hostage by the exact match process which was proven to be voter suppression tactics. We know that thousands of people stood in lines for hours because of voter suppression tactics.”

    Amanda Head: Polling Breaks for Republicans


      With only two weeks left until Election Day, Republicans are eagerly anticipating a red tsunami to help retake Congress. Now, pollsters are sharing some ket details that Americans can anticipate seeing in the next weeks.

      Watch Amanda break down the details below.

      Trump Says New Conservative Host Should be Fired from ‘The View’

        Alyssah Farah Griffin on GMA via screenshot

        Trump has a heavy opinion about “The View’s” latest additions.

        The former President slammed his former communications director Alyssa Farah Griffin and called for her to be fired from ABC’s daytime political talk show.

        “Alyssa Farah totally misrepresented her true feelings about me and the Trump Administration in order to get her job at ratings disaster CNN, and a seat with the low IQ people at The View,” Trump said in a Truth Social post.

        “Look at what she said about me, and that doesn’t include the beautiful letter she sent and other statements she made. They should fire her for misrepresentation or fraud. Release the letter, Alyssa!”

        Trump also referenced a number of tweets from Griffin where she said it was the “honor of a lifetime” working for his administration. However, since her departure from the White House Griffin has publicly turned on her former boss and was named a new panelist for “The View” over the summer, filling Meghan McCain’s seat.

        Griffin has faced accusations from both sides of the political aisle that she’s shifted her own political views to gain notoriety.

        Trump Snaps Over DeSantis’ Endorsement of Colorado Senate Candidate

        Donald Trump via Gage Skidmore Flickr

        Has Florida Governor Ron DeSantis inadvertently sparked a feud with Donald Trump?

        DeSantis’ decision to endorse Colorado Republican Senate candidate Joe O’Dea has sparked Trump’s fury, calling the endorsement a “huge mistake.”

        “Hello this is Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. America needs strong leadership and desperately,” said DeSantis in a robocall. “That’s why I’m endorsing Joe O’Dea for U.S. Senate. Colorado, please vote for Joe O’Dea.”

        Trump later shared The Washington Examiner piece on his social media site TRUTH Social and wrote, “A BIG MISTAKE!”

        Over the summer, Trump opted to support state Rep. Ron Hanks during the primary and since then has traded insults with the Republican candidate. O’Dea has publicly derided Trump as a “black eye” for the United States and has said he plans to actively campaign against him if he launches a presidential campaign in 2024.

        “There’s this RINO character in the Great State of Colorado, Joe O’Dea, that is running against the incumbent Democrat for the United States Senate, who is having a good old time saying that he wants to “distance” himself from President Trump, and other slightly nasty things. He should look at the Economy, Inflation, Energy Independence, defeating ISIS, the Strongest EVER Border, Great Trade Deals, & much more, before he speaks. MAGA doesn’t Vote for stupid people with big mouths. Good luck Joe!” Trump shared in a TRUTH Social message.

         “President Trump is entitled to his opinion, but I’m my own man and I’ll call it like I see it,” O’Dea responded. “Another Biden-Trump election will tear this country apart. DeSantis, Scott, Pompeo or Haley would be better choices. These elections should be focused on Joe Biden’s failures supercharged inflation, a broken border, rampant crime, a war on American energy, not a rehash of 2020.”

        Trump has all but confirmed his 2024 plans but has stopped of making any formal announcement that would tie him to specific campaign finance laws. DeSantis has also been named an early presidential contender but has maintained his only focus is winning his gubernatorial re-election.

        Five ‘Ultra MAGA’ Congressional Candidates Who May Suprise The Mainstream Media Next Month


          Washington – 3rd Congressional District – Joe Kent

          Joe Kent. Photo via Joe Kent for Congress WA-03 on Facebook.

          Joe Kent won a contested Republican Primary against pro-impeachment Jaimie Herrera Beutler earlier this year, much to the dismay of her fellow “Impeach” voters. Now, Kent is in a fight to keep the seat in Republican hands. Axios Seattle reported that after Herrerra Buelter’s “primary loss in August, the non-partisan Cook Political Report reclassified the race from “likely Republican” to “leans Republican.”

          “Kent is a staunch pro-lifer” and “has previously said he supports the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and would like to see a nationwide abortion ban.” “I believe life begins at conception,” he told Portland’s KGW news station in July. Joe Kent is also a staunch gun rights defender and has made known “his belief that the Second Amendment does not allow for restricting gun ownership rights in any way and he would oppose new restrictions.”

          Axios Seattle also noted that Kent has criticized “the recently enacted Inflation Reduction Act as (an example) of government overspending that (has ) fueled inflation. He also has blamed Biden for high gas prices.”

          OPB reported this week that

          “Political prognosticators believe the race skews in Kent’s favor. Trump won the district in 2020 by 4 percentage points. He endorsed Kent, who edged out Herrera Beutler despite a crowded primary. The Cook Political Report considers the race to “lean Republican.” Still, that is a downgrade from its earlier “solid Republican” rating before Herrera Beutler fell short.”

          Michigan – 3rd Congressional District – John Gibbs

          John Gibbs. Photo via John Gibbs for MI-03 on Facebook.

          Another certified RINO-Hunter, Gibbs beat out the now-to-be one-term anti-Trump freshman Peter Meijer who was one of the Republicans who voted to impeach 45 last year. Gibbs has solid conservative credentials from his service in the Trump Administration as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Community Planning and Development. His background of truly living the American dream and going from growing up lower class to graduating from Harvard helps appeal to a wider demographic than just the Republican base voter.

          The Cook Political Report ranks the seat as having a partisan voter index (PVI) of EVEN and an overall rating of “Toss-Up.”

          New York – 14th Congressional District – Tina Forte

          Tina Forte. Photo courtesy of Tina Forte for Congress.

          New Yorker Tina Forte is running to unseat Democrat (Socialist) Darling Alexandra Ocasio – Cortez. According to Forte’s website, “Tina has been a vocal activist, fighting for families, and calling out hypocritical politicians. She has raised awareness for veterans issues, fought against draconian lockdowns and mandates, demanded schools open for students, and always supported our law enforcement.” Forte is a “small business owner, wife, mother, and grandmother.”

          Forte has a tough uphill climb in the general election, but even some of the Democrats in AOC’s district don’t like her as it appeared that some of them protested a town hall of hers last week. Still: “An AOC spokesperson dismissed the protesters,” and told The New York Post “late Thursday that “the disruptors at last night’s town hall are part of a far-right wing group that regularly protests at vaccine clinics, against LGBTQ rights, etc. They were not constituents.”

          Ohio – 13th Congressional District – Madison Gesiotto Gilbert

          Madison Gesiotto speaking at the 2017 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland. Photo by Gage Skidmore.

          When he chose to run for Ohio’s Senate seat, OH-13’s current representative Tim Ryan vacated a seat that he has narrowly won the past few cycles. A lawyer, commentator, and former Team Trump spokeswoman, Gesiotto Gilbert is a complete package.

          The left is genuinely scared about Gilbert’s candidacy. They literally attacked her over her pro-life views as she was going into labor with her firstborn son last month.

          Gilbert is also a similar kind of candidate to Christina Hagan – who ran for the seat twice in an attempt to unseat Ryan. Now with Ryan out of the picture, Republicans are working hard to finally win the seat. Ohio is also a pretty pro-Trump state, so Gilbert’s time spent as a Trump campaign surrogate is serving her well with the Republican base in that state and district.

          New Hampshire – 1st Congressional District – Karoline Leavitt

          Karoline Leavitt speaking with attendees at the 2022 Student Action Summit at the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa, Florida. [Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore ]

          The Gen Z former Trump White House staffer made history last month when she won her primary for New Hampshire’s First Congressional District seat, setting her up for a November showdown with incumbent Democrat Congressman Chis Pappas. Leavitt worked in the Trump White House and was endorsed by a number of Trump’s closest allies early in her campaign – including her old boss and former White House Press Secretary Kaleigh McEnany and Elise Stefanik – House Republican Conference Chairwoman for whom Leavitt worked as Communications Director after leaving the White House.

          The Cook Political Report ranks the seat as having a partisan voter index (PVI) of EVEN and an overall rating of “Toss-Up.”

          ‘Squad’ Member Spent Nearly $500k on Security Despite Advocating to Defund the Police

            Cori Bush via Wikimedia Commons

            Radical House Democrat Cori Bush has reportedly spent $490 thousand on private security over the past two years despite her repeated push to defund the police.

            Bush’s campaign paid out over $100,000 for security services during the third quarter of 2022 alone, according to Federal Election Commission records. Just over $71,000 went to private security, while the other $30,000 was categorized for other security services. She has spent $490,000 overall, according to The Washington Examiner.

            “The thing about ‘defund the police’ is we have to tell the entire narrative,” Bush said in an interview on Good Morning America. “People hear ‘defund the police.’ But you know what they’ll say? Say ‘reallocate,’ say ‘divest,’ say ‘move.’ But it’s still the same thing. We can’t get caught up on the word. People spend more time focusing on the word ‘defund’ than they spend on caring and addressing the problem of police in this country.”

            Bush previously pushed back on comments against her high expenditure on security last year after Fox News noted that the congresswoman was paying for private security. The security was because people had made death threats against her in the past, Bush said.

            “They would rather I die?” Bush asked CBS News in 2021. “You would rather me die? Is that what you want to see? You want to see me die? You know, because that could be the alternative.”

            Bush, along with other progressive “Squad” members, have doled out some serious cash for private security services despite publicly crying out against the funding of police.

            Other Squad members have also paid thousands of dollars for private security despite pushes to defund the police. Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) campaign paid $27,081.14 to Relative Intel LLC, a Minnesota-based personal-protection firm. Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) spent $4,676 on private security, and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) spent $2,230, according to Fox News.

            Amanda Head: OUTRAGEOUS! Steve Bannon Will Serve Time In Prison

            Gavel via Wikimedia Commons Image

            On Friday, Judge Carl Nichols sentenced former Trump strategist Steve Bannon to pay a $6,500 fine and serve four months in prison.

            Watch Amanda break down the shocking news below:

            House Select Committee Officially Subpoenas Donald Trump

            Donald Trump via Gage Skidmore Flickr

            The House Select Committee officially issued a subpoena to testify before the panel to former President Trump on Friday morning.

            Last week, the committee investigating the Jan. 6th Capitol riot voted unanimously to subpoena during what could be its last public hearing last week.

            “As demonstrated in our hearings, we have assembled overwhelming evidence, including from dozens of your former appointees and staff, that you personally orchestrated and oversaw a multi-part effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election and to obstruct the peaceful transition of power,” Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-MS) and Vice Chair Liz Cheney (R-WY) wrote in a joint statement.

            Read the subpoena below:

            Trump responded to the subpoena last and decried the move as a continuation of Democrats’ partisan witch-hunt against him.

            “The Unselect Committee has willfully ignored the fact that days before January 6, 2021, I recommended and authorized thousands of troops to be deployed to ensure that there was peace, safety, and security at the Capitol and throughout Washington, D.C. on January 6th because I knew, just based on instinct and what I was hearing, that the crowd coming to listen to my speech, and various others, would be a very big one, far bigger than anyone thought possible,” Trump wrote.

            Despite Trump’s ire towards the House panel a source close to the former president insists he “loves the idea of testifying.” The source told Fox News, that if Trump does in fact testify he plans to “talk about how corrupt the election was, how corrupt the committee was, and how Nancy Pelosi did not call up the National Guard that Trump strongly recommended for her to do three days earlier on January 3, 2021.”