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Donald Trump Braces for New Challenger in Presidential Contest


The 2024 presidential primary field is filling up.

Entrepreneur and author Vivek Ramaswamy signaled to Fox News that he’s seriously considering entering the race and will give a final answer by the end of the month.

Ramaswamy told Fox News Digital in an interview that he’ll make his decision on whether to run for president before the end of February. The entrepreneur says his vision is about restoring the “national identity in America,” decrying the “vacuum” in younger generations who fill the void with “the poison of wokeism, and climatism, and transgenderism, and COVIDism for that matter.”

“Yes, I’ve accomplished things but so has everyone else who would be running in this race too. I think I am running on a vision that I believe I can articulate what it means to be an American in 2023,” Ramaswamy said.

The 37-year-old Ohio native warned the “real threat” to liberty in the year 2023 is the “merger of state power and corporate power” while knocking Republicans who “want to go back to 1980” and tout “Reaganite solutions.”

“The thing that distinguished Reagan is he did what he needed to do in his era. He stood up to the orthodoxies of his party and led a national revival at a time when America was in the middle of its last national identity crisis in the late 1970s. I think we’re in a late 1970s moment now,” Ramaswamy said. “I think 2024 could be a landslide election if we actually make it about those basic American ideals of merit, free speech, open debate.”

Ramaswamy is calling for a “total decoupling” from Communist China, who argued is “worse” of a threat to America today than the Soviet Union was during the Cold War since China makes the “shoes on our feet and the phones in our pockets.” 

Throughout his sprawling interview with Fox News, the multi-millionaire investor also pointed to the concerning fentanyl epidemic coming from the southern border noting the “unholy alliance between China as the supplier and its distributors within the Mexican drug cartels.”

When asked if continuing to build the barrier started by the Trump administration would be enough to deter criminal activity Ramaswamy opted to take a harsher approach while admitting his tactic is not for the faint of heart.

“Go Mohammed Atta, bin Laden-style, Soleimani-style airstrikes, special forces, you name it. We’re taking them out,” Ramaswamy said. “I think it’s got to be a shock and awe strategy so that they don’t have a cycle of adaptation. Again, not something you’re supposed to say in polite company.”

If Ramaswamy enters the race he is likely poised to be one of the youngest and richest candidates in the contest. In 2016, Forbes reported his net worth was at a whopping $600 million. Forbes reported former President Trump has a net worth of $3.2 billion as of 2022. 

In 2022, Ramaswamy founded the asset management firm Strive, which aims to be an alternative to what he calls the “woke” investment giant BlackRock, a major force in the ESG movement. 

His entry would make him the first non-elected official and the second first-generation Indian American seeking the White House in the 2024 election cycle, the first being former ambassador to the U.N. and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, who launched her candidacy last week. 

Pence Gives Strongest Signal Yet on 2024

Mike Pence via Gage Skidmore Flickr

The 2024 primary field is already growing and another challenger could be throwing his hat into the ring sooner rather than later…

On Thursday, former vice president Mike Pence told reporters that Nikki Haley “may have more company soon” in the 2024 presidential race. 

Speaking in Iowa, Pence noted that he wished Haley well and that she had done a “great job” during her time in the Trump administration serving as ambassador to the United Nations.

On Wednesday, Haley officially launched her bid for the White House after months of speculation. Trump told Fox News Digital on Wednesday that he is “glad” Haley is in the running for the GOP presidential nomination.

“Republicans have lost the popular vote in seven out of the last eight presidential elections. That has to change,” Haley, 51, said. “Joe Biden’s record is abysmal, but that shouldn’t come as a surprise. The Washington establishment has failed us over and over and over again. It’s time for a new generation of leadership.”

Last month, Haley signaled that she was still weighing a White House bid during an interview, saying that the country needed a new generation to step up in 2024 and offering herself as a potential leader. 

“It’s bigger than one person. And when you’re looking at the future of America, I think it’s time for new generational change. I don’t think you need to be 80 years old to go be a leader in D.C.,” Haley told the network. “I think we need a young generation to come in, step up, and really start fixing things.”

Nikki Haley Secures Endorsement from Key Trump Ally

The White House from Washington, DC, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley is already securing key endorsements.

On Wednesday, House Freedom Caucus member Ralph Norman (R-S.C.) has chosen to endorse Haley for president, dealing a disappointing blow to former President Donald Trump.

“We are at a pivotal point in our nation.  While the Republican candidates, values, and messages have done very well here in South Carolina, that hasn’t been the case everywhere across our great nation,” Norman said in a tweet on Wednesday.

“It’s time for a reset and a new chapter in national Republican politics, and there’s no better person to help write that new chapter than our former governor and my good friend, Nikki Haley!” Norman said.

Rep. Norman was among the more than 20 hardline Republicans that withheld support from Kevin McCarthy during the contentious battle to elect the newest House Speaker.

Following the tense Speaker battle, Norman was appointed to serve on the influential House Rules Committee, which controls legislation that can go to the House floor.

The South Carolina congressman’s decision to stray from Trump is notable, Norman has been a staunch defender of the former president for years.

According to The Hill, Norman has also been a supporter of former President Trump and voted against certifying the 2020 Electoral College results from Pennsylvania on Jan. 6, 2021. Text messages reported by Talking Points Memo show that Norman texted White House chief of staff Mark Meadows on Jan. 17, 2021, encouraging Trump to invoke “Marshall [sic] Law” to investigate alleged election fraud.

In comments to Fox News, Norman said that Trump “was exactly who the Republican Party needed at the time” in 2016 because he “reminded us how to fight what we believe,” but that the GOP has since “entered a season of change.”

“We’re at a pivotal juncture, and most of the Republicans I know are now looking for new leadership with a new vision at the top of the ticket. Nikki Haley has that vision, and she’s going to be an outstanding President,” Norman told Fox News.

Nikki Haley Officially Launches 2024 Presidential Campaign

The White House from Washington, DC, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley officially launched her campaign for President on Tuesday.

The announcement, which has been expected for months, marks the first Republican candidate to challenge former President Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign openly.

The former governor and United Nations ambassador announced her bid in a video, calling for new leadership in the GOP.

“Republicans have lost the popular vote in seven out of the last eight presidential elections. That has to change,” Haley, 51, said. “Joe Biden’s record is abysmal, but that shouldn’t come as a surprise. The Washington establishment has failed us over and over and over again. It’s time for a new generation of leadership.”

Last month, Haley signaled that she was still weighing a White House bid during an interview, saying that the country needed a new generation to step up in 2024 and offering herself as a potential leader. 

“It’s bigger than one person. And when you’re looking at the future of America, I think it’s time for new generational change. I don’t think you need to be 80 years old to go be a leader in D.C.,” Haley told the network. “I think we need a young generation to come in, step up, and really start fixing things.”

Her announcement was also expected by Trump, who disclosed in late January that he had spoken to Haley about a White House bid and said he encouraged her to do so. 

Haley has boasted an impressive political record, the former governor has never lost a race for public office.

“She’s tough. She won the governor’s race in ‘10 and none of us thought Nikki would have a chance,” said Katon Dawson, a former South Carolina Republican Party chair who’s backing Haley’s presidential bid. “She brings a lot to the Republican Party as far as diversity and common sense. And I think those are the things that will attract people to her candidacy.” 

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Republican Governor Fuels 2024 Speculation with Political Committee Formation

Photo of Chris Sununu via Gage Skidmore Flckr

It seems Ron DeSantis isn’t the only Republican governor eyeing the 2024 presidential primary…

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu threw gas on the fire with the announcement of his establishment of a national fundraising organization to probe donor support for a possible White House bid.

Sununu confirmed on Thursday that he had created a 501(c)(4) organization called “Live Free or Die,” a nod to his state’s motto, as he ponders a possible 2024 campaign, according to The Hill.

“The organization is really to raise some funds to talk about the model that New Hampshire has,” Sununu said at a press conference on Thursday. “It allows logistically for us to go out and keep doing that, as we have been for quite a while.”

The organization allows Sununu to raise unlimited amounts of money while also not having to disclose the names of his donors. The 501(c)(4) structure requires a yearly report on donations to the IRS, as opposed to a federal PAC that requires quarterly disclosures.

Sununu has remained noncommittal on a run for president so far but he is part of a growing coalition of Republican voices that say former President Trump should not be the party’s nominee.

Hillary Clinton Thinks Kamala Harris Lacks ‘Political Instincts’ to Win Primary

(Los Angeles - EUA, 09/06/2022) Presidente da República Jair Bolsonaro, durante Sessão Plenária de Abertura da IX Cúpula das Américas..Foto: Alan Santos/PR

Nobody can stand Kamala Harris, even her own party.

According to a New York Times report, former Secretary of State and 2016 presidential nominee Hillary Clinton doesn’t think the vice president has what it takes to survive a presidential primary

“Members of Congress, Democratic strategists and other major party figures all said she [Harris] had not made herself into a formidable leader,” a Monday article from The New York Times read.

“Two Democrats recalled private conversations in which former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lamented that Ms. Harris could not win because she does not have the political instincts to clear a primary field,” the Times reported.

Nick Merrill, a Clinton spokesman pointed to their “strong bond,” but the Times didn’t quote him issuing a specific denial of Clinton’s reported private thoughts of the VP.

“They have built and maintained a strong bond. Any other characterization is patently false,” Merrill said on Clinton’s behalf.

He also claimed the two held discussions focused on their separate experiences of being “a woman in power” and, according to the Times, reiterated that Clinton remains “strongly supportive” of her.

The Times article noted that many Democrats close to the first female vice president have been disappointed by her inability to establish her own political legacy outside of being as many “firsts” – the first African-American, Asian-American and woman to serve as vice president in U.S. history. 

“Even some Democrats whom her own advisers referred reporters to for supportive quotes confided privately that they had lost hope in her,” the article stated.

Harris has faced intense criticism since being elected, largely for her lack of action at the U.S.-Mexico border despite being charged with the mission at the start of the Biden administration. RealClearPolitics reports the vice president’s approval rating is also underwater at 51.8 percent.

Trump Refuses to Say He will Back the Republican Nominee in 2024


Donald Trump is not in the business of doubting himself…

The former president who is currently on his third presidential campaign told Hugh Hewitt that he is not committed to backing the 2024 Republican nominee if it’s not him.

According to Mediaite, during an interview with Hugh Hewitt, once again, Trump harped about his former U.N. ambassador, Nikki Haley, running for president after pledging she wouldn’t run against Trump. After calling Haley “a very ambitious person,” Trump was asked about how Hewitt spoke to Larry Hogan (R) earlier in the day, who is also openly considering a 2024 run.

The former Maryland governor said he would support whoever the Republican Party nominates in 2024, even though he refused to back Trump in 2020. Thus, Hewitt asked Trump “if you’re not the nominee, will you support whoever the GOP nominee is?”

“It would depend,” Trump answered. “I would give you the same answer I gave in 2016 during the debate…It would have to depend on who the nominee was.”

As Trump said, his answer harkens back to the Fox News debate of 2015 where he refused to pledge his support for whoever won the Republican primary. 

Florida Lawmaker Makes Announcement on 2024 Plans

Photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

Florida Senator Rick Scott (R) is shutting down speculation of a White House run…at least for 2024.

On Wednesday, Sen. Scott announced he will seek another term in the Senate in 2024. According to The Hill, the Florida Senator announced his intentions during an appearance in South Florida and also unveiled a list of hires that includes several longtime campaign hands. 

“I’ve never lost an election and I don’t intend to now,” Scott said in a statement. “We’ve worked hard to turn Florida into a red state that elects Republicans up and down the ballot. But I never take anything for granted.”

“The people of Florida have elected me three times so far to fight for conservative values, stand up to Joe Biden and the radical, woke Democrats, and bring common-sense to Washington. We’re going to keep fighting to do the things the people of Florida elected me to do.”

The Senator’s announcement comes after Republicans failed to win back the upper chamber last year, a failure that some blamed on Scott.

Despite the GOP’s unsuccessful effort to win back the Senate majority, the Florida Senator launched an unsuccessful bid to unseat Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) as Senate minority leader.

Scott remains a powerful political force in his home state. Prior to winning his Senate seat in 2018, he served two terms as Florida governor. 

Trump Ally Says GOP Firebrand is Gunning for Trump VP Slot

Marjorie Taylor Greene -Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, via Wikimedia Commons

Georgia Republican firebrand Marjorie Taylor Greene is aiming high.

According to former White House strategist Stephen Bannon, the Georgia lawmaker is angling herself to potentially be selected as Donald Trump’s choice for Vice President in what is his third pursuit of the White House.

“This is no shrinking violet, she’s ambitious — she’s not shy about that, nor should she be. … She sees herself on the short list for Trump’s VP,” Bannon told NBC News

When Greene “looks in the mirror, she sees a potential president smiling back,” Bannon added. 

An unnamed source in the NBC News piece concurred that Greene’s “whole vision” is to snag the second-in-command slot on Trump’s ticket.  

The source noted Rep. Greene’s recent efforts to rebrand herself as a politician who has the ability to “stand astride the divide between the party’s hard-liners and its establishment wing” is definitely part of a larger goal.

Recently, MTG threw herself into the middle of the contentious battle to elect a new Speaker of the House. Bannon told NBC that Rep. Greene’s support of Kevin McCarthy was a calculated risk.

“She’s both strategic and disciplined — she made a power move, knowing it would run up hard against her most ardent crew,” he said. “She was prepared to take the intense heat/hatred short-term for the long-term goal of being a player.”

Rep. Greene has made a name for herself in Congress as a far-right firebrand and staunch supporter of the former President. The Republican lawmaker endorsed Trump even before his official 2024 launch.

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Kristi Noem Addresses 2024 Speculation

Photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem isn’t rushing toward the presidential debate stage anytime soon.

Despite the Republican’s rising national profile, Gov. Noem told CBS News reporter Robert Costa that she’s “not convinced” she should pursue the Oval Office.

“’I’m not convinced that I need to run for president,” Noem said according to The Hill.

Costa continued to press the Governor if she is looking ahead to future elections. Noem has been floated as a potential presidential contender or even as a potential VP choice for Trump’s campaign.

Do you not feel a rush, governor, to make a decision on 2024?” he asked.

“I don’t, Bob, at all. No, I think it’s important that people focus on governing rather than going out and making big, broad statements and going out and taking action for their own political futures,” Noem said.  

Noem was endorsed in her reelection bid by former President Trump and said last summer that she’d support Trump’s latest White House campaign. However, after the midterms, the South Dakota lawmaker said that the former president does not “offer the best chance” for the GOP.