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Florida Lawmaker Makes Announcement on 2024 Plans

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Florida Senator Rick Scott (R) is shutting down speculation of a White House run…at least for 2024.

On Wednesday, Sen. Scott announced he will seek another term in the Senate in 2024. According to The Hill, the Florida Senator announced his intentions during an appearance in South Florida and also unveiled a list of hires that includes several longtime campaign hands. 

“I’ve never lost an election and I don’t intend to now,” Scott said in a statement. “We’ve worked hard to turn Florida into a red state that elects Republicans up and down the ballot. But I never take anything for granted.”

“The people of Florida have elected me three times so far to fight for conservative values, stand up to Joe Biden and the radical, woke Democrats, and bring common-sense to Washington. We’re going to keep fighting to do the things the people of Florida elected me to do.”

The Senator’s announcement comes after Republicans failed to win back the upper chamber last year, a failure that some blamed on Scott.

Despite the GOP’s unsuccessful effort to win back the Senate majority, the Florida Senator launched an unsuccessful bid to unseat Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) as Senate minority leader.

Scott remains a powerful political force in his home state. Prior to winning his Senate seat in 2018, he served two terms as Florida governor. 

Trump Ally Says GOP Firebrand is Gunning for Trump VP Slot

Marjorie Taylor Greene -Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, via Wikimedia Commons

Georgia Republican firebrand Marjorie Taylor Greene is aiming high.

According to former White House strategist Stephen Bannon, the Georgia lawmaker is angling herself to potentially be selected as Donald Trump’s choice for Vice President in what is his third pursuit of the White House.

“This is no shrinking violet, she’s ambitious — she’s not shy about that, nor should she be. … She sees herself on the short list for Trump’s VP,” Bannon told NBC News

When Greene “looks in the mirror, she sees a potential president smiling back,” Bannon added. 

An unnamed source in the NBC News piece concurred that Greene’s “whole vision” is to snag the second-in-command slot on Trump’s ticket.  

The source noted Rep. Greene’s recent efforts to rebrand herself as a politician who has the ability to “stand astride the divide between the party’s hard-liners and its establishment wing” is definitely part of a larger goal.

Recently, MTG threw herself into the middle of the contentious battle to elect a new Speaker of the House. Bannon told NBC that Rep. Greene’s support of Kevin McCarthy was a calculated risk.

“She’s both strategic and disciplined — she made a power move, knowing it would run up hard against her most ardent crew,” he said. “She was prepared to take the intense heat/hatred short-term for the long-term goal of being a player.”

Rep. Greene has made a name for herself in Congress as a far-right firebrand and staunch supporter of the former President. The Republican lawmaker endorsed Trump even before his official 2024 launch.

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Kristi Noem Addresses 2024 Speculation

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South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem isn’t rushing toward the presidential debate stage anytime soon.

Despite the Republican’s rising national profile, Gov. Noem told CBS News reporter Robert Costa that she’s “not convinced” she should pursue the Oval Office.

“’I’m not convinced that I need to run for president,” Noem said according to The Hill.

Costa continued to press the Governor if she is looking ahead to future elections. Noem has been floated as a potential presidential contender or even as a potential VP choice for Trump’s campaign.

Do you not feel a rush, governor, to make a decision on 2024?” he asked.

“I don’t, Bob, at all. No, I think it’s important that people focus on governing rather than going out and making big, broad statements and going out and taking action for their own political futures,” Noem said.  

Noem was endorsed in her reelection bid by former President Trump and said last summer that she’d support Trump’s latest White House campaign. However, after the midterms, the South Dakota lawmaker said that the former president does not “offer the best chance” for the GOP. 

Nikki Haley Speaks Out on Potential White House Bid

The White House from Washington, DC, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley seems to be readying herself for a White House run.

During an interview with Fox News, Haley said that she could be the next President of the United States and that she is seriously exploring the possibility.

“When you’re looking at a run for president, you look at two things,” Haley told Fox News anchor Bret Baier. “You first look at, does the current situation push for new leadership? The second question is, am I that person that could be that new leader, that, yes, we need to go in a new direction? And can I be that leader? Yes, I think I can be that leader.”

“I was — as governor, I took on a hurting state with double-digit unemployment, and we made it the beast of the Southeast,” she said. “As ambassador, I took on the world when they tried to disrespect us. And I think I showed what I’m capable of at the United Nations.”

“So, do I think I could be that leader? Yes,” she added. “But we are still working through things, and we will figure it out. I have never lost a race. I said that then. I still say that now. I’m not going to lose now. But stay tuned.”

Haley’s comments come a year after the former South Carolina governor said that she would not launch her own presidential campaign if Donald Trump announces his candidacy.

 “I would not run if President Trump ran,” Haley told reporters at the time.

However, despite Trump’s early entrance to the 2024 contest the former president has seen mixed responses.

Trump Speaks Out On Potential DeSantis Matchup


Donald Trump isn’t concerned about challengers…

According to The Hill, during an interview with David Brody on “The Water Cooler” Trump struck a confident tone when asked if it would be a “bad move” for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to enter the presidential campaign field.

“So you know, now I hear he might want to run against me. So we’ll handle that the way I handle things,” Trump said in part after boasting about his endorsement of DeSantis’s first successful gubernatorial campaign.

DeSantis has yet to formally announce any future campaign plans or indicate a strong interest in squaring off against Trump in 2024.

However, numerous recent polls have shown DeSantis beating Trump in hypothetical match-ups.

The USA Today- Suffolk University poll reported that 56 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning voters prefer DeSantis, while only 33 percent would support Trump. More than 60 percent said they want a nominee who will continue Trump’s policies but is not Trump, while 31 percent want the former president to run, according to The Hill.

GOP Governor Signals Interest in 2024 White House Run

Photo of Chris Sununu via Gage Skidmore Flckr

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu is leaving the door open as to if he will pursue a bid for the White House in 2024.

In an interview with Fox News, Sununu, who won reelection in November, admitted that he’s been approached about a possible presidential campaign and is seriously considering the matter. However, the governor acknowledged there’s still plenty of time to make a decision to make final decision and he still discussing the matter.

“It’s incredibly flattering,” Sununu said of the speculation that he could mount a presidential bid. “A lot of folks are coming to me, a lot of folks want me to run. It’s definitely conversations that we’re having, of course.”

“My first priority is New Hampshire. It really is,” he added. “But again, we’ll keep having those conversations. There’s no time table for making decisions or where it all goes.”

“I think people have to understand it is, what? Jan. 4 or 5, right? Of ‘23? So we still have well over a year before we even get to the first-in-the nation primary,” he said. “There’s going to be a lot of time before folks even get in the race.”

The New Hampshire Governor acknowledged that other high-profile Republicans are considering their own presidential campaigns which could also impact his ultimate decision.

“Who knows what might happen between now and then?” Sununu said. “And those unknown variables could really dictate who gets in the race and how successful they can be.”

Early polling suggests that Trump and DeSantis are the two frontrunners for the 2024 nomination.

Report: Trump’s Approval Rating Takes Concerning Nosedive

Donald Trump via Gage Skidmore Flickr

The polls are in and it’s bad news for Donald Trump.

In the latest in a series of polls concerning the former president who is currently making a comeback bid results have shown other potential candidates soaring past him. The newest poll from Quinnipiac University shows Trump’s approval rating has sunk it its lowest level since 2015, according to The Hill.

The rating is Trump’s lowest recorded by Quinnipiac since July 2015, just after he’d announced his first run for the presidency. 

The poll, released Wednesday, found that less than a third of registered voters, or just 31 percent, have a favorable view of the former president, while 59 percent view him unfavorably. 

Seventy percent of all voters in the Quinnipiac poll — including 38 percent of Republicans — said they don’t want to see Trump as the GOP’s 2024 nominee.  

More than half of respondents (51 percent) in the Quinnipiac poll said Trump should be disqualified from the race due to his recent calls to terminate the Constitution

Recently, a Wall Street Journal poll also showed Trump trailing behind Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in a hypothetical matchup.

Trump Teases ‘Big Announcement’

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What is Donald Trump planning now?

Trump who recently launched his third presidential campaign teased a “big announcement” coming on Thursday.

“AMERICA NEEDS A SUPERHERO! I will be making a MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT tomorrow. Thank you!” he wrote on Truth Social.

The post contains a video showing Trump as a comic book character of sorts outside Trump Tower.

Trump didn’t share any other details about the upcoming announcement.

DeSantis Tops Trump by 23 Points in New Poll

Ron DeSantis via Gage Skidmore Flickr

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ national profile is continuing to soar and Donald Trump should be concerned.

A recent poll reported DeSantis leading Trump by 23 points among a list of potential 2024 Republican presidential candidates.

The USA Today- Suffolk University poll reported that 56 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning voters prefer DeSantis, while only 33 percent would support Trump. More than 60 percent said they want a nominee who will continue Trump’s policies but is not Trump, while 31 percent want the former president to run, according to The Hill.

“Republicans and conservative independents increasingly want Trumpism without Trump,” said David Paleologos, the director of the Suffolk University Political Research Center. 

The poll also found Trump’s favorable rating among Republicans dropping from 75 percent in October to 64 percent in December. His unfavorable rating has also risen from 18 percent to 23 percent in that time. 

Pollsters found President Biden leading a hypothetical head-to-head match-up with Trump, 47 percent to 40 percent. DeSantis led Biden in the poll by about 4 points, 47 percent to 43 percent. 

Almost two-thirds of GOP and GOP-leaning voters want DeSantis to run for president in 2024, while only 24 percent do not want him to.

Despite Trump’s early entrance to the 2024 primary field the former president has seen his support diminish since the announcement.

Republican donors have pledged to support other candidates they feel stand a higher chance of defeating Joe Biden while others have blamed Trump for this year’s disappointing midterm results.

Republican Senator Refuses to Acknowledge Trump as Head of the Party

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Despite Trump’s early 2024 campaign announcement, Republican senators are wary of dubbing him the current “leader” of the Party.

Over the weekend, Bill Cassidy (R-LA) was especially harsh on the former president and rejected Trump as the leader of the Republican Party and said the GOP could shift away from his influence in the future.

According to The Hill, Cassidy told CNN’s Pamela Brown that despite polls indicating Trump as the top candidate to receive the Party’s nomination he thinks Republicans should support someone else.

“The Republican Party does not have a president in office right now,” Cassidy said. “It does not have anybody who’s obviously not my leader.”

Cassidy on Saturday echoed other Republicans in calling for the party to “speak about the future” rather than fixating on issues in the past.

“We’re led by principles. We’re led by kind of concepts,” Cassidy said. “A right-of-center party which thinks that smaller government, that individual responsibility, that free markets is more likely to bring prosperity to a family and prosperity to our country. … If we are responsible to those principles, then we win.”

Cassidy has been critical of Trump over the years, even voting to impeach the former president in 2021.

According to Politico, some Republican lawmakers are holding out hope South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott launches a White House bid in 2024.

Joni Ernst is “very excited” about a potential Tim Scott presidential run. John Cornyn would “advise him to go for it.” And John Barrasso said it “doesn’t get any better than Tim Scott.”

Even Sen. Lindsey Graham, who spent much of Donald Trump’s presidency sticking to his side, said he’s intrigued by the possibility of a Scott presidential bid in 2024 and wants to see “what Tim does” before he makes any endorsements.

Scott would “bring something to the table on day one,” Graham said, adding his South Carolina colleague has “one of the most compelling stories of any Republican out there.”