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Report: Trump Leading In Seven Swing States

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    A fresh round of polling shows former President Donald Trump leading President Joe Biden in seven battleground states.

    The surveys tested how Biden would perform against the Republican frontrunner — whom Biden defeated in the 2020 election — and found that Trump would beat him in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

    Mediaite has more:

    Across all of the aforementioned swing states, Trump leads Biden 47%-42% according to a poll of 4,935 registered voters.

    A greater proportion of voters trusts the former president more than the incumbent on the economy (51%-33%), immigration (49%-32%), U.S.-China relations (47%-33%), the war between Russia and Ukraine (45%-34%), the war between Israel and Hamas (44%-33%), and guns (44%-35%). Biden boasts advantages over Trump on healthcare (41%-39%), entitlements (42%-40%), abortion (39%-36%), democracy (42%-39%), and climate change (42%-30%).

    The results come on the heels of a CNN survey that found that Trump beating Biden in Georgia and Michigan.

    CNN has more:

    In Georgia, a state Biden carried by a very narrow margin in 2020, registered voters say they prefer Trump (49%) over Biden (44%) for the presidency in a two-way hypothetical matchup. In Michigan, which Biden won by a wider margin, Trump has 50% support to Biden’s 40%, with 10% saying they wouldn’t support either candidate even after being asked which way they lean. In both Michigan and Georgia, the share of voters who say they wouldn’t support either candidate is at least as large as the margin between Biden and Trump.

    Overall, just 35% in Michigan and 39% in Georgia approve of Biden’s job performance, the surveys find, and majorities in both states say his policies have worsened economic conditions in the country (54% in Georgia, 56% in Michigan).

    Court Upholds Trump Gag Order In New York Fraud Case

      Gavel via Wikimedia Commons Image

      On Thursday, a New York appeals court rejected Donald Trump’s attempt to have a gag order in his New York business fraud trial thrown out.

      In October, Judge Arthur Engoron put in place the gag order barring Trump and his attorneys from making remarks about the judge’s staff.

      The New York Supreme Court, a trial court that is not the state’s highest court, upheld Engoron’s gag order, finding it did not unlawfully restrict Trump’s speech.

      “Here, the gravity of potential harm is small, given that the Gag Order is narrow, limited to prohibiting solely statements regarding the court’s staff,” the court wrote in its opinion.

      Engoron said his staff has been “inundated” with threats following Trump’s comments. He later expanded the order to include Trump’s attorneys, after they questioned his passing of notes to communicate with his staff.

      “My law clerks are public servants who are performing their job in the manner in which I request,” he wrote in the order. “This includes providing legal authority and opinions, as well as responding to questions I pose to them. Plainly, defenders are not entitled to the confidential communications among me and my court staff.”

      Here’s Why James Comer Quit Appearing On ‘Fox & Friends’

        Looking east towards 6th Avenue along north (48th Street) side of Fox News building on a snowy afternoon. [Photo Credit: Jim.henderson, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons]

        The chairman of the House Oversight Committee is done listening to one Fox News co-host’s skepticism towards the ongoing investigation into allegations of impeachable conduct by President Joe Biden.

        Despite receiving praise from Lawrence Jones, Ainsley Earhardt and Brian Kilmeade, Kentucky Rep. James Comer (R) has stopped appearing on “Fox & Friends” due to Steve Doocy’s constant criticism that Republicans haven’t presented more than circumstantial evidence that Hunter Biden criminally involved his father in his business dealings.

        With the House expected to vote on an impeachment inquiry into President Biden as early as today, Comer told Newsmax’s Eric Bolling that he “quit going on ‘Fox & Friends’ because of Doocy.” Comer added that he had a theory about why Doocy has “been very critical of the investigation.”

        “But I don’t think the average viewer of Fox News agrees with Doocy one bit,” he continued.

        Mediaite reports:

        During an interview with Comer about his House investigation into President Joe Biden on Wednesday, Bolling said, “Forget the Democrats like Dan Goldman who say there’s no evidence. My concern is when the media, especially the conservative media, starts siding with the Bidens. Listen to Steve Doocy over at Fox saying you don’t have evidence.”

        Bolling then played a clip of Doocy saying, “The Republicans at this point don’t have– they have a lot of ledgers and spreadsheets, but they have not connected the dots. They’ve connected the dots, the Department of Justice did on Hunter, but they have not shown where Joe Biden, you know, did anything illegally.”

        Comer responded, “Well I think we’ve done a pretty good job connecting the dots. We’ve traced two checks from influence peddling schemes going directly into Joe Biden’s pocket.”

        When Bolling asked Comer why Doocy had criticized his efforts, the Kentucky Republican went on a tear.

        “He’s had that position from the very beginning. I’ve quit going on ‘Fox & Friends’ because of Doocy, you know? I mean, he’s the one guy on Fox that’s been very critical of the investigation. I have my theory why, and we’ll talk about that at a later point, but at the end of the day, he’s entitled to his opinion, but I don’t think the average viewer of Fox News agrees with Doocy one bit.”

        “Even 40% of the Democrats are concerned that Joe Biden has violated the law with his family’s shady business. The American people expect somebody to investigate the president of the United States for public corruption, and thank God the Oversight Committee is,” Comer said, ending his rebuttal.

        This article was republished with permission from American Liberty News.

        Tucker Carlson Unveils Next Career Move

          Photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

          A new challenger to cable news will arrive today.

          Tucker Carlson is set to launch his own streaming service for $9 per month, which might go live as early as Monday morning.

          The eponymously named Tucker Carlson Network has five shows planned in the first few weeks. Its logo is a red pill with the initials TCN.

          The network’s leadership comprises of Carlson confidants; with Neil Patel as CEO, Justin Wells as the network president and Carlson as the face of the operation, hosting multiple shows. The network’s programming will feature long-form interviews, commentaries and investigative reporting.

          Carlson revealed his reasons for challenging the status quo in a press release Monday morning:

          “News coverage in the West has become a tool of repression. Reporters no longer reveal essential information to the public; they work to hide it. We plan to tell the truth about things that matter – clearly and without fear.”

          Wells expressed gratitude to Elon Musk’s X for amplifying Carlson’s message following his dismissal from Fox News and stated that Carlson isn’t leaving the social network:

          “Tucker has maintained an important connection with the audience on X. We look forward to continuing that relationships but also providing people with even more video content through Tucker Carlson Network.”

          The Wall Street Journal further reports:

          Carlson and his team explored launching TCN through X, but the company wasn’t able to move quickly enough to build out the technology they needed to run a subscription service, the people said.

          X declined to comment.

          Carlson will continue to post the service’s free content on X. His media company will also launch a new podcast, “The Tucker Carlson Podcast,” which will feature audio versions of that content.

          Carlson’s team is exploring distributing the service through streaming-TV apps independently and through X, one of the people said. 

          The network is currently only accessible through TuckerCarlson.com.

          This article was republished with permission from American Liberty News.

          Appeals Court Upholds Trump Gag Order

            Gage Skidmore Flickr

            On Friday, an appeals court largely upheld a gag order limiting former President Donald Trump’s statements in his federal election interference case.

            The ruling from a three-judge panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals largely affirms a prior ruling from Judge Tanya Chutkan. The initial order barred Trump from making statements that “target” foreseeable witnesses, court staff, and prosecutors.

            The Hill has more:

            The appeals court refined that directive, barring Trump from any statements “made with the intent to materially interfere with, or to cause others to materially interfere with” the course of the case.

            But it removed Smith from the list of protected court staff, giving Trump free reign to go after a prosecutor he is fond of taunting as “deranged.” 

            “We agree with the district court that some aspects of Mr. Trump’s public statements pose a significant and imminent threat to the fair and orderly adjudication of the ongoing criminal proceeding, warranting a speech-constraining protective order. The district court’s order, however, sweeps in more protected speech than is necessary,” the panel wrote.

            Read the ruling here:

            Trump Seeks Pause In Jan. 6 Proceedings 

              Gavel via Wikimedia Commons Image

              Former President Trump filed a motion seeking to halt activity in his election interference case after filing a notice of appeal Thursday seeking to override a decision from a federal judge.

              Trump’s back-to-back motions ask Judge Tanya Chutkan, who is overseeing the Jan. 6 case, to pause “all district court proceedings in this case” as a higher court considers Trump’s appeal of the motion to toss the entire case.

              Last week, Judge Chutkan rejected Trump’s effort to have the federal case dismissed.

              She also tossed Trump’s contention that the indictment violated his due process rights and that the alleged conduct was protected by the First Amendment.

              “Whatever immunities a sitting President may enjoy, the United States has only one Chief Executive at a time, and that position does not confer a lifelong ‘get-out-of-jail-free’ pass, Former Presidents enjoy no special conditions on their federal criminal liability,” Chutkan wrote in the 48-page ruling.

              While Trump’s legal argument will come in a later filing, Trump’s attorneys bashed Chutkan’s decision.

              “The Court incorrectly denied President Trump’s claim of Presidential immunity on the ground that such immunity does not extend to federal criminal prosecution for a President’s official acts,” they wrote.

              Wyoming Official Intervenes On Court Labeling Trump ‘Insurrectionist’

                Missvain, CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

                Wyoming Secretary of State Chuck Gray is working to change a Colorado judge’s ruling which labeled former President Donald Trump an “insurrectionist”.”

                “As chief election officials of our states, [Secretaries of State] have to stand up for the electoral process in our republic, and this is pivotal to ensuring the integrity of our elections,” Gray told Fox News Digital in a phone interview. 

                “I ran on election integrity, and that’s why the people of Wyoming voted me into office. And I’m following through on that, and defending the truth here, and making sure that these outrageous, frivolous lawsuits that the radical left is bringing and trying to remove President Trump from the ballot, that they don’t succeed.” 

                Gray filed an amicus curiae brief, otherwise known as a friend of the court brief, with the Colorado Supreme Court last week that argues a Colorado District Court made a mistake when labeling Trump an “insurrectionist” in a legal case that worked to remove Trump’s name from the state’s primary ballot. 

                The amicus brief calls on the Colorado Supreme Court to vacate the district court’s order and “direct the District Court to dismiss the petition for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted.” 

                “It really should have been dismissed immediately, the case is frivolous. And instead we got this 95-page finding from this local judge there in Colorado and with the principle of issue preclusion, this could be really used against President Trump,” Gray said. “So it’s very important that this is just dismissed in its entirety. And that’s what we really try to delve into with this amicus brief … and we’re really proud that Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft and Ohio Secretary of State LaRose signed on.” 

                Gray’s move comes after a liberal group attempted to have Trump removed from the state’s 2024 primary ballot under the 14th Amendment..

                Gray told Fox News the case should have been dismissed from the start.

                “The frivolous lawsuits, they’re happening around the country, and it’s imperative that voters in one state not be affected by judgments in other states. And if you think about it, preventing an eligible candidate in one state for being able to attain electoral votes affects every other state. And preventing a candidate from being on the ballot, primary or caucus, artificially will alter momentum,” Gray said. 

                Report: Trump Eyeing Tucker Carlson As Potential VP Pick

                  Tucker Carlson via Gage Skidmore Flickr

                  A new Axios report gives an inside look at a plausible Trump administration cabinet if he’s elected President.

                  On Thursday, Axios reported that Trump is looking to fill his cabinet with those “who share his zeal to punish critics, purge non-believers, and take controversial legal and military action.”

                  “Trump hasn’t settled on specific roles for specific figures, and hates it when his staff and friends speculate otherwise. It’s not in his DNA to do detailed personnel planning, and a lot depends on the last few people he’s talked to,” the report says. “But in rolling conversations with friends and advisers, he’s been clear about the type of men — and they’re almost all older, white men — he’d want to serve at his pleasure if he were to win a second term.”

                  The reported list of Trump’s potential vice president picks consists entirely of conservative stars like Senator J.D. Vance (Ohio), Kari Lake, and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA). According to the Axios report, an interesting possible vice president is former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who has become Melania Trump’s top choice.

                  From the report:

                  She thinks Carlson would make a powerful onstage extension of her husband, a source close to Trump told us. The former first lady has made few campaign appearances this time around — but a Trump-Carlson ticket might encourage her to hit the trail.

                  Trump, asked last month about Carlson as a potential V.P., said: “I like Tucker a lot. … He’s got great common sense.”

                  Despite Axios’ report indicating Carlson is a potential choice for Trump’s running mate other political pundits have cast doubts on Carlson’s ability to attract votes from any Democrats or Independents.

                  Other possible top members of a new Trump administration could be Stephen Miller as attorney general.

                  Jury To Hear Election Workers’ Case Against Rudy Giuliani

                    Photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

                    A Washington, D.C. federal judge ruled Sunday that a jury will hear and decide a case to determine how much ex-New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani owes two Georgia poll workers for falsely claiming they helped steal the 2020 election from former President Trump.

                    U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell denied Giuliani’s request to hold a bench trial instead of a jury trial, meaning the judge would decide the case instead of a jury. In her ruling, she chided him for the “significantly tardy” motion, having set an October deadline for all pre-trial motions, according to The Hill.

                    “Perhaps Giuliani’s submission is titled a ‘Trial Brief,’ rather than a motion seeking to convert the scheduled jury trial to a hearing, in a fairly blatant effort to avoid being called out for filing an untimely pretrial motion,” Howell wrote in a footnote.

                    Following the 2020 election, Giuliani falsely claimed Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss committed election fraud by processing “suitcases” of illicit ballots in Georgia.

                    The two election workers sued Giuliani, and as their case proceeded, he failed to turn over evidence despite “repeated reminders” from the court. Howell in August found Giuliani civilly liable for Freeman and Moss’s claims of “defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress, civil conspiracy, and punitive damage,” citing the longtime Trump ally’s “willful shirking of his discovery obligations” as reason.

                    In her Sunday opinion, Howell again cited Giuliani’s “discovery misconduct” as a reason to deny his request for a bench trial.

                    “This Court will not reward him for conduct that has ‘already resulted in significant prejudice to Plaintiffs,’” Howell wrote, quoting her earlier decision.

                    Report: News Networks Weigh In On Hiring Expelled Congressman

                      CNN Headquarters via Wikimedia Commons

                      Less than a week after the House of Representatives voted to expel George Santos (R-N.y.) from the chamber and whispers are already spreading as to what the disgraced Congressman will do next.

                      Santos, who is facing over 20 federal counts, has attracted attention since stepping foot in Congress triggering questions over a potential career in the media.

                      It’s not uncommon for former elected officials or administration officials to join news networks after their terms have ended. However, it seems most cable news networks have plenty to say about Santos becoming a new contributor.

                      Mediaite has more:

                      A network source said NBC News and MSNBC “have no plans” of exploring any kind of relationship with the former congressman. A spokesperson for CNN said the network does not plan on speaking with him. A Fox News source said “we have no intention of entertaining that notion.” A NewsNation spokesperson said the network will not be hiring Santos.

                      OAN, which has aired commentary critical of Santos, said through a spokesperson: “We are unaware of Mr. Santos seeking a position in media. Nor have we reached out to him.”

                      Newsmax, where Santos has appeared frequently in recent weeks, did not respond to a request for comment.