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Amanda Head: Democrats Being Racist Bigots…


    Los Angeles city council president Nury Martinez was recently caught making disturbingly racist comments about a colleague’s son, who is Black. While Martinez ultimately decided to resign in wake of the scandal her behavior gives a telling look at Democrats, and their values.

    Watch Amanda break it down below.

    Patriot Tulsi Gabbard Leaves Dems and Quickly Backs Republican Retired General

    Tulsi Gabbard via Gage Skidmore Flickr

    ANALYSIS – Tulsi Gabbard, former Democrat congresswoman, Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee DNC and Democrat candidate for president has publicly left the Democrat Party.

    And without skipping a beat, she quickly backed Trump-endorsed Republican New Hampshire Senate candidate Don Bolduc, a retired Army general.  

    Bolduc, beat the GOP establishment-supported state Sen. Chuck Morse in the Republican primary last month.

    He had created controversy by questioning the results of the 2020 presidential election, but after winning the primary, he said on Fox News: “I have come to the conclusion, and I want to be definitive on this, the election was not stolen.”

    In her blistering statement announcing her leaving the Dems, the patriotic Army Reserve Major twice deployed to the Middle East, blasted the Democrats for their insane wokeness, calling them an ‘elitist cabal.’

    She also implored other “independent-minded Democrats” to join her by leaving the Democrats.

    As CNN reported:

    “I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party. It’s now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue & stoking anti-white racism, who actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms enshrined in our Constitution,” Gabbard said in a video posted to social media. The announcement was made on the first episode of her new podcast, “The Tulsi Gabbard Show.”

    Gabbard, who made history by becoming the first American Samoan and practicing Hindu in Congress following her election in 2012, also criticized what she said were Democrats’ “open border” policies and anti-police rhetoric.

    Gabbard endorsed Joe Biden after suspending her presidential campaign in 2020, but she has since been a vocal critic of the befuddled President.

    “President Biden campaigned on a message of unity, healing the partisan divide bringing the country together. He just gave a big speech saying supporters of President (Donald) Trump are the most extremist group in our country and a threat to our democracy. That’s half the country,” she said in her Tuesday video.

    During the 2020 campaign, Hillary Clinton suggested that Gabbard was being groomed as a potential third-party candidate without naming Gabbard, while also suggesting she was a “Russian asset.” 

    Appearing increasingly on Fox News, Gabbard even spoke to the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in February.

    While Gabbard has not said whether she will join the Republican Party, register as an independent or launch a new party, her strong support for Bolduc says a lot about her trajectory and hints to a possible future political role.

    The Blaze reports:

    The Bolduc campaign announced Wednesday that Gabbard will join the GOP candidate and “barnstorm the Granite State,” with a schedule of events forthcoming.

    “We don’t agree on every issue, but I am honored to have the support of Tulsi Gabbard who shares my view that the status quo is broken, and we need a change of direction,” Bolduc said in a statement.

    “Tulsi is a fellow change agent and independent-minded outsider willing to speak truth to power. I am going to spend every day between now and election day building a wide coalition of supporters that includes Republicans, independents and even disaffected Democrats…”

    A recent Trafalgar Group survey found incumbent Democrat Senator Maggie Hassan leading Bolduc by a tiny margin of 48% to Bolduc’s 45%, showing that the race remains tight and Hassan vulnerable.

    It is hoped that Gabbard’s independence, star quality and strong support can help propel Gen. Bolduc over the finish lion to victory. Let’s pray that it does.

    Opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of Great America News Desk.

    Amanda Head: High-Profile Democrats Bailing On…Democrats!


      Former Democrat presidential contender Tulsi Gabbard has finally called it quits with the Democrat Party. Did you see this coming?

      Watch Amanda break it down here.

      ‘Equity’ is the Opposite of Equality – It’s Evil Code for Socialism

        Gage Skidmore Flickr

        ANALYSIS – The term ‘equity’ has seeped into every aspect of U.S. domestic, and even foreign, policy. We hear the term everywhere. 

        Most recently VP Kamala Harris used it to describe how hurricane relief funds should be distributed in Florida based in part on skin color, and ‘communities of color’ should receive priority.

        This outrageous claim from Harris provoked a backlash from Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, many conservatives, and others.

        On his first day as president, Joe Biden also issued an “Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities.” 

        This made promoting ‘equity’ a centerpiece of his administration – a highly damaging proposition.

        But to many Americans it’s a totally innocuous term, which sounds a lot like equal or equality.

        And aren’t Americans supposed to be ‘equal under the law?’

        So, what is the big fuss?

        Well, the fact is the term ‘equity’ is just the latest effort in a long line of leftist code words intended to mask their true intent.

        Equity is not only not similar to equality; it is the polar opposite. It is an evil code word for socialism. 

        It means ignoring individuals and favoring some groups over others.

        The ultimate goal of ‘equity’ is not to ensure equal opportunities, it is to achieve equal outcomes. 

        That is just a new brand name for the oldest program of social and economic leveling ever invented – socialism.

        Harris admitted as much in a tweet and video, posted before the election and viewed well over 6 million times: “There’s a big difference between equality and equity.”

        But the left tends to not highlight the true impact of this huge difference.

        Instead, they argue that some people simply need a hand to help them reach the same level playing field.

        However, promoting “equity” means ending America’s traditional guiding ideal of “equal treatment under law.”

        It enshrines reverse discrimination as policy. 

        It is a mandate to discriminate based on skin color, economic standing, or other standards such as gender identification.

        And it is undermining America’s bedrock principle that people should be treated equally and judged as individuals, not as members of groups.

        As Charles Lipson wrote in “Equity” is Socialism by Another Name” in the Wall Street Journal last year:

        Those who push for equity have hidden these crucial differences for a reason. They aren’t merely unpopular; they challenge America’s bedrock principle that people should be treated equally and judged as individuals, not as members of groups.

         He adds:

        Hidden, too, are the extensive measures that would be needed to achieve equal outcomes. Only a powerful central government could impose the intensive—and expensive—programs of social intervention, ideological re-education and economic redistribution. Only an intrusive bureaucracy could specify the rules for every business, public institution and civic organization. Those unhappy implications are why advocates of equity are so determined to hide what the term really means.

        Lipson, a professor emeritus of political science at the University of Chicago, who founded the Program on International Politics, Economics, and Security, continues:

        One measure of how unpopular these unequal programs are is how often their proponents need to rename them. “Quotas” were restyled as “affirmative action.” The goal was still to give special benefits to some groups to achieve desired outcomes. Now “affirmative action” has also become toxic, rejected most recently by voters in deep-blue California. Hence, the new name, “equity.”

        Instead of making their case openly and honestly, advocates of equity twist and turn to avoid revealing their radical goal of re-engineering society through coercion. 

        This is the ultimate goal of the left – using the term ‘equity’ to mask a coercive socialist agenda intended to ‘fundamentally transform’ American society – to quote Barack Obama in 2008.

        Americans must challenge the concept and the term at every turn. We believe in equality not ‘equity.’ And we must fight to defend it. 

        Opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of Great America News Desk.

        Pro-Trump Rapper Kanye West Turns on Jared Kushner


          High-profile rapper and clothing designer Kanye West has found himself in the spotlight yet again.

          During a highly-anticipated interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, West harshly criticized former President Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner alleging he only supported and pursued peace deals between Israel and several Arab states for his own personal profit.

          “When I think about all of these things that Jared somehow doesn’t get enough credit for with his work — what is it his work? In Israel, what is this, in Palestine, you know where he made his peace treaties? do you know the facts on this right here?”

          “I just think it was to make money,” West said.

          West then reflected on a recent dinner he attended in Miami with Kushner, his wike Ivanka Trump and his brother Josh.

          “After talking to them and really sitting with Jared and sitting with Josh and finding out other pieces of information, I was like, wow, these guys might have really been holding Trump back, being very much a handler,” West said. “They love to look at me or look at Trump like we are so crazy and they are the businessmen.”

          “I think that’s what they are about is making money, I don’t think they have the ability to make anything on their own,” he continued. “I think they were born into money.”

          West’s criticism of Kushner’s work in the Middle East follows similar allegations levied against the former Trump admin. senior adviser by The Wall Street Journal that he was motivated by “post-employment interests.”

          Since leaving office Kushner launched a private equity firm, Affinity Partners, which landed a $2 billion investment from a Saudi Arabian wealth fund. The House Oversight Committee is investigating the investment.

          Amanda Head: Kamala Gets Roasted On Comedy Central

            Kamala Harris via Wikimedia Commons

            Vice President Kamala Harris is a laughing stock in the political realm and now even Comedy Central writers are taking notice…

            Watch what Amanda has to say below:

            Stacey Abrams’ Election Denial Just Came Back to Haunt Her

              Office of U.S. House Speaker, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

              The true election denier is not Donald Trump, it’s Stacey Abrams.

              The Georgia gubernatorial Democrat candidate claimed to CNN that she “never denied” the outcome of the 2018 race she lost to current Governor Brian Kemp (R).

              Appearing on CNN’s “Erin Burnett OutFront” Monday, Abrams spoke about a federal judge rejecting the lawsuit brought by her organization Fair Fight Action which challenged Georgia’s election practices. Burnett asked the gubernatorial hopeful if this loss would lead to her acknowledging Kemp’s victory after she refused to concede four years ago.


              “I acknowledged that I was not the governor,” Abrams replied, pointing to the beginning of her post-election speech. “What I said is that the process denied access to too many voters.”

              Abrams added that she has “never denied the outcome,” but that she has “always questioned the process and the access.”

              “Outcome is about who wins,” she continued, “and no one is entitled to victory, not even myself. I’ve never been unclear about the fact that I did not win the race.”

              Abrams must have conveniently forgotten the truth to her claims. The Georgia politician not only denied the election repeatedly but also went as far as to claim the election was “stolen” from her.

              According to Post Millenial, Abrams has reiterated false claims that she actually won the 2018 race for years but now that she’s on the ballot once again she’s attempting to squash the narrative that she is an election denier.

              “This is not a speech of concession because concession means to acknowledge an action is right, true or proper,” she said at the time.
              In the months that followed, Abrams remained steadfast that the election was “not free and fair,” on numerous occasions suggesting that she had actually won.

              “I did win my election, I just didn’t get to have the job,” she told Color of Change’s Rashad Robinson.

              Speaking in London in 2019, Abrams stated that Kemp “got to be the contestant, the referee and the scorekeeper — and shockingly, he won, or at least that’s what he tells us.” 

              “I know in my heart of hearts, we won,” she added, a statement she echoed at the National Action Network convention later that year. During that same convention, she even went so far as to suggest that the election had been “stolen.”

              Prominent Democrats, including Abrams, have attacked former President Donald Trump for his own claims the 2020 presidential election was rigged to help Democrats but so far Abrams has largely gone unscathed for her dangerous rhetoric.

              Abrams is facing off against Brian Kemp in November’s gubernatorial race.

              Many prognosticators, such as RealClearPolitics, have predicted a highly competitive race as Abrams desperately attempts to clench the office which has long alluded her but Gov. Kemp remains in the lead.

              The most recent FOX News poll reported Governor Kemp with a seven-point lead over the Democrat challenger.

              On Wednesday, Governor Kemp responded to Abrams’ ongoing election claims in a Wall Street Journal op-ed.

              Stacey Abrams lost her bid to become Georgia’s governor in 2018. Almost overnight she devoted herself to peddling the fiction that her defeat was the result of voter suppression. She peddled it in talk-show appearances, interviews and magazine articles and on glitzy book tours. Ms. Abrams created a false narrative that much of her target audience was willing to accept and echo over the past four years.

              After a four-year legal battle costing Georgia taxpayers more than $6 million, Fair Fight and its fellow plaintiffs were slapped down by a federal court last week. In a Sept. 30 decision, U.S. District Judge Steve C. Jones rejected all of Fair Fight’s claims about the 2018 elections. These included accusations that Georgia’s voter-list maintenance, citizenship verification and absentee-ballot cancellation processes were discriminatory. Among Fair Fight’s allegations were that the state violated voters’ rights under the First, 14th and 15th amendments and under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Judge Jones, an Obama appointee, had previously dismissed Fair Fight’s claims regarding long lines at polling places and precinct closures, as well as its unsupported claims that thousands of voters were unlawfully “purged” from the voter rolls.

              Amanda Head: Kanye West’s Latest Antics Exposes BLM for the Scam it Really Is


                Black Lives Matter has become synonymous with scamming and everyone knows it. Now, even Kanye West is calling attention to the organization.

                Watch Amanda break down the latest BLM controversy below.

                Amanda Head: Actor Blames Straight People For His Terrible Movie Bombing


                  A classic case of Hollywood victim elitism.

                  Over the weekend, a new movie called “Bros” hit movie theaters starring gay actor Billy Eichner which saw a lukewarm response. The movie which proudly boasts of having an all-LGBT cast cost over $20 million to make but saw less than $5 million in opening-weekend sales.

                  While there are likely many factors that contributed to the massive failure Eichner opted to blame “homophobic” Americans for the massive failure despite previously pushing some people to steer clear of the movie.


                  Watch Amanda break it down below.

                  Amanda Head: Biden Beckons Dead Congresswoman


                    President Biden committed a serious gaffe when he called out for late Congresswoman Jackie Walorski who tragically passed earlier this year. Biden’s mistake instantly triggered a fresh onslaught of calls for a mental competency test.

                    See what Amanda has to say below.