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Republican Governor Criticizes Trump Over Classified Records Retention, Urges DOJ to Finish Investigation

    The White House from Washington, DC, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

    Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson (R) says it’s time for the Justice Department to conclude its months-long investigation into the classified documents Donald Trump reportedly took from the White House after leaving office. During an appearance with CNN Tonight, the Republican governor criticized Trump for holding the records at Mar-a-Lago, which eventually spurred the recent FBI raid, saying the move was “not appropriate.”

    Mediaite reports:

    Well, in the short term, you could almost give the attorney general the title of honorary campaign manager and fundraiser for Donald Trump. Clearly, that has resorted to his benefit in the short term.

    I think it’s important we keep the public interest in mind. The public interest is making sure that classified information, sensitive public documents, are returned to archives, to their protected environment. It’s not appropriate for these documents to be running loose at Mar-a-Lago. That’s not appropriate. That has to be returned and secure.

    And then this whole thing needs to be wrapped up. Unless there’s something that is totally oblivious to the facts that we know now, this is not something that I see leading to indictments. I don’t see that. It needs to be wrapped up. And I hope that can be accomplished in the future so we can get on with the business of the country and get the documents restored. And I think that was the motivation of the Department of Justice. But who knows whenever they have not spoken clearly about it?

    On Monday, Trump’s legal team filed a motion seeking an order to appoint a special master to review the records obtained during the search. If granted, the motion would block the further review of seized materials until a special master is appointed and will require the Justice Department to provide a more detailed receipt for property and the prompt return of any item seized that was not within the scope of the search warrant.

    “ALL documents have been previously declassified,” Trump said in a statement. “We are demanding the appointment of a SPECIAL MASTER to oversee the handling of the materials taken in the raid. We are further demanding that the DOJ be forced to turn over a REAL, without ‘plants,’ inventory of my property that was taken and disclose where that property is now located.”

    “The wrongful, overbroad warrant was signed by a Magistrate Judge who recused himself just two months ago, from a MAJOR civil suit that I filed, because of his bias and animus toward me,” he continued. “This Mar-a-Lago Break-In, Search, and Seizure was illegal and unconstitutional, and we are taking all actions necessary to get the documents back, which we would have given to them without the necessity of the despicable raid of my home, so that I can give them to the National Archives until they are required for the future Donald J. Trump Presidential Library and Museum.”

    Last month, Gov. Hutchinson stirred the pot by officially declaring he would not support Trump’s next campaign, despite having voted for him in the past telling CBS Mornings that he believed the president’s actions regarding Jan. 6th constituted a “threat to democracy.”

    “As you can see from the testimony on Jan. 6, then and subsequent to the election where he was challenging the legality of it, the lawful transfer of [power] — yes, that was a threat to our democracy. That was a threat to our institutions of government,” the governor said. “And that’s not the behavior we want to see in a responsible president.”

    “I would not be supporting him for 2024″ he continued. “He acted irresponsibly. During that time, he was a risk to the nation, absolutely.” 

    Hutchinson, a known critic of the former president, has also floated the possibility of running for president in 2024, possibly teeing up an intense battle between the two Republicans. The Arkansas governor is likely to be succeeded by former Trump White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

    New Accusations Released About Member of Trump’s Family and Inner Circle

    [Photo Cred: Office of the President of the United States, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]

    Former Trump adviser Peter Navarro recently made some potentially damaging accusations about Jared Kushner, former President Trump’s son-in-law and longtime White House adviser.

    As reported by Mediaite, Navarro recently bashed Kushner about his portrayal of several dramatic actions he allegedly took while working at the White House.

    “Appearing on Newsmax, Navarro addressed Kushner’s claim in his recently-published book that he was treated for thyroid cancer while serving in the White House.

    Host Chris Salcedo flagged the excerpt from the book and stated Kushner “withheld a cancer diagnosis during tense negotiations with communist China.

    Navarro addressed Kushner’s book.

    “It’s fiction,” he continued. “And the thyroid thing, that came out of nowhere. I saw the guy every day. There’s no sign that he was in any pain or danger or whatever. I think it’s just sympathy to try to sell his book now.”

    Salcedo asked if Kushner is “worthy” of Trump’s trust.

    “No,” Navarro replied. “Time after time, whether it’s mismanagement of the campaign, mismanagement of the pandemic, taking too much credit for NAFTA, taking too much credit for the Abraham Accords. I mean, the guy was just a one-man wrecking crew, 36 years old I think when he got in there with no training. His only qualification was that he was the boss’s son-in-law.”

    Notably, Navarro is dealing with a few of his own issues at the moment. A few days ago he was sued by President Biden’s Justice Department for refusing to hand over emails from his personal accounts which were used to conduct official White House business. Earlier this summer, he was criminally charged for ignoring a subpoena from the Jan. 6 Committee.

    Former Trump Adviser Sued by Biden’s Justice Department

    [Photo Cred: Office of the President of the United States, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]

    President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against former President Donald Trump’s trade adviser, Peter Navarro.

    The lawsuit alleges Navarro used personal email accounts to conduct official White House business, “constituting presidential records.” The DOJ also accused the former Trump adviser of violating federal record-keeping laws when he didn’t copy the emails into an official government account or respond to the National Archives requests for the messages.

    “Mr. Navarro is wrongfully retaining Presidential records that are the property of the United States, and which constitute part of the permanent historical record of the prior administration,” the lawsuit states. “Mr. Navarro’s wrongful retention of Presidential records violates District of Columbia law, federal common law, and the [Presidential Records Act].”

    The Justice Department said officials initially approached Navarro about handing over the missing emails, but he refused “absent a grant of immunity for the act of returning such documents.”

    Navarro’s attorneys, John Irving and John Rowley denied withholding the messages.

    “As detailed in our recent letter to the Archives, Mr. Navarro instructed his lawyers to preserve all such records, and he expects the government to follow standard processes in good faith to allow him to produce records,” Navarro’s lawyers told POLITICO. “Instead, the government chose to file its lawsuit today.”

    The civil lawsuit was assigned to U.S. District Court Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, an appointee of former President Bill Clinton.

    The lawsuit marks the latest in a string of public battles between the former Trump adviser and the U.S. government. In June, Navarro was charged with contempt of Congress after he refused to comply with the January 6th panel’s subpoena requests.

    Trump-backed Candidate Wins Arizona GOP Gubernatorial Primary

    Kari Lake speaking with supporters at a "Stand for Freedom" rally at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Scottsdale Resort in Scottsdale, Arizona. [Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons]

    Former television news anchor-turned-staunch Trump supporter Kari Lake has been declared the winner of Arizona’s highly competitive gubernatorial primary.

    With an estimated 94% of ballots counted, Lake has 46.78% of the vote, compared to Karrin Robson with 44.03%. Lake will now face off against Democratic nominee Katie Hobbs in the November 8th general election in what is expected to be one of the most closely watched races in the country.

    Early Wednesday, Lake prematurely declared victory in the GOP primary while addressing supporters.“I wanted to come out here tonight, I wanted to say, ‘Wow, we already have the final results,’” she said. “But we know how our election systems work and they don’t work well. And that’s one of the reasons why I’m standing here.”

    With three-quarters of the vote in, Robson led Lake by eight. However, Arizona is a state where mail-in ballots get tabulated first. Then, Election Day votes are counted. The process is the same in Florida. The result, depending on the order chosen by a given state, created red and blue mirages in 2020, given Democrats’ tendency to vote by mail and Republicans’ overwhelming desire to vote on Election Day.

    Two years ago, that phenomenon lead to Biden leading Trump by four points in increasingly reddish Florida early on election night before Trump overtook him by a relatively decisive three-point margin. For Lake — who won the Election Day count in some precincts by as much as 40 points — the result was the same.

    The highly anticipated race set up a proxy war between former President Donald Trump and his Vice President Mike Pence. Trump, who has become a kingmaker of sorts within the GOP threw his support behind Lake. Meanwhile, Pence and current Arizona Governor Doug Ducey chose Robinson.

    Trump’s endorsements have become a sort of gauge of his own power within the GOP as he toys with launching a third presidential campaign.

    Ron DeSantis to Campaign for Trump-endorsed Candidates: Report


    Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will reportedly travel to multiple states this month to campaign for key Trump-endorsed candidates.

    DeSantis is planning to travel to New Mexico, Arizona, Pennsylvania and Ohio this month to participate in rallies being organized by Turning Point USA. The popular governor will stump for key candidates including Ohio Republican candidate for Senate JD Vance, Pennsylvania’s GOP gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano, Arizona Republican candidate for Senate Blake Masters and GOP nominee for governor Kari Lake.

    According to Fox News:

    “Gov. DeSantis is America’s governor and one of the most popular leaders in America,” Charlie Kirk, founder and president of Turning Point Action, told Fox News. “He has become the model for a new conservative movement that is willing to stand on principle and to actually fight on behalf of the values of his voters.”

    Kirk added: “That he is willing to throw the full weight of his support behind Kari, Blake, and JD tells you everything you need to know about these incredible candidates who I endorse and support 100%.”

    Kirk said he believes Lake “will be the Ron DeSantis of the West, and Blake and JD will help break apart the uni-party consensus in Washington D.C., to stop the endless wars, the runaway spending and put an end to the cocktail party Republicans who seem to be good at one thing only – betraying their voters.”

    “Doug Mastriano has become a true champion of the grassroots in Pennsylvania and Rep. Yvette Herrell is poised to hold her critical seat in New Mexico’s 2nd congressional district,” Kirk continued, adding that DeSantis has “the unique ability to unite conservatives around these candidates.”

    Lake told Fox News she believes DeSantis has set the “gold standard” for conservative governance and looks forward to working with him.

    DeSantis’ tour to help “unite” the Republican Party will surely send a shiver down Democrats’ spines, as it provides a further example of his rising power within the party.

    Some Democrats have already read the writing on the wall and have begun to label the Florida governor as a “scarier” opponent than Trump in regard to the next presidential election. One political strategist predicted DeSantis could be the real candidate Biden faces off against, which could ultimately pose a serious threat to Democrats.

    According to The Hill:

    “To me, DeSantis is the scarier prospect,” one Democratic strategist said. “He’s a smarter version of Trump, he’s way more strategic, and he doesn’t have a hundred lawsuits at his feet.“

    “If Trump goes bust, and he very well may, he’s the main guy I’d be watching,” the strategist said of the Florida governor.

    However, while it seems many conservatives are trending toward supporting DeSantis’ eventual bid for the White House, some Republican lawmakers are still holding out. Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach former President Trump, says she’s concerned about DeSantis, especially his relationship with the former president.

    Cheney, who is currently facing a fierce reelection battle, told New York Times reporter Jonathan Martin that while she may support a Republican in 2024 it definitely won’t be Trump and she’s not convinced by DeSantis either.

    “I think that Ron DeSantis has lined himself up almost entirely with Donald Trump, and I think that’s very dangerous,” Rep. Cheney said.